>tfw no gf
(Work in Progress)About>tfw no gf is an expression used in 4chan’s green-text code that is used to describe the feeling of loneliness and lack of companionship. It is often paired up with I Know...
View ArticleStephensondz keton
Super Cleanse Total is a safe and effective way to eliminate all the parasites and other harmful waste out from the colon system. Further, the product is a dietary supplement that is very routine...
View ArticleJurassic Park
AboutJurassic Park is a series of science fiction novels and films about an island theme park populated by dinosaurs that have been cloned from fossil DNA. Based on the 1990 eponymous novel by Michael...
View ArticleNeat
About“Neat” is an English idiomatic expression used to highlight something that is deemed interesting or noteworthy by the speaker. Since rising to online popularity as a catchphrase associated with...
View ArticleSouth by Southwest
OverviewSouth by Southwest (SXSW) is an annual spring festival and conference held in Austin, Texas with separate film, interactive and music portions. Since its inception in 1987, SXSW has continued...
View ArticleX delivers Y at Z
X delivers the Y at Z is a series of images originating from an image in the Expand Dong gallery of Know Your Meme.At January of 2014, Jack the Dipper released an expand dong image showing Squidward...
View ArticleDead Space
AboutDead Space is a horror survival action game developed by EA Redwood Studios, now known as Visceral Games. The game takes place aboard a space mining ship known as the USG Ishimura, where an...
View Article"He's dead, Jim"/"It's dead, Jim"
Origin“He’s dead, Jim,” is a popular catch phrase from the original Star Trek television series (infused into modern culture by its countless reruns) that is used as a pronouncement that something is...
View ArticleDoog
Doog, is a slang term for “Dog” that is primarily associated with pictures of a Pomeranian pup with a odd facial expression. These photos may be photo-shopped to change the dog’s face and or to add...
View ArticleFamitracker
AboutFamiTracker is a free program for Windows that allows the user to compose music for the Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom videogame system. It is often used to create remixes of popular...
View ArticleWonderwall
About“Wonderwall” is a 1995 Britpop song by the English alternative rock band Oasis. Due to the lasting popularity and easy chord progression of the song, it has been cited as one of the most...
View ArticleInfuriated Egyptian Woman (Shut up your mouse, Obama!)
About“Infuriated Egyptian Woman” is a video of a middle-aged Egyptian woman launching a hilarious and grammatically incorrect tirade against U.S. President Barack Obama.OriginDuring the February 2014...
View ArticleWhaling
AboutWhaling is a Vine video fad in which participants mimic a breaching whale by falling backwards in mid-air.OriginOn March 9th, 2014, Viner StarsCHI_nHutch uploaded a video with the hashtag...
View ArticleFake Chef Pranks News Stations
In early 2014, comedian Nick Preuher went on multiple television networks, posing as a chef promoting a fake cookbook entitled “making a winner out of last nights dinner”. during these segments he made...
View ArticleSquart Guy
AboutSquart Guy is the nickname of OKCupid user papapaka, who gained notoriety for his online dating profile describing his sexual fantasies in explicit details, combined with numerous spelling and...
View ArticleMalaysian Airlines Flight 370
OverviewMalaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was a scheduled passenger flight which departed from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China on March 8th, 2014, before disappearing with 227 passengers 12 crew...
View ArticlePictures For Sad Children
AboutPictures For Sad Children is a webcomic series by artist John Campbell known for its dark, absurdist humor. The comic ended abruptly in 2014 following several controversies surrounding a...
View ArticleSelena Gomez Crying
AboutSelena Gomez Crying is a reaction image and photoshop meme based on a still shot of American teen pop idol on the brink of crying during a radio interview in December 2013.OriginOn December 9th,...
View ArticleLet Me Take a Selfie
AboutLet Me Take a Selfie is a meme originating on Vine that involves lip-synching to a clip of The Chainsmokers’ “#Selfie” before making dramatic and often comic selfie poses.OriginThe video for “Let...
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