Kim Jong Un Looking At Things is a single topic blog that curates a series of official photographs of the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un taken during his routine inspections of various state-run businesses, facilities and institutions. It can be seen as the illegitimate successor to the viral Tumblr blog Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things, which features similar propaganda of the late North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il taken during the reign before his death in December 2011.
The Tumblr blog “Kim Jong Un Looking At Things”[1] was launched by an anonymous Tumblr blogger on December 18th, 2011, on the same day North Korea’s state-run news agency KCNA announced that its leader Kim Jong-Il had died as a result of a massive heart attack two days prior.
The Tumblr blog Kim Jong Il Looking At Things was launched by Portuguese art director creator João Rocha on October 6th, 2010. All of the original photographs were taken and published by the state-run Korean Central News Agency, North Korea’s propaganda wing mainly used to promote Kim Jong Il’s public image and the state’s official Juche[2] ideology. Even after the death of Kim in December 2011, the blog continued to run photographs of the late dictator looking at things for another year.

External References
[1]Tumblr – Kim Jong Un Looking At Things
[2]Tumblr – Kim Jong Il Looking At Things
[3]The Daily Dot – Tumblr Kim Jong-Il Looking At Things finds successor
[4]TIME– ‘Kim Jong Il Looking at Things’ Has a Tumblr Successor
[5]Mashable – Kim Jong-il’s Death Spawns Odd New Meme
[6]Facebook – Kim Jong Un Looking At Things
[7]NeoGAF – Kim Jong Un Looking At Things
[8]NBC News – Like father, like son: Kim Jong Un looking at things
[9]Kotaku – North Korea’s New Dictator…Looking at Things
[10]Metafilter – Kim Jong Un Looking at Things
[11]BuzzFeed – The Kim Jong Un Wanting To Eat Things Things Meme
[12]The Atlantic – Kim Jong Un Looking at Things
[13]Imgur – Kim Jong-un Looking at Things
[14]Reddit – Kim Jong-un Looking at Things
[15]Reddit – Search Results for ‘kim jong un looking at’
[16]Blogspot – Kim Jong Un Photomontages
[17]The Mirror – Picture special: North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un looking at things
[18]9gag – Kim Jong Un looking at things
[19]Ranker – The 51 Best Pictures of Kim Jong-Un Looking at Things
[20]Twitter – #kimjongunlookingatthings