#BrianWilliamsMisremembers is a Twitter hashtag and photoshop meme featuring the anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News Brian Williams following a news scandal regarding Williams’ false claims he made about time he spent in Iraq. The photoshopped images commonly feature Williams present in notable historic events.
On January 30th, 2015, NCB anchor Brian Williams repeated a story of his time in Iraq in 2003, claiming that he he was flying in a helicopter that “was forced down after being hit by an RPG.” Following this, crew members who were on the helicopter that was actually hit came forward saying that Williams was on a different helicopter that arrived at the crash site later. In the past Williams had repeated the story multiple times, including pn “The Late Show with David Letterman” in March 2013 (shown below).
Notable Developments
Willaims’ Apology
A few days following the scandal, on February 4th, Brian Williams made an official apology, describing the tale as “a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran.”
On Twitter
The Twitter reactions were also covered by various online news outlets, such as Business Insider,[2] Washington Times,[3] Mediaite,[4] Total Frat Move[5] and Buzzfeed.[6]
Notable Examples
External References
[1]Wikipedia – Brian Williams
[2]UK Business Insider – The internet is having a field day with Brian Williams’ shoddy recollection of the past
[3]Washington Times – Brian Williams’ lie takes social media by storm; Viewers vent outrage with mocking hashtags
[4]Mediaite – Twitter Is Having a Ball With #BrianWilliamsMisremembers
[5]Total Frat Move – #BrianWilliamsMisremembers Photoshop Jobs On Twitter Are Immaculately Roasting The NBC Anchor Right Now
[6]Buzzfeed News – The Best Responses To Brian Williams’ “Misremembering” Iraq