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Gender Swapping


Gender Swapping refers to the common fandom practice of swapping the gender of a popular character while having them retain the basics of their appearance and personality within fanfiction or fan art.

Online History

On January 4th, 2007, Urban Dictionary[2] user Velvet Mace submitted an entry for genderswitch, which defined it as:

“1. A type of “what if” fanfic where one (or more) of the characters is the opposite gender from canon but otherwise has the same personality and back-story. This can either happen as a part of the plot, or simply be a given. Most often it is a male character that is turned female, in which he is referred to as femme!character or girl!character. The female equivalent is male!character.

2. Fanart where the character is the opposite gender from canon."

Rue 63

Rule 63 is an internet adage which states that for every fictional character, there exists an opposite-gender counterpart. It is considered a notable tenet of the anonymously-written Rules of the Internet, next to Rules 1 & 2 and Rule 34.

For every given male character, there is a female version of that character.
For every given female character, there is a male version of that character.

Rule 63 was first introduced as part of the expanded edition of Anonymous’ Rules of the Internet, most likely published in the summer of 2007, based on Google Insights. The Urban Dictionary entry for “Rule 63” was first submitted by user InternetHateMachine on August 8th, 2007.


On May 19th, 2007, LiveJournal[9] user musesfool published a list of fan fiction titled “Recs: Genderswap (Wincest, het, gen).” On June 15th, 2008, LiveJournal[10] user chelseafrew published a request titled “Request for Stories: Genderswap.” On March 21st, 2010, LiveJournal[11] user marlowe78 published a post titled “Longer Genderswap.” On August 3rd, 2013, LiveJournal[12] user wcstoryfinder published a post titled “Genderswap AUs?”


On November 9th, 2011, the Tumblr account fuckyeahgenderswap[5] was created. There are also several fandom specific gender swap Tumblr blogs including disneygenderbender[6], which was created on February 16th, 2014, and sherlockgenderswap[7], which was created on August 3rd, 2011.


On July 22nd, 2011, the DeviantArt group genderbender-lovers[4] was created, as of October 2014, the group has gained over 600 members and over 70,000 page views. Other gender swap groups on the site include mlpgenderswap[13] and startrek-genderswap.[14] As of October 2014, DeviantArt[3] has over 19,000 pieces of fan art tagged gender swap.

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Media Coverage

On May 18th, 2011, Buzzfeed[8] published a fan art collection titled “Strange Gender Swap Fan-Art.” On October 2nd, 2012, Femininemiss Geek[16] published a post titled “Your Gender Swap Fan Art of the Day.” On April 9th, 2014, Geeky Tyrant[15] published a post titled “Daring and Delightful Genderswap Art Series.”

Notable Examples

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Search Interest

External References

[1]Urban Dictionary – genderswitch

[2]Urban Dictionary – Rule 63

[3]DeviantArt – gender swap

[4]DeviantArt – genderbender-lovers

[5]Tumblr – fuckyeahgenderswap

[6]Tumblr – disneygenderbender

[7]Tumblr – sherlockgenderswap

[8]Buzzfeed – Strange Gender Swap Fan-Art

[9]LiveJournal – musesfool

[10]Live Journal – twstoryfinder

[11]Live Journal – spnstoryfinders

[12]Live Journal – wcstoryfinder

[13]DeviantArt – mlpgenderswap

[14]DeviantArt – startrek-genderswap

[15]Geeky Tyrant – Daring and Delightful Genderswap Art Series

[16]Femininemiss Geek – Your Gender Swap Fan Art of the Day

Joe Biden


Joe Biden is the 47th Vice President of the United States who was elected with President Barack Obama during the 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections.

Online History

“Indian Accent” Gaffe

In July 2006, Biden was filmed making controversial remarks about Delaware’s Indian-American population (shown below). A video of the incident was widely distributed in mainstream news media and online. On July 7th, CBS News reported that a spokesperson for Biden claimed the statement was not meant to be interpreted as derogatory.

“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

2007-2008 Democratic Presidential Primary

On January 31st, 2007, Biden declared his candidacy for President of the United States and subsequently ran a campaign emphasizing his foreign policy experience and how he would handle the war in Iraq. During a presidential primary debate in October, Biden mocked Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani for often mentioning the 2001 World Trade Center attack on the campaign trail (shown below).

2008 United States Vice-Presidential Debate

On August 22nd, 2008, Obama announced that he had selected Biden as his running mate in the upcoming presidential election. On October 2nd, 2008, Biden participated in a televised debate against Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Watched by nearly 70 million U.S. television and livestream viewers, the debate inspired a number of parodies online.

The Onion Spoofs

On May 5th, 2009, The Onion[3] published an article titled “Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am in White House Driveway,” which featured a photoshopped image of Biden standing topless in front of a Pontiac Trans Am automobile (shown below).

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Over the next year, the satirical news site published several additional articles mocking the vice president, reporting that he had written a bounced check to a liquor store (shown below, left), infested the White House with bed bugs and received a lifetime ban from the restaurant chain Dave & Buster’s (shown below, right).[4][5][6][7][8]

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“Big Fucking Deal” Gaffe

On March 23rd, 2010, Vice President Joe Biden introduced President Barack Obama before a live television audience at the White House ceremony to sign the the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010 into law. During the applause, Biden whispered to Obama that the legislation was “"a big fucking deal":http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/big-fucking-deal-joe-biden. This statement was picked up by the microphones and broadcast live over radio and television.

Joe Biden Eats Ice Cream

On September 5th, 2012, the Tumblr[1] blog “Joe Biden Eats Ice Cream” was launched, which highlights candid photos of Biden consuming various types of ice cream (shown below). On October 9th, 2014, The Washington Post[2] published an article highlighting several photos from the blog.

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Laughing Joe Biden

On October 12th, 2012, the vice presidential debate between the Democrat incumbent Joe Biden and Republican nominee Paul Ryan took place at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. Throughout the 90-minute session, Biden was repeatedly seen wearing a smirk on his face when it was Ryan’s turn to speak, which quickly spawned the “laughing Joe Biden” trending topic on Twitter.

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Who is Joe Biden?

On October 7th, 2014, the late night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live aired a segment in which several random pedestrians were unable to correctly identify who Joe Biden was. In the first two weeks, a YouTube upload of the segment gained over 600,00 views and 1,000 comments (shown below).


Biden has earned a reputation for his many political gaffes. On August 23rd, 2008, Time[9] published an article titled “Biden Pros and Cons,” which claimed the politician has “a persistent tendency to say silly, offensive, and off-putting things.”

Personal Life

Biden was born on November 20th, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania in a Catholic family of Irish, English and French descent. At the age of 10, the family moved to Delaware where Biden attended the Archmere Academy. After graduating from the University of Delaware in Newark, Biden attending Syracuse University College of Law, receiving his Juris Doctor in 1968.

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External References


[This article is a wub in progress.]


Deadmau5 is the stage name of Canadian electronic music producer Joel Thomas Zimmerman (born January 5, 1981). His works have been Grammy nominated and he has gained notoriety for his trolling stunts and meme usage IRL. He is currently in a legal dispute with Disney over his trademark mau5head.

Musical Career

Zimmerman began his musical career in 1995,[1] but did not release his first studio album (titled Get Scraped) until mid 2005. In 2007, Joel formed his own label Mau5trap to release his music under.[2] Under this label, Random Album Title was released in 2008 which featured singles “Ghost ’N Stuff,” “I Remember,” and “Move for Me” that helped him top Billboard’s charts for Dance/Mix Show Airplay.[3] Other albums that followed were For Lack of a Better Name (2009), 4×4=12 (2010), Album Title Goes Here (2012), and _while (1

Pregnancy Announcement

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Anime Characters Announcing They’re Pregnant is a meme that started circulating in Japan on the 12th of October, 2014. The photoshop is not limited to just anime girls, but boys as well and even characters/people that are not in an anime.



An exploitable similar to this meme uses condoms instead of a pregnancy test.
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Various Examples

Search Interest

External References

The Misadventures of Skooks

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The Misadventures of Skooks is a series of YouTube Poops surrounding Scooby-Doo (and, to a lesser extent, King of the Hill) by Orpheusftw. The videos received widespread acclaim for their editing and comedic timing, and are frequently quoted among YouTube Poop fans.

The series saw a resurgence in popularity in fall of 2014 on 4chan boards such as /co/ and /v/. On /v/ in particular, spamming Skooks-related material is considered a form of shitposting, and is thus widely practiced.

Notable gags


Swooce refers to a scene within Part 2 of the series, in which Norville “Shaggy” Rogers announces “watch me swooce right in”, followed by a looped, exaggerated motion as the word “swooce” repeats. The word “swooce” itself is an example of Sus, as Shaggy’s unedited line is “swoop right in”. The phrase “swooce right in” would be used repeatedly in the series, and has evolved to mean any form of dramatic entrance.
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An example of swoocing

Shaggy Dancing

Another joke surrounding Shaggy, the character’s movements while flailing have been noted to resemble dancing. Looped and edited, Shaggy is then superimposed onto another scene, typically one of other characters dancing. The dance is commonly paired with the line “you’re shaking it all wrong” from Adventure Time
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Shaking it all right

The Caveman

An iconic gag within Part 3 features Shaggy rambling nonsensically about a caveman being a sheriff, then forgetting he is not frozen in a block of ice. The monologue has become something of a copypasta on /v/, and is second only to “swooce” in sheer volume of posts.

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Bekasi's Terrible Infrastructure/Bekasi is Not on Earth

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Bekasi’s Terrible Infrastructure/Bekasi is Not on Earth is a meme that has been circulating on Indonesian social medias and websites that criticizes the city’s poor infrastructure and humid weather.


Poor Infrastructure Joke

Bekasi is a city located west of Jakarta (and also part of the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Area) that’s infamous for its poor infrastructure, broken roads, and its sweltering summer heat in the months of August and October. The earliest instances of the joke can be traced back to October 5th 2014 when Twitter users began complaining on how hot the weather is (Shown Below)

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@BhanniSKA says: “Hell has broken loose in Bekasi, the sun and dust are very hot”
@Geraldvalentino says: “One word [to Bekasi]: HOT!!!”
@Puspaacin says: “Bekasi sure is hot.”


Not long after, Image macros and rage comics about Bekasi started spawning in Twitter, Kaskus, and a meme Facebook pages called meme_komik. Two hashtags, #Bekasidibully and #Bekasikenapa also started surfacing around twitter.

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Translation: “I think this one’s the most accurate one… Tsk tsk tsk, Bekasi, Bekasi. You always seem to get the short end of the stick…”



Although most citizens of Bekasi took the meme merely as a joke, several Twitter users criticized the meme as a type of cyberbullying against the city. One example is a user named @emrfadhil tweeting that Bekasi was the town that protected Soekarno and Muhammad Hatta (Indonesia ’s first president and vice president) during the Dutch military aggression.

Translation: “Read this before bullying Bekasi.”

Bekasi is Not on Earth

On October 10th 2014, a full moon occurred that could be seen in all corners of the island of Java except Bekasi. Twitter and Facebook users soon started joking that Bekasi is not located on earth, but in outer space. Which soon after contributed to the meme as image macros depicting the city’s location spawn across Facebook, Twitter, and Kaskus (An Indonesian forum website).

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Bekasi Mayor’s Response

On October 13th 2014, in the middle of a routine meeting, The Mayor of Bekasi scolded all of his subordinates about the recent event on social media regarding #Bekasidibully.

Mau kotanya diejek? Dikarikaturkan? Digambarkan seolah-olah Bekasi tidak ada di peta?

Translation: “Do you want your city to be mocked? Caricatured? As if Bekasi is not even on the map?”

Notable Example

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Search Interest

Le clapping cowboy

Le clapping Cowboy is Came from anti-Semitic le happy merchant meme.

It came from this thread

google search interest

Interest over time


News headlines





FOMO is an acronym for “fear of missing out,” a type of social anxiety in which a person feels as if they are missing an important experience or opportunity.


FOMO” was coined by marketing strategist Dan Herman in a paper titled “FOMO, the ailment of our cultural movement” published in the Journal of Brand Management in 2000.[5]


On May 10th, 2004, the Harvard news website Harbus Online[6] published an article titled “Social Theory at HBS: McHinnis’ Two FOs,” which compared FOMO to FOBO (fear of a better option). On October 2nd, 2006, Urban Dictionary[2] user Beaqon submitted an entry for “Fomo.” On November 18th, 2008, the CitysearchAustralia YouTube channel uploaded an ad which promoted a search engine as a cure for FOMO (shown below).

On April 9th, 2011, the New York Times[4] published an article about social anxiety caused by social media platforms. On May 16th, 2013, The Telegraph[3] published an article about FOMO, which cited a psychological study that found those who experienced the anxiety the most didn’t have their “basic psychological needs” met. On May 20th, CollegeHumor released a parody trailer for a horror movie about FOMO (shown below). In the first year, the video gained over 1.1 million views and 1,800 comments.

On October 16th, 2014, CNN aired a segment on teens who experience FOMO through excessive social media use (shown below).

Search Interest

External References

[1]Boston Magazine – Fomo History

[2]Urban Dictionary – fomo

[3]The Telegraph – FOMO

[4]New York Times – Feel like a wallflower?&

[5]Fear of Missing Out – FOMO

[6]Harbus – Social Theory at HBS

Life Has Many Doors, Ed-Boy!


Life has many doors, Ed-Boy! is a series of exploitable images based on the character Rolf from Ed, Edd n Eddy. Some versions are redrawing of Rolf as different characters, while others photoshop Rolf’s scene onto other images.


The original scene comes from the 4th episode of the second season of Ed, Edd n Eddy which aired September 20th 1999[1]. The episode is well remembered for it’s breaking of several laws of physics and being nonsensical overall. While the original scene is often quoted with the phrase: “Life has many doors Ed-Boys”, this phrase is said in an earlier scene by Rolf, with the actual phrase said in the scene scene being: “Hello, Ed-boys. Many doors, yes?”

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On May 19th, 2014, Tumblr User pyris-thaumaturge[2] uploaded a stand alone vector of Rolf’s scene, giving the appearance of him going through the post. This image gained over 60,000 notes in 5 months.

Four days later, on May 23rd, Tumblr user Bastardlybrendan[3] blogged a photoshopped picture of Rolf’s scene in front of a picture of a nude woman’s crotch, giving the appearance of emerging from the area, along with the phrase “You can thank me later: LIFEHASMANYDOORS ED-BOY”. In four months, the post gained over 20,000 notes

On October 8th 2014, Tumblr user Kaodylee [4] blogged a Super Smash Bros. 4 screen shot from the Earthboud based area, Magicant, photoshoping Rolf’s scene into the rip that appears in the background of the level. This post gained over 3,000 notes in two weeks.

Five days later, on October 13th 2014, Tumblr user cryoganix [5] blogged a gif version of Rolf in Magicant’s background rift. This post gained over 6,000 notes in less than a week.

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Various Examples

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Search Interest

External References

[1]Ed wiki – One + One = Ed

[2]Tumblr – Pyris-thaumaturge

[3]Tumblr – Bastardlybrendan

[4]Tumblr – Kaodylee

[5]Tumblr – ’Cryognix

Noir Dog


Noir Dog is an advice animal image macro series featuring a black-and-white photograph of a dog staring out a window with captions depicting the canine as a brooding detective character typically associated with film noir.


On October 19th, 2014, Redditor Frohoss posted a photograph of his Cane Corso dog looking through a window to the /r/pics[1] subreddit (shown below, left). In the comment section, Redditor AUX1_Dub noted that the dog appears to resemble a sullen detective character from a work of the gritty crime thriller / drama subgenre. That day, Redditor chilirelleno submitted a captioned version of the image titled “Noir Dog” to the /r/AdviceAnimals[2] subreddit, depicting the dog as a film noir detective complaining about a cat (shown below, right). In 24 hours, the posts gained over 4,100 votes (94% upvoted) and 3,900 votes (95% upvoted) respectively.

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On October 19th, Redditor House90 posted an image macro titled “Film Noir Dog” to /r/AdviceAnimals[3] (shown below, left). The same day, Redditor toodamnparanoid posted a Noir Dog image captioned with the internal monologue of a canine private detective to /r/AdviceAnimals[4] (shown below, right). In 24 hours, the posts gathered more than 3,700 votes (93% upvoted) and 1,300 votes (77% upvoted) respectively. Also on October 19th, Redditor chilirelleno’s original Noir Dog imago macro was reposted to 9gag.[5]

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Notable Examples

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Search Interest

Not available.

External References

The Addams Family


The Addams Family is a multimedia fictional franchise of cartoons, TV series and films centered around the eponymous Addams clan, a wealthy and highly eccentric family with a penchant for the macabre and bizarre. Since its debut as a series of one-panel cartoons by Charles Addams for The New Yorker in 1938, the story has been adapted into numerous TV series that ran for over three decades, both in animated and live-action forms, as well as a series of feature films in the 1990s. The Addams family has been often regarded as the satirical antithesis of the ideal all-American middle-class family.


The Addams family is a spooky family who dress in black and white, are obsessed with death, and enjoy violence. Gomez Addams (Raúl Juliá) lives with his wife Morticia (Anjelica Huston), children Wednesday (Christina Ricci) and Puggley (Jimmy Workman), Granny (Judith Malina) and Lurch (Carel Struycken). The film opens with Gomez reunited with his long lost brother Fester (Christopher Lloyd). It is later revealed “Fester” is actually a look a like being coached by his mother (Elizabeth Wilson) to infiltrate the Addams family in order to rob them. Fester eventually learns he owns the Addams family house, as he is the eldest, and kicks the rest of the family out. Soon Fester turns on his mother and restores the house to the family, eventually coming to realize he was in fact Fester, simply suffering from amnesia.

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The characters of The Addams Family first appeared in a New Yorker cartoon created by Charles Addams in 1937. The characters were used in a television adaptation which premiered on September 18th, 1964, and concluded on April 8th, 1966. The Addams Family film opened on November 22nd, 1991. On November 19th, 1993, a sequel, Addams Family Values was released. On April 8th, 2010, The Addams Family musical opened on Broadway.


The film has earned a score of 6.8 on IMDB[1]. The film was nominated for one Academy Award for Best Costume Design (Ruth Myers) and one Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical (Anjelica Huston). The film’s sequel Addams Family Values earned a score of 6.5 on IMDB.


On January 3rd, 2010, the Tumblr fan blog fuckyeahtheaddamsfamily[4] was created. As of October 2014, the film’s Facebook page[2] has gained over 480,000 likes. DeviantArt[3] has over 5,000 pieces of fan art tagged The Addams Family. Fanfiction.net [8] has gained over 100 pieces of fanfiction about the Addams Family.

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Morticia and Gomez

The two main characters of the film, Morticia and Gomez Addams, have a large fandom online and on Tumblr because of their obvious devotion to each other and unusual but supportive parenting style. On August 15th, 2013, Buzzfeed[9] published a post titled “Gomez And Morticia Addams Have The Best Marriage Ever.” On September 18th, 2014, Decider[10] published a post titled “Gomez And Morticia Addams Have The Greatest Romance of All Time.” On October 13th, 2014, Imgur user PoliceofImgur published a picture of a Tumblr post of the couple as an example of Nobody’s perf-

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Nyanners is the YouTube handle of a voice actress best known for narrating various excerpts from popular anime and manga, as well as singing covers of pop songs in the high-pitched voice of a female anime character.

Online History

On April 7th, 2011, the Nyanners[1] YouTube channel was launched with a video titled “Stapler San,” in which Nyanners provides voiceover narration of a page from the hentai manga comic Ecchi Beam (shown below, left). On June 17th, Nyanners launched the NyannersVA[2] channel for “bloggy videos and other random fun stuff.” On February 21st, 2012, Nyanners posted a parody of the 1993 Japanese song “PonPonPon” titled PomfPomfPomf (shown below, right). In three years, the video accumulated more than 2.1 million views and 12,900 comments.

On January 18th, 2014, Nyanners uploaded an ASMR parody video in which she roleplays an anime dating sim character (shown below, left). On March 22nd, Nyanners uploaded a comedy video titled “Nyanners can only do 1 voice? Think again,” in which she defends herself against critics who claim she can only perform one type of character (shown below).

Rap Covers

On December 22nd, 2012, the Nyanners uploaded a cover of the 2003 hip hop song “Tipsy” by J-Kwon to the NyannersVA channel (shown below). In two years, the video garnered upwards of 1.7 million views and 4,500 comments.

On September 10th, 2014, Nyanners uploaded a cover of the 2012 rap song “I Am Your Leader” by Nicki Minaj (shown below, left). On October 8th, Nyanners posted a cover of the 2014 rap song “Anaconda” by Minaj (shown below, right).

Social Media Feeds

In April 2012, the @nyannerz[5] Twitter feed was created. On July 30th, a Facebook[4] page titled “Nyanners” was launched. In the next three years, the Facebook page gained over 19,200 likes and the Twitter feed received more than 5,000 followers. On April 3rd, 2013, Nyannerz launched a Tumblr[6] blog. In 2014, Nyanners launched a Patreon page for donations to support her videos. On September 1st, she created the NyAnswers Tumblr[8] blog to respond to questions from fans. On October 1st, Nyanners created then NyannerChan Instagram[3] feed.

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Notable Videos

Search Interest

External References

[1]YouTube – Nyanners

[2]YouTube – NyannersVA

[3]Instagram – NyannerChan

[4]Facebook – Nyanners

[5]Twitter – @nyannerz

[6]Tumblr – nyanners

[7]Patreon – Nyanners is Creating YouTube Videos

[8]Tumblr – NyAnswers

I Woke Up Like This


I woke up like this is a selfie trend which involves the subject to take a selfie right after they wake up catching them looking tired and unkempt. Eventually the trend was exaggerated and parodied, with people making themselves look incredibly messy before taking a photo and tagging it I woke up like this.


On December 13th, 2013, the Tumblr blog iwokeuplikethisflawless[1] was created. The blog describes its purpose, saying:

“inspired by Beyoncé’s song, “***Flawless,” this selfie project will scratch away at beauty standards and expectations.
send in your own “i woke up like this” untouched morning selfies! no makeup, hair undone.
female and/or woman identified/ transwomen/ feminine-of-center gender non-conforming folks only, submit by clicking “i woke up like this, too!” below. "


Related Memes

Wake-up Call

#WakeUpCall is a hashtag fundraiser campaign for UNICEF in which the participant posts a selfie immediately upon waking and pledge to donate money to help the children displaced by the ongoing civil war in Syria, then challenge three others to do the same, similar to the nomination method used in the Ice Bucket Challenge for the ALS foundation.

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Cheatermen and Haggletoads


Cheatermen and Haggletoads refers to a two-pane image that consists of a Wheel of Fortune Solution describing Cheetahmen and Battletoads and a screenshot of a contestant erroneously answering “Cheatermen and Haggletoads,” a misspelling of Rare and Active Enterprises’s iconic video game characters Cheetahmen (Action 52) and Battletoads (Rare). Though it was subsequently debunked as a photoshopped hoax, the image went viral on Twitter anyway, wrongly labeled as an example of FAIL humor.


On October 1, 2010, YouTuber WayoshiM uploaded a video clip of the $6000 speed-up round on the television game show Wheel of Fortune, in which the contestant Chris Albert solves “I SEEWHERETHIS IS GOING” in response to a puzzleboard about the only category to share a phrase (shown below).

On October 20, 2014, cartoonist Chris Vincent tweeted a photoshopped screenshot of the Wheel of Fortune clip with the blown solve “Cheatermen and Haggletoads” said as a solution to a puzzleboard about the video game characters Cheetahmen and Battletoads. Within the first week, the tweet gained over 1,300 retweets and 1,000 favorites. According to the Wheel of Fortune Recap,[4] the Cheetahmen and Battletoads solution on the puzzleboard has never been used on the game show.

Immediately after, Vincent tweeted another screenshot of a Wheel of Fortune contestant whose solution had been photoshopped to misread “Shag Fu,” a misprouncing of Shaq Fu from the Electronic Arts fighting game featuring Shaquille O’Neal.


Also on January 8th, 2014, Redditor lividd3ad submitted a link to Vincent’s tweet to the /r/gamegrumps[1] subreddit, where it garnered more than 150 up votes and 20 comments in the following week.

Normal Porn for Normal People


Normal Porn for Normal People is a creepypasta story about a man who discovers an underground adult-themed website that features a series of videos depicting bizzarre acts of sexual fetishes and self-mutilation.


On June 7th, 2011, DeviantArtist[3] CosbyDAF posted a creepypasta story titled “Normal Porn for Normal People” about a man who receives a chain letter directing him to the website NormalPornForNormalPeople.com, ostensibly dedicated “to the eradication of abnormal sexuality.” After visiting the URL, the protagonist discovers several disturbing videos, including footage of a shaved chimpanzee mauling a woman to death.

Everybody knows that if you surf the web long enough, you’ll see some pretty sick shit. This is especially true if you intentionally dwell into the dark underbelly of the internet. I’ve seen quite a few things I don’t care to admit to, but one thing that I’ll always remember is a site called “normalpornfornormalpeople.com”.

The first strange thing about the site was that I didn’t find it by actually looking for it. It was e-mailed to me by someone I didn’t know. The e-mail was as follows:

Hi there
found this site is very nice thought u might like
pass it on, for the good of mankind
Pretty standard issue chain letter, although the url and the last remark really piqued my curiosity. I was having a very boring day when I got this, so I made sure my anti-virus was working and then I clicked on it.

It was a very average, very generic looking site. It gave the impression that the creators just BARELY gave a shit about making it look professional. The author seemed to have a very tenuous grasp on English, and on the front page was a long, boring, and incoherent rant that I don’t remember or have saved.

The site had a strange tagline (which even today people haven’t figured out the meaning of), which was:

“Normal Porn for Normal People, A Website Dedicated To The Eradication of Abnormal Sexuality”
And from the sound of that, I wasn’t sure whether I was here to watch porn or if I had stumbled onto some kind of eugenics program. But I was here now, and I was very, very curious to see what “Normal People” get their rocks off to. So I scrolled down through the rant and…nothing. The page didn’t seem to link to anywhere else, and I was about to leave when I noticed every word of the rant was its own hyperlink.

So I clicked one of them, and was sent to a white page with very long list of links in the form of:

“normalpornfornormalpeople.com/(random letters)”

So I stopped for a minute and asked myself if I really wanted to waste God knows how much time clicking random links that will likely give me a virus that will rape my computer. I figured I’d just try it for maybe five minutes, just to see if anything came up. I clicked one of the links, and was sent to another page. This page apparently had totally different urls than the last one.

I was just about to say “Fuck this” when I clicked on the third link, and a video download came up. It was called “peanut.avi”. It was a thirty-minute video of a man, a woman and a dog in a kitchen. The woman would make a peanut butter sandwich, and the man would set it down for the dog to eat. This was all that happened, for thirty minutes. It was obvious that the cameraman had to stop filming and wait until the dog was ready to eat again, and the dog seemed rather sick by the end of it.

I know what you’re thinking: “What the hell does that have to do with porn?” I have no clue. I’ve seen a little over two dozen videos from this site, and the majority had no sexual activity at all.

After watching peanut.avi, I went on a certain image board I frequent to play online show and tell, like I always do with weird shit like this. But someone had already made a thread about it, some guy who had received the same chain letter I did. The image board thread got lots of people with nothing better to do to dig through the site, and that’s how I saw other videos.

Most of those two dozen videos were very uneventful, and consisted of people talking to the cameraman in a room with nothing in it but a desk and a few chairs. I mean literally nothing on the walls, or in terms of furniture. The whole room had a very cold, sterile feel to it.

The conversations were just idle banter about previous jobs or embarrassing childhood moments. I kept expecting some kind of discussion about what the people were filming or what the site was about, but of course, nothing. You would never know these videos had anything to do with porn if you saw it out of context. I will say one thing though, the people who appeared in these videos were quite attractive.

However, the other videos that actually did feature content which I suppose could be called “sexual” is where things got weird.

I’ll give brief descriptions of the stranger videos; if you’re really eaten up with curiosity you can try to hunt them down on a torrent site.


A ten-minute video filmed by a hidden camera in which we see a repairman working on a washing machine for the first two minutes. When it’s fixed, the repairman talks to the owner briefly, and then leaves. The owner checks to make sure the repairman is gone, and he begins to lick all over the top of the washing machine. This goes on for seven minutes.

h6. jimbo.avi

A five-minute video of an obese mime performing his act. It was actually pretty funny, particularly one part where he pretends to pull up a chair, then pretends that it breaks because of his weight. In the last thirty seconds of the video, the camera cuts to static briefly and cuts back to the man sobbing quietly, still wearing mime outfit and makeup. Some kind of obscure fetish?

h6. dianna.avi

Four-minute video in which the camerman talks to a woman in a room different from the “interview room”. This room looks like one you’d find in a normal person’s house. Exactly where they are is never specified, as Dianna only talks about her violin playing. She obviously plays her violin, but she keeps getting distracted by something.
I didn’t notice this until someone on the image board thread pointed it out, but if you look at the mirror in the background, you can see a fat man in a chicken mask masturbating.

h6. jessica.avi

Another four-minute cameraman video. This time he’s outside a house, talking to another young woman. They talk about canoe rides. The camera zooms out to reveal the city streets behind them occasionally.
The strange thing is: No one so far has been able to identify where this street is. Guesses have ranged everywhere from Europe to Australia to the Philippines, but there’s yet to be a match for the street shown in the video.

h6. tonguetied.avi

Ten-minute video. The first five minutes consist of an elderly woman making out with a mannequin. The video cuts out like it did in jimbo.avi halfway through, and the scene is now a group of mannequins huddled together in a circle around the camera. The lights have been dimmed, and the elderly woman is nowhere to be seen. From this point on, there is no sound.

h6. stumps.avi

Five-minute-long video where a man with no legs is attempting to breakdance on a DDR mat in what looks like the kitchen from peanut.avi, but much dirtier. There’s a radio playing music unseen in the background, but it stops at the four minute mark when the man collapses on the mat in exhaustion.
He breathes heavily and pleads with someone off-screen to let him rest. This off-screen person becomes terrifyingly enraged and yells at him to keep dancing, which he does. You can hear this off-screen person begin to scream as the video ends abruptly.

h6. privacy.avi

The woman from dianna.avi is masturbating on a mattress in the “interview room”, while the man from stumps.avi walks around on his hands while wearing some kind of goblin mask.
The door in this room was always closed in other videos, but it’s now open. In this video the only light is in the room, and the hallway is dark. Near the end of the video, you can see an animal quickly run through the hallway.
And finally, the last video we uncovered:

h6. useless.avi

Angry chimpanzee
In this eighteen-minute video, a blonde woman from one of the previous interview videos is tied down to a mattress in the interview room. She attempts to scream but her mouth is taped over. After seven minutes, a man in a black suit and mask opens the door, but he does not enter.
He holds the door open for the animal that was running in the hall in the previous video. It’s revealed to be an adult chimpanzee, its hair shaved and its entire body painted red. It seemed to be starved and abused, with several wounds along its shoulders and back.
When the chimp enters the room, the masked man closes the door behind it. The chimpanzee sniffs the air for a moment (it may have been blind), and notices the woman tied to the mattress. It goes into a frenzy, and begins to maul her.
The assault goes on for a grueling seven minutes, until the woman finally dies. The chimp eats flesh from her corpse for four minutes as the video ends.
The thread exploded with activity after this video was uncovered, and people discussed it long into the night. When I came back to the image board the next day I found that the thread was deleted. I tried to start another one, and they banned me. I tried e-mailing the guy who sent me the chain letter with the site’s url, sent him five messages and never got a response.

I have tried to discuss this website on various places, and I got banned frequently. The site itself was also deleted about three days after useless.avi was uncovered, likely because someone contacted the authorities about it.

The only proof that normalpornfornormalpeople.com ever existed was a few screencaps people took, and videos from the site that people saved and uploaded on torrents. The most popular of which being useless.avi, which found its way onto a few gore sites.

Wherever you upload them to, all of the videos from normalpornfornormalpeople.com get deleted after a while.


In October 2011, an entry for the story was created on the Creepypasta Wiki.[1] On January 22nd, 2012, Redditor LarperPro submitted the story to the /r/WTF[2] subreddit, where it gained over 870 votes (83% upvoted) and 390 comments prior to being archived. That same day, the domain normalpornfornormalpeople.com[5] was registered, which was later updated with several videos made in the style of those described in the story.

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On April 19th, YouTuber Peter Markoski uploaded a live action film about a man who discovers a disturbing website titled “Normal Porn for Normal People” (shown below, left). On October 31st, 2013, the tech news site Geek[6] listed “Normal Porn for Normal People” as one of the “4 scariest, most believable stories on the Internet.” On April 13th, 2014, YouTuber SomeOrdinaryGamers uploaded a reading of the creepypasta accompanied by footage of himself playing the role-playing video game Torchlight II (shown below, right).

Search Interest

External References

The Daily Mail


The Daily Mail (officially known as Mail Online) is a British news site owned by the British newspaper The Daily Mail with a questionable reputation and outrageously long and inflammatory headlines.


The Daily Mail online[1] has 13 tabs (verticals) including home, UK, news, sports, US Showbiz, Australia, Femail, health, science, money, video, travel and columnists.


The Daily Mail is known for its long, strange headlines. On November 30th, 2012, The Huffington Post[7] published a list titled “‘Daily Mail’ Greatest Hits: 14 Absurd Headlines About Women.” Several social media accounts devoted to sharing outrageous Daily Mail headlines have been created. On December 28th, 2012, the Tumblr blog[4] ridiculousdmheadlines, which features screen shots of the strangest, longest Daily Mail headlines, was created.

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On August 22nd, 2013, Buzzfeed[5] published a post titled “17 Ridiculous Daily Mail Headlines.” On June 17th, 2014, The Huffington Post[6] published a post titled “The 15 Most Daily Mail Headlines Ever.”


On October 6th, 2013, protesters gathered at The Daily Mail’s[10] offices to protest the paper for calling Ralph Miliband, the father of British politician Ed Miliband “the man who hated Britain” in an article published on September 27th, 2013.

Angelina Jolie Video

On July 8th, 2014, The Daily Mail[13] published a video taken in the early ’90s featuring an ill-looking Angelina Jolie allegedly calling a drug dealer.

Social Media Presence

As of October 2014, The Daily Mail’s Twitter account[2] has gained over 740,000 followers and its Facebook page[3] has gained over 2.1 million likes.


As of October 2014, Mail Online is ranked as the 93rd[8] most popular site world wide and the 67th most popular site in the United States. The site receives just over 30% of its traffic from the United States and just over 19% of its traffic from the UK.

Search Interest

External Links

Shake It Off


“Shake It Off” is a 2014 pop song co-written and performed by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift as the lead single for her upcoming fifth studio album 1989. Upon the same-day release of the single and the music video in August 2014, the song was mostly met by positive reviews from the critics; however, some of the dance routines featured in the music video sparked a minor controversy for alleged cultural appropriation of black stereotypes.


On August 18th, 2014, Taylor Swift’s official Vevo YouTube channel[1] uploaded the video for “Shake it Off.” The video features Swift awkwardly attempting several different forms of dance, including ballet, modern and hip hop, while surrounded by professional dancers. Within 48 hours of its release,[2] the music video gained over 3 million views, and as of October 2014, the video has gained more than 190 million views.

Criticism of Cultural Appropriation

The same day the video was released, Odd Future’s rapper Earl Sweatshirt posted several tweet condemning Swift’s video for “perpetuating black stereotypes” and for being “inherently offensive and ultimately harmful," while admitting he hadn’t watched the video (shown below).

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The same day, the women’s interest blog Jezebel published an article criticizing Swift’s video for being a “cringeworthy mess.” Also on August 18th, Tumblr[19] user Orhgasm defended Swift in a post claiming that nothing about the video was racist. In the first 24 hours, the post gained over 1,500 notes. Meanwhile, Mashable[14] published a compilation of Twitter reactions to the music video. In the coming days, several other news sites published articles about the video controversy, including The Daily Dot,[15] Daily Beast,[16] Metro [17]and Billboard.[18]


On August 19th, USA Today[6] named “Shake it off” the song of the week. On August 27th, Forbes[7] announced the song debuted at number one on the pop charts. On September 11th, Taylor Swift’s Vevo YouTube channel uploaded three videos featuring outtakes from the music video. As of October 2014, the highest performing video has gained over 3 million views.

Notable Examples


On August 21st, YouTuber Miranda Sings[4] uploaded a parody of “Shake it Off” in which she digitally inserted herself into the video. As of October 2014, the video has gained over 6.1 million views. On September 9th, YouTuber KimmiSmile[5] uploaded a parody of “Shake it Off” which focuses on procrastinating. As of October 2014, the video has gained over 320,000 views.

On September 19th, YouTuber lisbug[3] uploaded a parody of “Shake it Off” which replaced the song’s lyrics with angry comments her past videos had received. As of October 2014, the video has gained over 3.8 million views. On September 28th, YouTuber Bart Baker[6] uploaded a parody of “Shake it Off” which mocked Taylor Swift. As of October 2014, the video has gained over 6.8 million views.

Notable Covers

Search Interest

External References

[Clenches Fist]


[Clenches Fist] is an action cue used in online conversations to convey a sudden rush of intense and typically undesirable feelings, such as anger, resentment or frustration, in a manner similar to the use of the expression [Rustling Intensifies].


The exact origin of the action cue is unknown. On May 21st, 2005, RPG.net[5] Forums member StephenO submitted a thread titled “Clenches Fist‘Nooooooooooooo!’”, mocking a scene from the film Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith in which the villain Darth Vader clenches his fist and yells “No!” after discovering his wife Padme has died.

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On November 18th, 2011, Steam Forums[2] member chaotic replied to a thread to complain about Valve’s new social features with the action cue “clinches [sic] fist.”

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On the following day, Mirror Moon Forums[4] member AlextheLazy used the action cue in a reply to a post about the vampires in video games produce by the Japanese game company Type-Moon. On September 27th, 2013, DeviantArtist[3] DetectiveMar submitted a text post titled “Superhero meme yuuuuus,” which included the action cue “clinches fist dramatically.”

Notable Examples

On Tumblr

In October 2014, the action cue began circulating on Tumblr[6] in text posts featuring sarcastic responses to various fandoms, typically employing the phrasal template “Oh you’re into X? Man I love the way they just [clenches fist] Y.” On October 21st, Tumblr user That-One-Trashy-Weeaboo[1] submitted a post about the Japanese video game franchise Danganronpa with the “[clenches fist]” template. That same day, Tumblr user knneki posted a compilation of “[clenches fist]” posts. In the first 24 hours, the posts gathered upwards of 420 and 950 likes respectively.

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Search Interest

Not available.

External References

Eyeless Jack


Eyeless Jack is a creepypasta story about a man named Mitch talking about his experience with a creature he calls “Eyeless Jack”, which is known to eat peoples kidneys.


The story was written on February 25th, 2012 by Creepypasta wiki user Azelf5000[1], although the image itself dates back to August 18th, 2010.


Nearly a month after the story was made, it was read by the popular YouTube creepypasta narrator, MrCreepyPasta[2], making its popularity grow by the day as theories, fan art and even masks of Eyeless Jack started popping up on DeviantArt and other sites.

Fan Art

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Search Interest

[1]Creepypasta Wiki – Azelf5000

[2]YouTube – MrCreepyPasta

Common White Girl


Common White Girl is a novelty Twitter account which capitalizes on the stereotypical behavior of a middle class American white girl which are often referenced online such as a love of Pumpkin Spice Latte and selfies.


On July 25th, 2014, the Twitter account CommonWhiteGirl[1] was created. The account sends out tweets which represent stereotypical tweets from a middle class American white girl in her teens or early twenties, the tweets focus on pop culture references often tied to Disney, complaints about her appearance and attraction to young male celebrities like the members of one direction. As of October 2014, the account has sent out over 5,000 tweets and has gained over 670,000 followers.

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A similar Twitter account called girlposts,[2] which has since its creation changed its display name to Common White Girl, was created in April of 2010. As of October 2014, the account has sent out over 56,000 tweets and has gained over 4.8 million followers.

Search Interest

External References

[1]Twitter – CommonWhiteGirI

[2]Twitter – girlposts

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