Please Photoshop Away the Kid refers to a compilation of images ostensibly taken from a Photoshop request thread featuring a photograph of a couple kissing at the beach with a child playing in the background.
The exact origin of the original photograph is unclear. On August 18th, 2015, Imgur[2] user damnfiddles a gallery of photoshopped variations of a picture featuring a couple kissing at the beach with a child playing with a volleyball in the background titled “Please photoshop away the kid” to the /r/funny (shown below, left). In the comments section, damn fiddles provided a link to the photograph hosted on the domain repstatic.ic, citing it as “the original pic.”

Redditor Hanez submitted the gallery to /r/funny,[1] gaining over 6,600 votes (93% upvoted) and 170 comments in 24 hours. Additionally, many Redditors replied with new altered versions of the photo (shown below).

The same day, FunnyJunk[3] user christinap posted a vertical strip of notable examples. In the coming days, several Internet humor sites highlighted examples of the photoshop meme, including The Chive,[4] Twisted Sifter[6] and CollegeHumor.[5]
Search Interest
Not available.
External References
[1]Reddit – Please photoshop away the kid
[2]Imgur – Please photoshop away the kid
[3]FunnyJunk – Please photoshop away the kid
[4]The Chive – If you ask the internet to photoshop something
[5]CollegeHumor – A Couple Foolishly Asked the Internet to Photoshop Their Vacation Photos
[6]Twisted Sifter – Please Photoshop Away the Kid