Thin Hair Chin Man is a meme created in the Finnish imageboard Ylilauta’s /int/ board around 2012, revolving around an Icelandic teenager named Haraldúr Jón Hanneson with blond hair and a very thin chin. It has since spawned countless spin-offs.
While there are many versions of the story about how this meme was created, the correct one is:
A Brazilian poster created a thread on Ylilauta’s /int/ board, asking people to suggest memes he could force on Krautchan’s /int/ board, since that board is hated by most Ylilautan posters due to the posters there being “Assburgers”.
Haraldúr himself (under an anonymous Icelandic poster name and icon) posted his picture on that thread, telling the OP and other posters to force it as much as they could. Most people thought that picture was the best one to force, considering how amusing it was, so they immediately started doing so on Krautchan’s /int/. However, it wasn’t successful. A German poster from Krautchan (under the name “that Singen autism”,), that people suspected was one of the admins there, went to Ylilauta’s /int/, and started forcing Haraldúr’s picture there (along with other spin-offs he created himself) as much as he could, probably as “payback” for the raids Ylilauta had done on Krautchan in the past.
The meme actually caught on in Ylilauta, thus leading to most users embracing it, and naming it “Thin Hair Chin Man”. Nowadays, the meme spawns countless spin-offs, and is one of the most popular memes in Ylilauta.
After the meme had become a success, some posters decided to try and find out who was the person behind all these pictures, and perhaps contact him. Even though they weren’t successful, many Finnish posters started leaking multiple personal photos of Chin Man onto Ylilauta’s /int/, along with his real name, thus exposing his true identity. In fact, one Icelandic poster recognized him from the street.
After many months of searching for Haraldúr, they finally found his Facebook page on July 23-24, 2013, after he had accepted many friend requests from Ylilautan posters. Sadly, when they tried to contact him and tell him he was a huge meme, he revoked all friendship acceptances, stating that he “knew about the chin”, and that he wanted people to respect his privacy.
On the 9th August, 2013, he finally appeared in Ylilauta, posting for the first time after he posted his picture, much to posters’ joy.

Thin Hair Chin Man is a meme created in the Finnish imageboard Ylilauta’s /int/ board around 2012, revolving around an Icelandic teenager named Haraldúr Jón Hanneson with blond hair and a very thin chin. It has since spawned countless spin-offs.
While there are many versions of the story about how this meme was created, the correct one is:
A Brazilian poster created a thread on Ylilauta’s /int/ board, asking people to suggest memes he could force on Krautchan’s /int/ board, since that board is hated by most Ylilautan posters due to the posters there being “Assburgers”.
Haraldúr himself (under an anonymous Icelandic poster name and icon) posted his picture on that thread, telling the OP and other posters to force it as much as they could. Most people thought that picture was the best one to force, considering how amusing it was, so they immediately started doing so on Krautchan’s /int/. However, it wasn’t successful. A German poster from Krautchan (under the name “that Singen autism”,), that people suspected was one of the admins there, went to Ylilauta’s /int/, and started forcing Haraldúr’s picture there (along with other spin-offs he created himself) as much as he could, probably as “payback” for the raids Ylilauta had done on Krautchan in the past.
The meme actually caught on in Ylilauta, thus leading to most users embracing it, and naming it “Thin Hair Chin Man”. Nowadays, the meme spawns countless spin-offs, and is one of the most popular memes in Ylilauta.
After the meme had become a success, some posters decided to try and find out who was the person behind all these pictures, and perhaps contact him. Even though they weren’t successful, many Finnish posters started leaking multiple personal photos of Chin Man onto Ylilauta’s /int/, along with his real name, thus exposing his true identity. In fact, one Icelandic poster recognized him from the street.
After many months of searching for Haraldúr, they finally found his Facebook page on July 23-24, 2013, after he had accepted many friend requests from Ylilautan posters. Sadly, when they tried to contact him and tell him he was a huge meme, he revoked all friendship acceptances, stating that he “knew about the chin”, and that he wanted people to respect his privacy.
On the 9th August, 2013, he finally appeared in Ylilauta, posting for the first time after he posted his picture, much to posters’ joy.

While there are many versions of the story about how this meme was created, the correct one is:
A Brazilian poster created a thread on Ylilauta’s /int/ board, asking people to suggest memes he could force on Krautchan’s /int/ board, since that board is hated by most Ylilautan posters due to the posters there being “Assburgers”.
Haraldúr himself (under an anonymous Icelandic poster name and icon) posted his picture on that thread, telling the OP and other posters to force it as much as they could. Most people thought that picture was the best one to force, considering how amusing it was, so they immediately started doing so on Krautchan’s /int/. However, it wasn’t successful. A German poster from Krautchan (under the name “that Singen autism”,), that people suspected was one of the admins there, went to Ylilauta’s /int/, and started forcing Haraldúr’s picture there (along with other spin-offs he created himself) as much as he could, probably as “payback” for the raids Ylilauta had done on Krautchan in the past.
The meme actually caught on in Ylilauta, thus leading to most users embracing it, and naming it “Thin Hair Chin Man”. Nowadays, the meme spawns countless spin-offs, and is one of the most popular memes in Ylilauta.
After the meme had become a success, some posters decided to try and find out who was the person behind all these pictures, and perhaps contact him. Even though they weren’t successful, many Finnish posters started leaking multiple personal photos of Chin Man onto Ylilauta’s /int/, along with his real name, thus exposing his true identity. In fact, one Icelandic poster recognized him from the street.
After many months of searching for Haraldúr, they finally found his Facebook page on July 23-24, 2013, after he had accepted many friend requests from Ylilautan posters. Sadly, when they tried to contact him and tell him he was a huge meme, he revoked all friendship acceptances, stating that he “knew about the chin”, and that he wanted people to respect his privacy.
On the 9th August, 2013, he finally appeared in Ylilauta, posting for the first time after he posted his picture, much to posters’ joy.

After the meme had become a success, some posters decided to try and find out who was the person behind all these pictures, and perhaps contact him. Even though they weren’t successful, many Finnish posters started leaking multiple personal photos of Chin Man onto Ylilauta’s /int/, along with his real name, thus exposing his true identity. In fact, one Icelandic poster recognized him from the street.
After many months of searching for Haraldúr, they finally found his Facebook page on July 23-24, 2013, after he had accepted many friend requests from Ylilautan posters. Sadly, when they tried to contact him and tell him he was a huge meme, he revoked all friendship acceptances, stating that he “knew about the chin”, and that he wanted people to respect his privacy.
On the 9th August, 2013, he finally appeared in Ylilauta, posting for the first time after he posted his picture, much to posters’ joy.