Nationwide Dead Kid
AboutNationwide Dead Kid refers to the child character featured in the Super Bowl XLIX commercial for the American insurance company Nationwide in which a young boy lists a series of things he will...
View ArticleI Wish I Could Talk to Ponies
AboutI Wish I Could Talk to Ponies is an exploitable 4-panel webcomic featuring a young girl who wishes that she could speak to a pony, but upon its fulfillment, the talking animal blurts out a blunt...
View ArticleRevenge Porn
AboutRevenge Porn refers to any sexually explicit content that is shared on the Internet without the consent of the subject pictured within. The practice is typically associated with those who seek to...
View ArticleBill Clinton Records/Bill Clinton Swag
AboutBill Clinton Records/Bill Clinton Swag is an exploitable meme using an image template of former U.S. President Bill Clinton with several vinyl albums. The original image was a photoshop taken from...
View ArticleRobert Mugabe Fall
AboutRobert Mugabe Fall is a photoshop meme featuring a picture of the President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe falling down a step on his way to give a speech in Harare, Zimbabwe.OriginOn February 4th,...
View ArticleOperation Disrespectul Nod
AboutOperation Disrespectful Nod is an email campaign organised and executed by supporters of the Gamergate movement, sending emails to various companies who advertised on the websites of specific...
View ArticleWakfu / Dofus
AboutDofus is a massive multiplayer online tactical role playing game edited and developed by French company Ankama and released in 2004. Set in the heroic-fantasy world of Amakna, the game recieved...
View ArticleMais ça c'était avant
AboutMais ça, c’était avant is a catchphrase used by Krys, a chain of French opticians, as part of its advertising campaign. This sentence became widely used on the Internet as well as in other media,...
View ArticleSomecallmejohnny
AboutSomecallmejohnny, or Juan “Johnny” Ortiz, is a Peurto Rican gamer who reviews various games, ranging from Sonic, Mario, and Metroid. His reviews are best known for their impartiality and...
View ArticleAwoo~
AboutAwoo~ is a phrase associated with the character Momiji Inubashiri from the Touhou Project series of video games, who has also been given the nickname “Awoo~” as a result of this. Unlike many other...
View ArticleMorning News
About“Morning News” s an exploitable generator on PhotoFunia[1]. The generator utilizes an uploaded image, and text feilds for an article heading and newspaper section to give the appearance that the...
View ArticleBoku no Hero Academia
WIP. Feel free to request editorshipAboutBoku no Hero Academia, translated as My Hero Academia, is a manga series created by Kōhei Horikoshi, and published in Shounen Jump. The story is set on a world...
View ArticleBattlefield Series
AboutBattlefield is a series of First Person Shooters published by Electronic Arts TM and developed by Digital Illusions CE. The series focuses on online multiplayer combined arms combat featuring...
View ArticleKrainaGrzybowTV
AboutKrainaGrzybowTV, also known as Mushroomland TV, KGTV and Kraina Grzybów is a Polish YouTube channel featuring 60’s themed videos well-known for nonsensological, foreign sentences and weird plot,...
View ArticleSad Violin
(WiP)AboutSad Violin is a nickname given to the song Sad Romance from the soundtrack to the Korean drama Over the Green Fields, which is usually used during a sad or otherwise depressing event in...
View ArticleCheck Out My Mixtape / Mixtape is Fire
AboutCheck out My Mixtape and Check out My Mixtape Fam are phrases used in social media sites like twitter to mock the instrusiveness, as well as the quality of the music of artists (commonly rappers)...
View Article#BrianWilliamsMisremembers
About#BrianWilliamsMisremembers is a Twitter hashtag and photoshop meme featuring the anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News Brian Williams following a news scandal regarding Williams’ false...
View ArticleOperation ISIS / #opISIS
PLEASENOTE: as of February 9,2015 the entry is brand new and it documents a recent event. The contents of the entry may expand as more and more information become available.AboutOperation ISIS, known...
View ArticleAnti-Vaccination Movement
AboutThe Anti-Vaccination Movement, also known as the Anti-Vaxxer Movement, is a grassroots medical activist campaign that opposes the practice of vaccination based on fears about the adverse effects...
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