Cake Farts
AboutCake Farts is a shock site featuring a video clip of a woman breaking wind on a frosted cake. Since its online release in 2008, the footage has led to the creation of dozens of reaction videos on...
View ArticleGhetto Tracker
AboutGhetto Tracker[1] is a travel advisory website offering maps that define “safe” and “unsafe” regions within the United States based on crowdsourced information and user ratings. Upon its launch in...
View ArticleCyberbullying
AboutCyberbullying is the act of using the internet, social media and related technologies to intentionally harm or harass people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner by an individual or...
View ArticleTotoro Bus Stop Parodies
AboutTotoro Bus Stop Parodies are popular pieces of fanart that parody the bus stop scene from Studio Ghibli’s 1988 animated film My Neighbor Totoro, often doing crossovers with other works of...
View ArticleShinmachi
About“Shinmachi” (Japanese: 新町) is a ballad song by Japanese singer & songwriter called Hiroyā the last poet in Aomori (青森最後の詩人ひろやー, Aomori Saigo no Shijin Hiroyā). In the autumn of 2010, he...
View ArticleHaraldur Jón Hannesson/Thin Hair Chin Man
About Thin Hair Chin Man is a meme created in the Finnish imageboard Ylilauta’s /int/ board around 2012, revolving around an Icelandic teenager named Haraldúr Jón Hanneson with blond hair and a very...
View ArticleMatthew Cordle's DUI Confession
BackgroundOn September 3rd, 2013, the YouTube channel for social movement organization Because I Said I Would released a video[1] titled “I killed a man," which begins with a mosaic-censored white male...
View ArticlePat Robertson's Gay AIDS Ring
OverviewPat Robertson’s Gay AIDS Ring refers to a video clip of the conservative Christian talk show host claiming that some in San Francisco’s gay community intentionally try to spread the HIV virus...
View Article2014 Miss America Twitter Backlash
Overview2014 Miss America Twitter Backlash refers to a series of angry, racist messages that were prompted in response to the crowning of Miss New York Nina Davuluri, who became the first...
View ArticlePleb
About“Pleb” is a shorthand for the English noun “plebeian,” an outdated term which originally referred to a commoner belonging to a lower socioeconomic class in ancient Rome. Online, the term has been...
View ArticleModern Seinfield
AboutModern Seinfeld (@SeinfeldToday[1]) is a novelty Twitter account that offers hypothetical plot lines for modern-day episodes of the 1990s American TV sitcom Seinfeld[2] if the series was still...
View ArticleNovelty Reddit Accounts
(work in progress)AboutNovelty Reddit Accounts refer to profiles on the site Reddit that are dedicated to one consistent task or type of comment. These topics can include illustrations, short stories,...
View ArticleArise Chickun
So, like, Rule 15 on says that ponies shall be limited to the /mlp/ board, but there was this dude named Smokey Meadows who said “nah man” and posted ponies on /b/ anyways cause’ he probably...
View ArticleThat Pool
AboutThat Pool (Japanese: 例のプール, Rei no Pool or あのプール, Ano Pool) is a nickname given to an indoor swimming pool in Hana Zono Room, a luxury apartment-style studio located in Tokyo, Japan. On the web,...
View ArticleParks and Recreation
AboutParks and Recreation is an American comedic sitcom that premiered on NBC on April 9th, 2009. The show stars former Saturday Night Live cast member Amy Poehler as the central character Leslie...
View ArticleHenrying
AboutHenrying is a photoshop meme based on an image of French professional football player Thierry Henry celebrating after scoring a goal by leaning against the goal post with one arm resting on his...
View ArticleHomeless Good Samaritan
OverviewHomeless Good Samaritan is the nickname given to Glen James, is the nickname given to Glen James, a homeless man from Boston who found and returned a backpack containing $42,100 in September of...
View ArticleNostalgia critic YTPMVs
NOTE: Being worked onNostalgia critic YTPMVs are youtube poop music videos that use the source "Nostalgia critic 50 impressions in 50 seconds. Many of these have appeared on YouTube. Some of the...
View ArticleHot Choclety Milk
AboutHot Choclety Milk is a drawing of a spider offering the viewer chocolate milk that has reached considerable popularity on Tumblr.Origin[researching]Spread[researching] The spider became popular...
View ArticleAndrea Diprè
AboutAndrea Diprè is an Italian Internet phenomenon, a megalomaniac man who claims to “bring justice” to unknown artists by showing their works to the great public.He says he is an art critic, but he...
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