AboutCreeparka (Japanese: クリーパーカー; Kurīpākā) refers to a hoodie decorated with Creeper, an iconic mob in the video game Minecraft. The hoodie is usually worn by sexy characters in most of illustrations...
View ArticleI'm Hungry
AboutI’m Hungry (Japanese: おなかすいた; Onakasuita) is a song written by a famous Vocaloid composer Lamaze-P (ラマーズP).[1] The cute music video for this song has been set for a subject for hand-drawn animated...
View ArticleProfessional Wrestling
[Currently A Work In Progress]AboutProfessional wrestling is a form of entertainment that combines athleticism and theatrics. It portrays itself as a combat sport taking place for wrestling...
View ArticleSpaghettiOs' Pearl Harbor Tweet
BackgroundOn December 6th, 2013, Campbell Soup Company[1] tweeted an illustrated drawing of its SpaghettiOs-brand cartoon mascot holding an American flag with a message commemorating the 72nd...
View ArticleYour Mother Jerks Off Pigs
About“Your mother jerks off pigs.” is a non-sequitur rebuttal for an argument that concluded a 2 day long flamewar within the comments of a reddit submission posted early December of 2013.OriginThe...
View Articlexbone
About A derogatory way to call Microsoft’s newest console after many fans were heavily disappointed after hearing the news that it requires you to connect to the Internet once every 24 hours in order...
View ArticleSurprise, Bitch
((Work In Progress))h2.AboutSurprise, Bitch is a catchphrase commonly associated with characters or things returning after being assumed gone.OriginOn December 4, 2013, American Horror Story aired the...
View ArticleCry Me A River
About“Cry me a river” is a slangterm which is mostly used on various websites to mock or troll whinny persons or unnecessary dramas on the internet. The therm is pretty similar to cry moar.Originwip
View ArticleThe 4th Wall
AboutThe 4th Wall is a term used to describe the line between reality and fiction. The fourth wall being broken means that a character in a fictional story has crossed the line between fiction and...
View ArticleThe Kingdom of Loathing
AboutKingdom of Loathing, or “KOL” for short, is an online MMORPG created by Zack “Jick” Johnson and Josh “Mr. Skullhead” Nite. It was first released online in 2003. The game is notable for its simple...
View Article60-Year-Old Girl
About60-Year-Old Girl is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of a young girl with a short haircut and large glasses. The captions typically contain stereotypes attributed to...
View ArticleRuined Adulthood
[work-in-progress, and images will be uploaded]AboutRuined Adulthood is a term used to describe a discovery found in a subject that adult fans may find suggestive or disappointing. It is similar to...
View ArticleYou Sit On A Throne Of Lies
About“You Sit On A Throne Of Lies” is statement by Will Ferrell in the 2003 family-comedy film Elf. The quote is commonly used to satirize statements that are evidently contradictory or...
View ArticleI Want to Die
About“I Want to Die” (Japanese: 死にたい, Shinitai) refers to an uplifting animated gif made in the Japanese imageboard community Futaba Channel (2chan) circa early 2006. In contrast to its negative...
View ArticleHaou Airen Parodies
AboutHaou Airen (Japanese: 覇王愛人; lit. Supreme King’s Mistress)[1] is a Japanese shoujo comic written by Mayu Shinjo, usually called Mayu-tan (まゆたん) among fans.[2] In this manga, there are many...
View ArticleCute Series
AboutCute Series (Japanese: ○○かわいいシリーズ, Marumaru Kawaii Series) refers to a style of MAD videos that use the song “Linear Slope X Technologic”. It’s a mashup of an electro pop tune “Liner Slope” (線形勾配)...
View ArticleString Play Spider Baby
AboutString Play Spider Baby (Japanese: ストリングプレイスパイダーベイビー) refers to a frame of a man striking the yo-yo trick “Spider Baby” in a Japanese comic Moero Spinner (燃えろ! スピナー) written by Takashi...
View ArticleBomberman MADs
AboutBomberman is a popular action video game franchise developed by Hudson since 1983.[1] Its background theme songs have been a popular musical resources for MAD videos on the Japanese video sharing...
View ArticleHello Soybeans Song
About“Hello Soybeans Song” (Japanese: ハロー大豆の歌, Hello Daizu no Uta) is a strange character song[1] in the TV anime series for a Japanese manga Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens.[2] This song became to a...
View ArticleAnaloguma
Editor’s note: Work in ProgressAboutAnaloguma (Japanese: アナロ熊 or アナログマ, lit. “Analog Bear”)[1] is the icon in an online parody movement against Japanese private-public promoting campaign for the...
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