Jeb Bush
AboutJeb Bush is an American conservative politician who previously served as the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. He is the younger brother of former United States President George W....
View ArticleThe Signs As
About“The Signs As”, also known as “according to your sign,” is a phrasal template used in a series of novelty horoscopes on Tumblr, which assign humorous descriptions for each of the 12 signs of the...
View ArticlePredator
AboutPredator is a science fiction/horror franchise which began in 1987 with the film Predator starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. [1] The franchise has since been adapted into several feature length...
View ArticleFinal Fantasy VII Remake
Entry is under W.I.P. Please be patient.AboutFinal Fantasy VII Remake is the long awaited remake of a popular, classical, and fan-favorite Final Fantasy gaming series Final Fantasy VII. Ever since the...
View ArticleBreak the Internet
AboutBreak the Internet or to break the Internet is a catchphrase used to indicate when a narrative, story, or image goes extremely viral, spreading through many different regions of the Internet at...
View ArticleCaveman Spongebob / Band Has Two Drummers
AboutCaveman Spongebob is a Reaction Image used in the music board of 4chan /mu/[1] to show disgust and pedantic behaviour towards certain aspects of music, the image is normally accompanied with the...
View ArticleEd Sheeran
[Work in progress]AboutEd Sheeran is a Grammy nominated English singer-songwriter known for working withCareerOnline HistoryPhotoshop BattleOn December 4th, 2014, Redditor youtossershad1job2do...
View ArticleShenmue
work in progress, please feel free to request editorship!AboutShenmue is a video game series known for its open world and detailed art and storyline. Directed by Yu Suzuki, the series is 16 chapters...
View Article#HaveAWank
About#HaveAWank is a Twitter hashtag used to mock the tediousness of interviews broadcast during the annual PC Gaming Show at the 2015 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), which became a trending topic...
View ArticleSuicideGirls
AboutSuicideGirls is an alternative softcore pornography site owned by SG Services, Inc. and based out of Los Angeles, California. The site is notable for its large collection and distinctive style of...
View ArticleTurntable Ponies
AboutTurntable Ponies refers to a series of exploitable GIF images each featuring a character from the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic riding on the spinning disc of a record...
View ArticleMajor Lazer
Work on progress, request editorship. We need someone to confirm on.AboutMajor Lazer is a electronic music group founded by the American DJ Diplo, with current members DJ Jillionaire and Walshy Fire...
View ArticleI Want to Play A Game
WIPAbout“I Want to Play A Game” is a memorable quote uttered by Jigsaw, the main antagonist of the Saw movie series. Online, the catchphrase has been often used on forum games and rage comics.OriginThe...
View ArticleAnti Bully Ranger / Pls No Bully
super wip, no bully (help would be appreciated, especially if you know the anime)AboutPls No Bully / Anti Bully Ranger is a phrase used in response to someone “bullying” another user or when posting an...
View ArticleTaylor Swift's Belly Button
AboutTaylor Swift’s Belly Button is a popular topic of online discussions and obsession among the fans of the American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, mainly due to the celebrity’s long-standing...
View ArticleDJ Khaled
AboutDJ Khaled is an american producer, personality and rapper. He has gained an ironic following on the internet for his strange Instagram posts, and his pop rap music.OriginDJ Khaled was born on...
View ArticleKim Jong Un Looking At Things
AboutKim Jong Un Looking At Things is a single topic blog that curates a series of official photographs of the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un taken during his routine inspections of various state-run...
View ArticlePony Creator
AboutGeneral Zoi’s Pony Creator is an Flash-based creator game which allows users to design their own original characters in the style of characters from the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony:...
View ArticleFoxgirl / Kitsune
Work in progress. Feel free to request editorshipAboutFoxgirls, also known as Kitsunes or Kemonomimi, refers to female characters with fox traits, normally defined by having fox ears and tail(s). There...
View ArticleMetroid Prime: Federation Force
OverviewMetroid Prime: Federation Force is a first-person co-op shooting game. It is being developed by Next Level Games for the Nintendo 3DS, The game is a spin-off from the Metroid franchise where...
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