Check out My Mixtape and Check out My Mixtape Fam are phrases used in social media sites like twitter to mock the instrusiveness, as well as the quality of the music of artists (commonly rappers) asking people to listen to their music, which is normally compiled in a mixtape[1] format.
The phrase is normally followed with images of a person being intrusive and annoying towards others.
Another popular phrase is My Mixtape is Fire (fire being used to refer to someone rapping) which is followed by images of literal fires in different context.
One of the earliest images date back to july 7, 2014, with the Daquan meme, in which a picture with the caption “No Daquan you can’t write the link to your mixtape on the board” was uploaded to twitter by account @YaBoyTabarius
No Daquan you can't write the link to your mixtape on the board pic.twitter.com/4Wezna6R04
— Tabarius (@YaBoyTabarius) July 7, 2014
The same day a similar image mentioing Daquan´s mixtape as fire was uploaded by account @PerfectSceness
"Wow, Jessica I'm sorry for doubting you. Daquan's mixtape is fire!" pic.twitter.com/l3U3kbfndc
— Perfect Scenes (@PerfectSceness) July 8, 2014
On November 14, 2014, Internet Personality Filthy Frank uploaded a video titled “BADINTERNETRAPPERS” (Shown Below) in which he parodies The behaviour of amateur rappers, and jokingly demonstrates the steps to becoming one, in the video he mentions his annoyance towards them shamelessly promoting their mixtape and soundcloud.
After the video, both Phrases increased in popularity, with multiple tweets and captioned images.
The Subreddit “r/BlackPeopleTwitter”[2] currently holds a number of examples of these images
Notable Examples
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External References
[2]Twitter – r/BlackPeopleTwitter