KrainaGrzybowTV, also known as Mushroomland TV, KGTV and Kraina Grzybów is a Polish YouTube channel featuring 60’s themed videos well-known for nonsensological, foreign sentences and weird plot, telling the story of a mysterious place called Mushroomland. The videos include: Smile Guide’s, Mushroom Melodie’s and OST’s. Series present five main characters: Agatha, Maggie, Agatha’s Mom, Jeansman and Caroline.
On December 23, 2013, a group of people recognized as students, created an account on YouTube/Google+ named KrainaGrzybowTV[1][2]. The same day, a Poradnik Uśmiechu 1 – Jak skutecznie jabłko (Smile Guide 1 – How to succesfully apple) video was uploaded [3]. Up to date, the episode gained over 1 000 000 views. Shortly after, a official Facebook account was made [4]. On January 6, 2014, KrainaGrzybówTV uploaded Poradnik Uśmiechu OST– Czas Pracy (Smile Guide OST– Work Time) [5]and on February 4 Poradnik Uśmiechu OST– Zmartwienia (Smile Guide OST– Worries_) [6]. The second guide (_How to make from paper) made appearance 2 months after the first [7]. In a few months, third OST and first Mushroom Melodies Grzybowe Melodie – Ballada w Rytmie Dżins were done [8][9]. People also received a Smile Guide 3 promo teaser W Krainie Grzybów[10]. However, it was deleted by the creator. On May 21, a KrainaGrzybówTV website was established [11]. Through time, KrainaGrzybowTV was regularly posting fake screencaps and photos on Facebook. Past the Mushroom Melodies, channel took a 4 month hiatus, and made a comeback on September 18, in form of Poradnik Uśmiechu 4 – Jak swoje włosy (Smile Guide 4 – How to your hair) [12]. The digit was not a typo, it has been confirmed intentional by an older scheme [13]. Fourth OST from Smile Guide 4 was completed on November 3 [14]. On December 6, almost a full year after original Smile Guide, KrainaGrzybowTV has shown us a yet unexplained video To nie moje (It’s not mine) [15].
The channel has got around 2 500 000 views, 400 000 Google+ views, 300 observers and 30 000 subscriptions due to long waiting time. On Facebook, it has got about 65 000 likes and average of likes for post – 2000.
On May 8, 2014 a Polish YouTuber and critic NiekrytyKrytyk reviewed first two episodes of the show [16]. Two channels, KrainaX and SzopDemaskuje were focusing on Mushroomland’s theme, plot and sense [17][18]. On the website Paranormalne.pl 3 KGTV based threads were written, one closed [19][20]. On reddit, a /r/krainagrzybow/ was founded. It got 98 readers overall [21]. Also user Svajoklis93 founded a KrainaGrzybowTV unofficial wiki, both in English and in Polish [22]. On interia.pl, KG article gained 400 comments [23], on Polish derativate of reddit, wykop.pl article gained 40 comments [24], on Creepypasta Wiki– 200 [25] and on Dwutygodnik– 270 likes [26].
2014 Agatha Identify Hoax
On wykop.pl, user incorrectly identified Agatha as a Maria Curie-Skłodowska University student Diana Klimowicz [27].
There was a KGTV related thread originating from uminus.pl website [28]. Main character – Marcus Molibdenus had a related theme and KrainaGrzybowTV references. Then, bohrystrojka.vot,pl, redirected to bohrystrojka.pl concentrated on a Bohrys Mikołajewicz Helcyn character, based on russian president Borys Jelcyn, Wiktor Mikołajewicz Helcyn and Nadieżda Pietrowa Kuzniecowa [29][30]. The website featured and Agatha, Jeansman and Maggie calendar drawings and Maggie drawing on a mystery video note. Later, the same webpage was apparently “hacked” by Molibdenus, later revealed to be the same person. The author revealed himself as Plaster Rzeczywistości, the semi-creator of KrainaGrzybowTV [31]. The fact itself, is not confirmed. On December 19, 2014 a Bohrys related site was launched. It’s character’s name is Mrots Dnasedurad, a pun from Darude – Sandstorm, a well known meme [32].
Teufel– aka devil, is a rumor based on a caption from Smile Guide 1, that Maggie the squirrel is actually a demon trying to abduct Agatha from her mom.
On KG related posts, Facebook users posted fanarts, cosplay, reaction images and remixes. On YouTube people uploaded KGTV reveal videos and episode parodies.
Exploitable comic
On June 6, 2014, on Facebook, KrainaGrzybowTV posted an image with a “wytłumacz jej” (“explain to her”) postscript, which received over 160 comments with edits of the comic [33].
Notable Examples
Search Interest
External References
[1]YouTube – KrainaGrzybowTV
[2]Google+ – KrainaGrzybowTV
[3]YouTube – Poradnik Uśmiechu 1 – Jak skutecznie jabłko
[4]Facebook – KrainaGrzybowTV
[5]YouTube – Poradnik Uśmiechu OST– Czas Pracy
[6]YouTube – Poradnik Uśmiechu OST– Zmartwienia
[7]YouTube – Poradnik Uśmiechu 2 – Jak zrobić z papieru
[8]YouTube – Poradnik Uśmiechu OST– Na Złej Drodze
[9]YouTube – Grzybowe Melodie – Ballada w Rytmie Dżins
[10]YouTube – W Krainie Grzybów – zwiastun odcinka trzeciego
[11]Koszulka.tv – KrainaGrzybowTV
[12]YouTube – Poradnik Uśmiechu 4 – Jak swoje włosy
[13]Facebook – codzienna pielęgnacja twarzy
[14]YouTube – Poradnik Uśmiechu OST– Nowe Przebudzenie
[15]YouTube – To nie moje
[16]YouTube – Niekryty Krytyk ocenia: Kraina Grzybów
[18]YouTube – SzopDemaskuje
[19]paranormalne.pl – Projekt ‘Kraina Grzybów’
[20]paranormalne.pl – Zagadki nie dot. Krainy Grzybów
[21]reddit – Kraina Grzybow
[22]Wikia – Kraina Grzybow Wiki
[23]Interia – Kraina Grzybów – największa tajemnica polskiego internetu
[24]wykop.pl – Poradniki Uśmiechu (Kraina Grzybów) – rozwiązanie zagadki
[25]Wikia – Creepypasta Wiki – Kraina Grzybów
[26]Dwutygodnik – Kraina Grzybów
[27]wykop.pl – Więcej o Agatce czyli Dianie i całej “ekipie” stojącej za KGTV
[28]U- – U miNus Kraina
[29]bohrystrojka.vot.pl – Bohrystrojka
[30]bohrystrojka.pl – Bohrystrojka
[31]Riddles.pl – Plaster Rzeczywistości
[32]Mrots – Mrots Dnasedurad
[33]Facebook – wytłumacz jej