Kamen Rider Wizard Shabbadoobi Remixes
AboutShabbadoobi Remixes refer to a series of musical remixes sampling voices of a transformation belt in the 2012-2013 season Kamen Rider title Kamen Rider Wizard.[1] The belt’s too funky voices were...
View ArticleCreeparka
AboutCreeparka (Japanese: クリーパーカー; Kurīpākā) refers to a hoodie decorated with Creeper, an iconic mob in the video game Minecraft. The hoodie is usually worn by sexy characters in most of illustrations...
View ArticleStephen Colbert
AboutStephen Colbert is an American writer, actor, political satirist, television host and actor best known for his Comedy Central program The Colbert Report.Online HistoryColbertNation.com[1] was...
View ArticleSanta Claus is White
OverviewSanta Claus is White is a statement made by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly in response to Slate writer Aisha Harris’s op-ed article titled “Santa Claus Should Not Be a White Man Anymore.” Kelly’s...
View ArticleVat19
AboutVat19.com is a website intended for marketing “curiously awesome” products. It is popular on the internet for its informative and entertaining advertisements on Youtube, which are known for their...
View ArticleMiiverse
Miiverse is a social network operated by Nintendo. It is split into communities for certain games, franchises, etc.History On June 3, 2012, Miiverse was announced in a Nintendo Direct event. On...
View ArticleElf on the Shelf
AboutElf on the Shelf is a Christmas-themed elf doll and the protagonist character of the 2005 children’s book with the same name. Since its emergence to mainstream popularity, the decorative figurine...
View ArticleSo I Got That Goin' For Me, Which is Nice
About“So I Got That Goin’ For Me, Which is Nice” is an advice animal image macro series featuring a screen capture of the character Carl Spackler (played by Bill Murray) from the 1980 comedy film...
View ArticleC Plus Equality C+=
[WIP]About C Plus Equality is a coding project and political statement spanning multiple boards on 4chan.Origin On December 13, 2013, a 4chan user on /g/ posted this article about a feminist talking...
View ArticleHexafusion/Triple Fusion
Work in Progress. Help and constructive criticism appreciated.AboutHexafusion/Triple Fusion are images that seek to combine elements from 3 fictional characters, typically arranged in a hexagonal...
View ArticleThe Worst Room
AboutThe Worst Room is a single topic blog highlighting photographs and descriptions of expensive, small and unsanitary rooms placed for rent on the classified advertisement site Craigslist.OriginOn...
View ArticleJean-Claude Van Damme's Epic Split
AboutJean-Claude Van Damme’s Epic Split is a viral advertisement for the automobile manufacturer Volvo, in which actor and martial artist Jean-Claude Van Damme performs a straddle split while balancing...
View ArticleDuck Dynasty Controversy
OverviewPhil Robertson’s Anti-Gay Comment, better known as The Duck Dynasty Controversy, refers to a controversial statement made by the star of the A&E reality TV series Duck Dynasty on the...
View ArticleHistory Fandom (The History Peeps)
AboutThe history fandom, otherwise known as The History Peeps, are a collection of history fans. The fandom has a devoted following on Tumblr, deviantArt, and many other sites. The fandom has been met...
View ArticleScaling Error Message Images
AboutScaling Error Message Images are screenshots of graphical editing software such as GIMP and Photoshop, featuring images with an error saying that the picture exceeds the maximum image...
View ArticleJustine Sacco's AIDS Tweet Controversy
BackgroundOn December 20th, 2013, at 10:19 a.m., InterActiveCorp (IAC) PR executive Justine Sacco tweeted an insensitive joke about AIDS shortly before boarding her flight from London, UK to Cape May,...
View ArticlePlatinum Disco
About“Platinum Disco” (Japanese: 白金ディスコ, Purachina Disco) is a popular song in a Japanese TV anime Nisemonogatari, the 4th season of Monogatari series.[1] This song is a popular musical resource for...
View ArticleI Will Always Love You MADs
About“I Will Always Love You” MADs (Japanese: えんだああああああシリーズ, Endaaaaaah Series) is a series of MAD videos consisting of a long long shouting by various persons/characters along with the 1994 Grammy...
View ArticleHumans Are Nice Parodies
About“Humans are Nice” (Japanese: 人間っていいな, Ningen tte Iina) is a quite well-known Japanese child song that was played in an ending movie for a Japanese famous TV anime series Manga Nippon Mukashi...
View ArticleShaft Head Tilt
AboutShaft Head Tilt (Japanese: シャフト角度, Shahufo Kakudo; abbr. シャフ度, Shafudo; lit. “Shaft Angle”), refers to an iconic posing that sometimes appears on anime franchises produced by Japanese anime studio...
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