Oh, I'm Sorry, I Thought This Was X?
This entry is under W.I.P.. You may request for editorship if you know the meme, but please be reasonable. Thank you.AboutOh, I’m Sorry, I Thought This Was X also known as their other names Oh, I’m...
View ArticleFallout 3: Number's Station
Fallout 3: Number’s Station is about radio station in the game with its voice actor “3 Dog” is heard saying weird numbers and sentences such as “Have you watched my YouTube video yet, I uploaded myself...
View Article4chan Cup
About4chan Cup is a series of twitch streams goes with football competitions between the boards on 4chan. Players are generally associated with popular phrases or memes.OriginWIP
View ArticleFix EU West
About: “Fix EU West” is a popular phrase coming from the League of Legends community that started around 2011.It comes into play literally all the time, whenever there is an issue with the servers for...
View ArticleFirst Kiss
AboutFirst Kiss is a viral video produced by director Tatia Pilieva for the fashion label Wren, featuring 20 actors and models who are filmed under the premise that they are kissing a stranger for the...
View ArticleMerlin
AboutMerlin is a British fantasy drama that follows the adventure of Merlin and Prince Arthur as young teenagers as they protect Camelot. The show remained popular on Tumblr through its run and...
View Article#McConnelling
About#McConnelling is a video remix fad that involves setting an alternate background music to U.S. Republican senator Mitch McConnell’s election campaign advertisement released in March 2014. Since...
View ArticleJealous Husky
AboutJealous Husky, also known as Pissed Off Husky, is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of an annoyed-looking Alaskan Malamute dog seated next to a man and a woman on a...
View ArticleKyoto Animation
AboutKyoto Animation (often abbreviated to KyoAni) is a japanese anime studio based in Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, and is responsible for many popular anime series, most notably The Melancholy of Haruhi...
View ArticleKheDa
Serhii Borona aka Comha aka KheDa A guy who stole Edits, Bootlegs, Remixes and Original Tracks!He also stoled a track of Elephante called ‘Pretty Lights’ and entered in a contest of Ukraine Best...
View ArticleHeard You Were Talking Shit
(Work In Progress)About“Heard You Were Talking Shit…” is a phrase often used in reaction images where an angry person or an animal glares at something. It is sometimes followed up with “…Like I...
View ArticleDouchebagChocolat
About: DouchebagChocolat (more commonly referred to as Demolition D+) is a popular youtuber who reviews anime. Online History: His channel was created on 30.05.2007, and his first video was posted on...
View ArticleNutted But She Still Suckin
When a male has ejaculated but the female counterpart that is responsible for the male’s orgasm does not cease after said event and continues performing fellatio without any regard to prior event.
View ArticleIslam
AboutIslam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion which revolves around the worship and submission to God. Islam’s followers are known as Muslims and they believe that God’s final prophet was a man named...
View ArticleShut Up Your Mouse Obama
About“Shut Up Your Mouse Obama” is a memorable quote said by a middle-aged Egyptian woman in accusing U.S. President Barack Obama and the American government of meddling in her country’s affairs during...
View Article"What a time to be alive..."
READ ME! Before you start this “I haven’t seen it before, therefore it is not a meme. +1 Deadpool” mentality, I do think that this is sub-worthy, so if anyone can help me out, just request...
View ArticleThe DFTBA Sexual Abuse Scandal
OverviewThe DFTBA Sexual Abuse Scandal refer to a series of accusations of sexual misconducts made against several musicians who were or are signed to the Don’t Forget To Be Awesome (DFTBA) Records, a...
View ArticleWaluigi
Expecting a polished entry? This entry is a work in progress.AboutWaluigi is a character from the Mario video game franchise. Despite having appeared mainly in spinoffs of the franchise, he has gained...
View ArticleBechdel Test
AboutThe Bechdel Test is a collection of three questions that can be posed to a film to see how it handles its female characters (or lack thereof). It originally comes from the comic strip Dykes to...
View ArticleAmerican Horror Story
AboutAmerican Horror Story is an American horror television drama that consists of mini-series-like season that each have their own theme and characters, though multiple season employ many of the same...
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