Wonder Woman
AboutWonder Woman is comic book superhero from DC Comics. She has had many origins but most involve her being an amazon of Themyscira, who travels the rest of the world as a superhero that fights for...
View Article#MasculinitySoFragile
About#MasculinitySoFragile is a hashtag used to mock men who fit stereotypes and engage in behaviors associated with a type of Western machismo often referred to as “toxic masculinity,” arguing that...
View ArticleCause Animale Nord Homeless Man Puppy Stealing
OverviewCause Animale Nord Homeless Man Puppy Stealing refers to an incident in which alleged members of the French animal rights activist group Cause Animale Nord are seen stealing a puppy from a...
View ArticleEuropean Migrant Crisis
OverviewThe European Migrant Crisis (or European migrant crisis) is the current humanitarian and political crisis in Europe, which could be traced back into 2013, but escalated dramatically in the...
View ArticleWorrying Trend
About“A Worrying Trend” is an expression indicating feelings of apprehension toward something becoming increasingly commonplace. Online, the phrase is often used as an in-joke among League of Legends...
View Article#AskTrump
Overview#AskTrump was a live hashtag-based Q&A event hosted on Twitter by American businessman and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on September 21st, 2015.BackgroundOn the morning of...
View ArticlePope Francis
AboutPope Francis is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church. He has obtained notoriety online for what some people consider to be a more liberal approach to Catholicism than in the past.BackgroundBorn...
View ArticleI Am The One Who Knocks
About“I Am The One Who Knocks” refers to a memorable monologue from the hit American drama series Breaking Bad spoken by main character Walter White (portrayed by Bryan Cranston).OriginThe monologue,...
View ArticleHit That Like
Bare Bones for the momentAboutTumblr photo fad originating in September, 2015. Made up of increasingly artifacted jpg images telling whoever sees the image to “Hit/Smash that Like.”
View ArticleCrabs Smoking Cigarettes
AboutCrabs Smoking Cigarettes are videos and images of crab crustaceans with cigarettes strategically placed between a clasped claw to appear as if they are smoking.OriginOn January 15th, 2007,...
View ArticleMan Bun
AboutA Man Bun, also referred to as a “top knot,” is a hairstyle featuring a ponytail or bundle of hair prominently placed high in the back-center of a man’s head. While historically associated with a...
View ArticleHiroyuki Nishimura
Work in progress.AboutHiroyuki Nishimura is a Japanese Internet entrepreneur, creator of the imageboard 2channel and ex director of Niwango Inc., known for its media hub service niconico. In September...
View ArticleScrap The Dipper
AboutScrap The Dipper is a meme surrounding the Gravity Falls character: Dipper Pines. The picture shows badly drawn elongated Dipper Pines with long hair and bulbous red nose. The picture doesn’t have...
View ArticleThe Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
AboutThe Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy is a widely successful and influential Sci-Fi comedy series revolving around the character of Arthur Dent who escapes the destruction of the earth with his...
View Article8-Bit Theater
About8-Bit Theater is a classic online sprite web comic based on a parody of the NES video game Final Fantasy, created and published by Brian Clevinger (also known as Kurosen in the forums) of Nuklear...
View ArticleThe Author of the Journals, My Brother
Editor’s Note: This entry contains spoilers from Gravity FallsAbout“The Author of the Journals, My Brother” (sometimes known as “Dramatic Author Meme”) is a quote by Stanley “Grunkle Stan” Pines from...
View ArticleSpy (Team Fortress 2)
AboutThe Spy is a playable character from the video game Team Fortress 2 that has gained popularity among fans for his unique gameplay mechanics and humorous quotes, as well as notoriety for his...
View ArticleRosalina is Cute! CUTE!
About“X is cute! CUTE!” is a snowclone and a form of shitposting, popular on 4chan. It involves inserting a specific character into a phrase, and posting it with an image of the character, usually to...
View ArticleWho Up Clik Like / Real Nigga Hours
Editor’s note: Very WIP, it’s 12:30 AM and I’m on my phone, not quite real nigga hours but getting thereAboutWho Up Clik Like, alternatively known as Real Nigga Hours, is a series of images which ask...
View ArticleRequests Channel
Aboutrequestschannel was a YouTube channel that created videos out of things people requested for him to say. He gained over 13,000 subscribers on his final channel before having hard drive problems...
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