Calvin and Hobbes
AboutCalvin and Hobbes is an American newspaper comic strip created on November 18, 1985 by Bill Watterson. It centers on Calvin, a 6-year-old boy and Hobbes, his stuffed tiger. Other characters...
View ArticleVirtual Reality
this entry is currently being researched; see also:augmented reality]AboutVirtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of an interactive 3D environment, either realistic or...
View ArticleDigital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA)
OverviewThe Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is an American law governing the use of copyright as it pertains to web-based media and physical electronic media. The DMCA is well known online as...
View ArticleNuclear / Standing on the Edge
Work in progressAbout“Nuclear” is a song composed by British musician Mike Oldfield,[1] and released on his album Man on the Rocks in 2014. Due its use as backgroun music for the E3 2014 Metal Gear...
View ArticleFetty Wap
AboutFetty Wap is an American rapper and contemporary R&B singer, best known for his 2014 hit single, Trap Queen followed by his top-ten singles, 679, and My Way. Fetty gained extensive popularity...
View ArticleAdulting
AboutTo Adult (often used in the progressive tense, as “adulting”, or in hashtag form) is to act in a responsible, grown-up fashion. This Internet slang is often applied to social media posts regarding...
View ArticleDavid Cameron
AboutDavid Cameron is a British politician who has served as the leader of the Conservative Party since 2005 and and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since 2010.Online HistoryThe official...
View ArticlePiggate / Hameron
OverviewPiggate, alternately known as The Bae of Pigs, Hameron, or The Snoutrage, is the name of a scandal surrounding the British Prime Minister David Cameron, after an unauthorized biography claimed...
View ArticleYou Gotta
AboutYou Gotta is a series of mock conversations on Tumblr in which a person receives the emphatic response “you gotta” after questioning an order.OriginOn October 16th, 2013, the Baby’s Names...
View ArticlePizza Rat
AboutPizza Rat is the nickname given to a rodent that became an overnight Internet sensation after it was spotted carrying down a slice of pizza down the stairs of a New York City subway platform in...
View ArticleRiFF RaFF
AboutRiff Raff (also known as Jody Highroller) real name “Horst Christian Simco”, is an American rapper from Houston signed to Diplo’s label Mad Decent (who he often collaborates with), known for his...
View ArticleYou are an idiot AHAHAHAHAHA.
OriginThe meme/virus known as Youareanidiot was famous in 2005-2007 for it’s ability to cause the “Blue Screen Of Death” by multiplying constantly, the site also contained a truckload of viruses in...
View ArticleDaraprim Price Hike
OverviewDaraprim Price Hike refers to the controversial increase in the price-per-tablet of the medication Daraprim after it was acquired by the company Turing Pharmaceuticals AG in August...
View ArticleSmol
AboutSmol (often paired with lorge or bean), refers to any animal, character, or object that is very tiny and cute. The word is often used as a descriptor or hashtag.OriginThe origin of smol is...
View ArticlePotato Girl
Work in progress.AboutPotato Girl is the nickname given by fans to Sasha Blouse, a character from the anime and manga series Shingeki no Kyojin after a scene where she appears eating a potato. This...
View ArticleJohn Lennon Absolute Madman
AboutJohn Lennon Absolute Madman is an image fad featuring a photograph of John Lennon, the lead singer of the rock band “The Beatles” doing a wanky walk on the streets with his wife Yoko Ono, which is...
View ArticleSubreddit Simulator
AboutSubreddit Simulator is a fully-automated subreddit featuring submissions and comments produced by bot accounts using Markov chain randomization processes.HistoryOn March 1st, 2015, Reddit admin...
WIP, I swear i’ll finish this I swear on me mumAbout“Am I being detained(or am I free to go?)” is a statement uttered by people who have been stopped by the police, usually sovereign citizens or...
View ArticlePlanned Parenthood
AboutPlanned Parenthood is a network of health clinics, mostly in the United States focused on providing reproductive and sexual healthcare. Planned Parenthood had been controversial for the entirety...
View ArticleDrag and Drop Reaction GIFs
AboutDrag and Drop Reaction GIFs are animated images featuring mouse cursors on computer desktops performing a variety of drag and drop gestures.OriginOn June 7th, 2014, Imgur[1] user balcsida uploaded...
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