ELO Hell
AboutELO Hell refers to a fictional ranking place in the League of Legends game in which players are doomed to be stuck in because of the amount of newbie / troll players being randomly selected in...
View ArticleI Wish I Was At Home
AboutI Wish I Was At Home (Playing Videogames) is an expression found in image macros where a person is displaying discomfort of anxiety when put in social situations. It is used in a similar way like...
View ArticleHunter Pence Signs
AboutHunter Pence Signs are a series of oversized posters featuring humorous insults specifically aimed at San Francisco Giants outfielder Hunter Pence. The taunting signs quickly became a trend among...
View ArticleGibus
AboutThe Ghastly Gibus and the Ghostly Gibus are two hats in the game Team Fortress 2 known to be one of the only hats that can be earned and worn by free-to-play users, along with the Pyrovision...
View ArticleJezebel
AboutJezebel is a feminist news site run by Gawker Media which covers a variety of celebrity-related news and gossips, as well as issue topics pertaining to women’s rights movement and gender...
View ArticleRetard
About“Retard” is a slang term for someone who is born with mental retardation, also known as intellectual disability or mental handicap, a condition marked by impaired cognition and functional skill....
View ArticleFunny Sheet Music Annotations
AboutFunny Sheet Music Annotations refers to notations on sheet music that go beyond traditional directions regarding the speed or volume at which a musician should play and are often humorously coarse...
View ArticleAziz Ansari
AboutAziz Ansari is American actor and comedian known for his portrayal of the character Tom Haverford on the NBC show Parks and Recreation.CareerAnsari started off performing improv at the Upright...
View ArticleYour - You're Controversy
AboutYour/You’re is a common grammar mistake often done intentional or unintentional on internet forums or commentaries.WIP
View ArticleGrand Canyon Squirrel Kicker
OverviewGrand Canyon Squirrel Kicker refers to an unidentified man who was seen kicking a squirrel off a cliff into the Grand Canyon in a YouTube video uploaded in August 2014. The video quickly...
View Articlejacksepticeye
Aboutjacksepticeye is an Irish born let’s player who is known for his enthusiastic and humble nature. He’s predominately known for his GTA V and Skate 3 playthroughs and his Reading Your Comments...
View ArticleIce Bucket Challenge
AboutIce Bucket Challenge refers to a challenge in which someone pours a bucket of ice water over their head and challenges someone else to perform the challenge in the same style as sellotape selfie...
View ArticleAmerican Apparel Advertisements
OverviewAmerican Apparel Advertisements are a series of advertising campaigns designed by and printed for the Los Angeles-based clothing manufacturer, distributor and retailer American Apparel. Due to...
View Article2014 Ebola Outbreak
(Work in progress)OverviewThe 2014 Ebola Outbreak is an epidemic of the Ebola virus disease that began in Guinea, Africa in March 2014. After spreading to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria, the World...
View ArticleDan Forden's TOASTY!
AboutTOASTY, originated from Mortal Kombat, a brutal fighting game which it’s arcade release is October 8th, 1992, by Midway Games. The person who recites Toasty is Dan Forden, who created the music...
View ArticleMax From Blue Tax
Max from Blue Tax refers to the Oddly made CGI commercial from Blue Tax in which the poorly made CGI character Max tells people to “Stop Stressing Right Now!” if they owe the IRS more than $10,000.Max...
View ArticleBarneyfag (Barneyfan)
AboutBarneyfag is a form of trolling that is frequently used by /co/ to bash and retaliate against My Little Pony content posted on /co/ after the creation of /mlp/. It is a form of trolling that has...
View ArticleWe Will Rebuild
AboutWe Will Rebuild refers to a series of images of minor objects which have either fallen over or been knocked slightly out of place, sarcastically captioned with the slogan “we will rebuild” in...
View ArticleFace of the people who sank all their money into the FX
AboutThe face of the people who sank all their money into the FX (Japanese: FXで有り金全部溶かす人の顔) refers to a series of parody illustrations inspired by a facial expression of desperation which appeared on...
View ArticleAlice Spring Reptile Center Killings
OverviewThe Alice Springs Reptile Centre Killings were a number of animal that died at hands of a kid the 1st of October in 2008 at the Alice Springs Reptile Centre.BackgorundAt 1 of October 2008, a...
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