Early? I’d Better Make A Joke is a trend in the Youtube Comments section, usually posted before the view count of a video goes above 301, anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after its initial upload.
Comments of this style began popping up on newly posted videos in August of 2015, and have since been found on most of the newly posted videos from many popular channels. A proper example of this comment uses the exact words, or a paraphrase thereof, “I’m early? I’d better make a joke”, creating a space between the first part of the comment, and the second, taking advantage of the “Read More” button to hide the punchline. The comments also often us a sarcastic or deadpanned tone, usually relating to the video’s subject, the channel that uploaded the video, or a current event.

These are another form of upvote baits in the Youtube Comments section, which many users use to gain likes on their comment. The comments are often posted in videos of popular YouTube accounts, specifically ones that focus on Lets Plays, such as Game Grumps, Markiplier,