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“Scrub” is an Internet slang term, used in a similar vein to Noob, it is commonly used as an insult, describing a person as useless or bad. It is also used in conjunction with Rekt and Git Gud


On December 29, 2008, Urban Dictionary[1] user Chirus_Fire submitted an entry for the term “Scrub”, defining it as someone who is bad at a videogame or activity in general. The definition also gives some history about the term, saying that it originates from Street Fighter 2.

A scrub is a now generalized term used as a synonym for a “noob” or “newb,” which is someone who is bad at a video game or activity in general.

The term derives from Street Fighter II, to describe some players that were so bad that they would mash their hands across the control pad, an act known as "scrubbing.


Multiple discussions have been made asking what “Rekt” means on Yahoo Answers[2] .
It is quite common to see the term “Rekt” on gaming forums, such as Gamefaqs[3] and Steam Powered User Forums[4]

On February 4, 2011, League of Legends[5] forum user Urban Ranger posted a discussion asking what “Scrub” meant.

Search Interest

External References

[1]Urban Dictionary – Scrub / 12-29-2008
fn2. Yahoo! Answers – What Is A Scrub In Slang?
fn3. Gamefaqs – Guys how do you define a scrub? everyone in the fighting game community / 12-16-2011
fn4. Steam Powered User Forums – Scrub
fn5. whats a scrub? / 2-4-2011

Hunter Pence Signs



Hunter Pence Signs are a series of oversized posters featuring humorous insults specifically aimed at San Francisco Giants outfielder Hunter Pence. The taunting signs quickly became a trend among the fans of Major League Baseball after a a group of New York Mets fans were seen holding up the signs during their team’s games against San Francisco Giants in August 2014.


On August 1st, 2014, the San Francisco Giants played the first match in a four-game series against the New York Mets at Citi Field in Queens, New York. During the game, two fans were seen on TV holding signs which mocked Giants outfielder Hunter Pence, claiming he is the type of person who would commit the New York faux pas of putting ketchup on a hot dog and eating pizza with a fork. Later that day, the @MLBGIFs[1] Twitter feed posted an animated GIF of the hecklers, garnering upwards of 940 favorites and 860 retweets in the first week (shown below).


On August 3rd, the @MLBFanCave[6] Twitter feed posted several photos of other Mets fans holding signs mocking Pence (shown below). In the next four days, the tweet gained over 960 retweets and 880 favorites.

The same day, Twitter user @armigloo[7] posted several tweets poking fun at Pence accompanied by the hashtag #hunterpencesigns (shown below). According to the Twitter analytics site Topsy,[8] the hashtag was tweeted over 7,000 times over the next 72 hours.

On August 5th, the Milwaukee Brewers Twitter[5] feed posted a picture of several Brewers fans holding signs mocking Pence during the team’s game against the San Francisco Giants (shown below).

Hunter Pence Response

On August 6th, Pence posted two photographs of himself with #HunterPenceSigns captions mocking his ability to parallel park and his habit of returning library books early (shown below, left, middle).[2][3] In addition, his girlfriend Alexis Cozombolidis tweeted a photograph of herself with Pence captioned with a #HunterPenceSigns joke (shown below, right).[4]

Notable Examples

Search Interest

Not available.

External References

[1]Twitter – MLBGIFs

[2]Twitter – @hunterpence

[3]Twitter – @hunterpence

[4]Twitter – @LetsGetLexi

[5]Twitter – @Brewers

[6]Twitter – @MLBFanCave

[7]Twitter – @armigloo

[8]Topsy – #hunterpencesigns

Guardians of the Galaxy



Guardians of the Galaxy is an American action adventure film based on the comic book series with the same name. The film is about a man, Peter Quill (A.K.A Star Lord), who is taken from earth as a child and raised by a group of space outlaws. He then teams up with a group of criminals to protect the galaxy from a man with a powerful stone and a grudge.


Guardians of Galaxy was originally a comic book series released in 1969 that had various stories and series and was cancelled in 1995. In 2008 a series with the same title was released and featured the more well known members and was a part of the official Marvel continuity. The team was founded by Star Lord, a half Human and half Spartoi, and he recruited Adam Warlock, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Phyla-Vell, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot, with Mantis as support staff. The team has been a very important part to the cosmic part of the Marvel universe and has had many members that have joined and left, such as Iron Man, Agent Venom, Captain Marvel among many others.

A film of Guardians of Galaxy was released on August 1st, 2014. The film starred Chris Pratt as Peter Quill, the outlaw turned hero, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, a genetically altered assassin raised by the man who killed her parents, Dave Bautista as Drax, a man bent on avenging the death of his family, and the voices of Vin Diesel as tree-creature Groot and Bradley Cooper as genetically modified raccoon creature Rocket.


After his mother dies, a young Peter Quill is taken from earth by space outlaws. As an adult, Quill is still a petty criminal, and he is picked up with another group of criminals and taken to space jail. While in jail he joins forces with Gamora, Drax, Groot and Rocket to sell a dangerous stone to the highest bidder, to earn money and keep it out of the hands of Ronan (Lee Pace), who wants to use it’s power to wipe out an entire race. When Ronan gets ahold of the stone, Quill and Gamora, Groot, Drax and Rocket join forces to try to save the galaxy, ultimately succeeding.


The film broke the record for the biggest weekend premiere in North America[2], earning over $94 million. The film was also a critical success, earning a score of 76 on Metacritic[3] and a rating of 92% on RottenTomatoes.[4]

Online Presence

As of August 2014, Guardians of the Galaxy’s offical Twitter account[5] has gained over 110,000 followers and its Facebook page[6] has gained over 1 million likes.


There are several Tumblr blogs dedicated to the film including fuckyeahguardiansofthegalaxy[8], starlord-peterquill-gotg[9] and fyeahgotg.[10] Fans tag their content with the film’s title and gotg.[11] As of August 2014, DeviantArt[7] has over 7,000 pieces of fan art tagged Guardians of the Galaxy.

Rocket Raccoon

Rocket Raccoon[16] is popular character in the fandom, with fans viewing GIFs and fan art on the Tumblr blog fuckyeahrocketraccoon[17]. Bill Mantlo, who helped create Rocket in the original comic, was able to watch Guardians of the Galaxy in his nursing home, where he’s been cared for after a 1992 car accident which caused Mantlo to suffer brain damage. However Mantlo’s brother Michael is currently fighting Marvel over profits which might belong to his brother. Rocket Raccoon was originally designed as a Raccoon that lived on the Halfworld, a abandoned colony for the mentally ill and the animals such as Rocket were genetically modified to have intelligence and Bi-pedal bodies to become care takers of the inmates and Rocket was a Ranger of Halfworld that protected the colony from threats.

Related Memes

I Am Groot

I Am Groot is a memorable quote oft-repeated by Groot, a sentient alien character embodied in the shape of a tree and member of Marvel’s superhero team Guardians of the Galaxy. Due to its frequent appearance in the 2014 live-action film adaptation of the comic book series, the self-referential quote quickly gained recognition among the fans of the film, in a similar vein to the creation of fan art surrounding the phrase Hodor, which is the only phrase uttered by the eponymous character in HBO’s medieval fantasy TV series Game of Thrones.

Viral Videos

On March 4th, 2014, YouTuber OnlyLeigh[12] uploaded a video titled “Guardians Of The Galaxy Post Credits Scene” which imagined what the film’s post credit scenes might entail. As of August 2014, the video has gained over 160,000 views. On June 21st, 2014, YouTuber The Unusual Suspect[13] uploaded a video titled “Star Wars (Guardians of the Galaxy Style!)” which features a trailer for Star Wars with the soundtrack from Guardians of the Galaxy. As of August 2014, the video has gained over 2.1 million views.

Also on June 21st, YouTuber atlantismedia83[14] uploaded a video titled “Guardians of the Galaxy Zombie Parody Trailer.” As of August 2014, the video has gained over 21,000 views. On July 31st, YouTuber Joseph Germani[15] uploaded a video titled “Guardians of The Durians.” As of August 2014, the video has gained over 40,000 views.

Notable Examples

Search Interest

External References




Anti-Wikipedianism is a sentiment that hates Wikipedia, both with or without a reason. It is a form of bigotry and prejudice, but has since been evolved into vendettas and grudges, with the Wikimedia Foundation and every site that affiliates with it and Wikipedia, particularly its criticism site Wikipediocracy.


Wikipedia can be edited by anyone with an Internet connection, regardless of age, education or experience, but only fewer and fewer people has the courage to do so anymore. The average person is completely unaware that what they may be reading on a Wikipedia page could be completely false or intentionally misleading. And the only way to verify the information posted to Wikipedia is to independently research the subject from a reputable source. Wikipedia is thus broken by design and “truth” is simply determined by who edits last [1], and this opened a door to Wikipedia being empowered to do anything, for instance, rewrite histories of contributors and editors with invented, fabricated facts in order to justify their weighted decisions.

Since Wikipedia’s inception, there are 3 tiers of users: Regular users, Bureaucrats, and Administrators. Out of those 3 tiers, it’s the administrators that are the worst, but sometimes some, regular users and bureaucrat are the same. All of these have not just created a set of rules for people to follow, but also started worshipping them to the point of eliminating the very producers of the wiki encyclopedia to preserve the trolls and those who never do well. This set of rules became the breeding grounds for Wikipedia’s insanity over its culture and policy, with the former achieved the exact opposite.

Anti-Wikipedianism is believed to have grown very large owing to the chain of events stemming from the disruptive Phobos-Grunt campaign in 2012, and Russavia’s alleged campaign of harassment and trolling of Jumbo Wales; both of which resulted in increased outings of several editors and at least two Wikimedia Foundation employees came under fire.


Gregory Kohs has published many articles about Wikipedia’s grievous deficiencies. In March 2013, an article about Wikipedia intervening to wipe out the real identity behind Russavia, as well as articles on about the resulting chain of events involving him attracted attention about anti-Wikipedianism.


Anti-Wikipedianism is said to bring benefit to those who don’t want to be treated badly by Wikipedia. As a result, a number of editors and administrators are being fired. The most notable is the Archtransit case, in which Archtransit, upon being defrocked of his administrator status, claims there is “cabalism in Wikipedia”, and plans “to write a letter to the editor”.

Search Interest

Anti-Wikipedianism is a relatively new trend.

External References

[1]Popular Technology.net – The Anti Wikipedia Resource / Posted on 11-14-2008




#MikeBrown is a hashtag campaign launched in remembrance of Michael Brown, an African American teenager from Ferguson, Missouri, who was shot and killed by the officers of St. Louis Police Department during an physical altercation that allegedly took place on August 9th, 2014. The news of the teenager’s death, which happened less than a month after the controversial death of Eric Garner, instantly prompted backlash against police brutality and racial profiling in the social media, similar to the large-scale protests that erupted in the wake of the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012.


On August 9th, 2014, Michael Brown,[1] an eighteen-year-old African American, was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was unarmed at the time of the shooting. On August 10th, Jon Belmar, the police chief for St. Louis County, gave a statement explaining Brown had been shot after he assaulted a police officer and attempted to gain control of officer’s gun. The hashtag #MikeBrown was introduced by Twitter user Twists_nd_turns[2] who listed it with a collection of names of young men killed by the police, including Trayvon Martin.

Notable Developments

News Media Coverage

The hashtag and surrounding discussion was covered by many websites on August 10th, including Bustle[7] and Christian Science Monitor[8]. Within 48 hours the hashtag[3] was tweeted out over 130,000 times.


On August 10th, Twitter user CJ_musick_lawya[5] introduced the hashtag #IfTheyGunnedMeDown, which African American twitter users can use to post to pictures of themselves, one featuring a very positive, accomplished image and one that could be perceived as negative based on negative racial stereotypes.

The hashtag was meant to criticize a picture of Brown NBC News tweeted[6] earlier on August 10th, which seems to portray Brown negatively based on racial stereotypes.

CJ_musick_lawya’s original tweet gained over 1,000 retweets within 24 hours, and the hashtag[4] was retweeted out over 110,000 times.


On August 10th, 2014, Anonymous[9] posted a press release on PasteBin[10] titled “Anonymous Operation Ferguson – Press Release.” The release explains Anonymous was “outraged” by Brown’s death, and explained they would be taking action, explaining:’’

“Anonymous demands that the Congressional Representatives and Senators from Missouri introduce legislation entitled “Mike Brown’s Law” that will set strict national standards for police conduct in the USA. We further demand that this new law include specific language to grant the victims of police violence the same rights and prerogatives that are already enjoyed nationwide by the victims of other violent criminals. The Equal Protection clause of the US Constitution demands nothing less."

They went on to say that should any of those protesting Brown’s death be harmed by police, Anonymous would attack their computer systems and release the personal information of their officers. The same day the Twitter account OpFerguson[11] was created, within 24 hours it gained over 1,000 followers. Also that day the hashtag #OpFerguson was introduced, within 24 hours it has been tweeted out over 6,000 times. That night Ferguson’s town website was hacked[13] leading their mayor to have city employees’ personal information removed from several websites.

External Links




#Fatkini is a hashtag-based photo fad in which women take photographs of themselves in plus-size two-piece bikini suits and share them online to promote body positivity and fat acceptance.


On April 22nd, 2012, fashion blogger Gabi Gregg posted an article titled “Fatkini 2012”[1] with several photographs of herself dressed in a striped two-piece bathing suit (shown below). In the post, she encouraged her readers not to shy away from sporting bikini suits, regardless of one’s body shape or body image.

“As always, I truly encourage you guys to get to the beach (or a pool) this summer--don’t let body shame keep you from having a good time! I don’t expect everyone to feel comfortable in a two piece, but hopefully I can inspire some of you to take the plunge.”


On June 11th, a Facebook[4] page titled “Fatkini” was launched to highlight photographs of plus-sized women in two-piece bathing suits. In just over two years, the page has garnered at least 2,000 likes.

On June 11th, a Facebook[4] page titled “Fatkini” was launched, which highlights photographs of plus-sized women in two-piece bathing suits.

“Fatkinis are the beautiful two-piece bathing suits that amazing fat babes wear while sunbathing, swimming, doing household chores, petting cats, eating ice cream, etc.”

On June 2nd, 2014, Redditor kubot submitted a reaction GIF to /r/TrollXChromosomes,[6] a subreddit community dedicated to women’s humor, in a post titled “MRW I finally get the nerve to wear my ‘fatkini’ in public and I get unexpected compliments” (shown below).

On August 10th, BuzzFeed[2] posted a compilation of #Fatkini examples taken from Instagram. The same day, Redditor freedom_tory submitted the BuzzFeed article to the /r/fatlogic[5] subreddit, where the top comment criticized the post for referring to plus-size women as “real women.” Meanwhile, Instagram[11] user tessmunster posted a photograph of herself wearing a bikini, which gathered upwards of 18,000 likes and 960 comments in the first 24 hours (shown below).

In the coming days, several news sites published articles about the photo trend, including The Sydney Morning Herald,[7] Mirror,[8]MTV[9] and The Independent.[10] As of August 2014, there are over 7,400 Instagram posts with the tag #fatkini.[12]

Search Interest

External References




#FeministsAreUgly is a satirical hashtag campaign started to poke fun at the backlash against recent hashtag campaigns such as #YesAllWoman and #WhyINeedFeminism which often attacked the physical appearance or feminity of the feminist Twitter users.


On July 22nd, 2014, Twitter user LilyBolourian[1] tweeted a selfie of herself with the hashtag #FeministsAreUgly. She then tweeted out encouragement for other Twitter users to tweet their selfies with the hashtag.

Notable Developments

Media Coverage

On August 8th, 2014, Buzzfeed,[3] published a post titled “Feminists Are Tweeting Stunning Selfies In Response To The #FeministsAreUgly Hashtag” which featured a collection of selfies tweeted out with the hashtag. Within a month the hashtag[4] was tweeted out over 91,000 times.

Also on August 8th, Flavorwire[2] published an article titled “#FeministsAreUgly Doesn’t Deserve Your Gorgeous Selfies” which argues that the hashtag features mostly women trying unironically to prove feminists can be pretty and thus excludes unattractive feminists, explaining:

“That “all shapes and sizes” constituency includes “pretty” feminists, yes. It also includes feminists who aren’t conventionally attractive, because part of feminism’s goal is to reject the equation of a woman’s appearance with her self-worth. And therein lies the problem with attempting to reappropriate a certain hashtag instead of letting it die.”

They later included an update which LilyBolourian clarified had started the hashtag:

““to create our own narrative and question what ‘ugly’ means.”

On the same day the hashtag was also featured on several other websites including The Telegraph[5], Bustle[6] and The Huffington Post.[7]

Notable Examples

Search Interest

External References

Anthony Fantano / theneedledrop



Anthony Fantano is an internet music reviewer known for his channel “theneedledrop” and has a cult following in /mu/. That channel currently has around around 330,000 subscribers.

Online History

Fantano’s first Youtube channel, thatistheplan [1] was created on September 9th, 2007. He uploaded his first video Bruce Springsteen vs. The Mountaingoats [2] on October 4, 2007. He continued to make covers of songs until January 7th. Then, on January 20th, 2010, Fantano created theneedledrop [3], where he began to proceed to make music reviews. He gained spread with his review of Plastic Beach by Gorillaz [4]. He soon gained a following due to his musical tastes and his personality.

Common Videos

Normal Reviews

During this segment, is when Anthony does full album reviews of the “independent persuasion”, though he has reviewed mainstream artists such as Kanye West [5], Coldplay [6] and Future [7]on this segment. He has only given two albums a perfect 10, consisting of Death Grips– The Money Store [8] and Swans– To Be Kind [9]. His most popular review is for Fleet Foxes – Helplessness Blues.

Cal Chuchesta

Cal Chuchesta is the supposed roomate of Anthony Fantano. He is known for his taste in music (or lack of, thereof). Once a year he releases a “Best Music of the Year” list.


Y U NO REVIEW? Is a section where Fantano talks about albums released that month that he did not want to review or did not have the time to make a full review on it. There are around eight to twelve albums in this section.

Letter from a fan / Lo-Fi Tano

Letter from a fan is a segment where Fantano answers a question about music sent from a fan. For Lo-Fi Tano segments, he often uses his iPhone to record this, often called “Lo-Fi Tano”. He uses this in other situations, mostly in his secondary account, thatistheplan.

Search Interests

External Reference

[1]YouTube – thatistheplan

[2]YouTube – Bruce Springsteen vs. The Mountaingoats

[3]YouTube – theneedledrop

[4]YouTube – Gorillaz – Plastic Beach Review

[5]YouTube – Kanye West – Yeezus Review

[6]YouTube – Coldplay – Ghost Stories Review

[7]YouTube – Future – Honest Review

[8]YouTube – Death Grips – The Money Store Review

[9]YouTube – Swans – To Be Kind Review

Particle Man



“Particle Man” is a song by geek rock band They Might Be Giants that deals with four different types of so-called “men”. These include:

  • Particle Man: A microscopic being who his so small that his descriptives are not important enough to be discussed
  • Triangle Man: A being that hates Particle Man and wins in a fight against him
  • Universe Man: A massive being that is kind and has clock-like hands for minutes, millenniums eons
  • Person Man: A being that is constantly degraded and is also hated and defeated by triangle man


Originally appearing on their third album Flood in 1990, Particle Man was never released as a single, yet it has remained one of the duo’s most popular songs[1] and is also the name of their Youtube channel[2]. The song was made into a music video for the television show “Tiny Tunes Adventures” in the episode “Tiny Toon Music Television”, in which the character Plucky Duck portrays Particle Man and Person Man.[3]


The popularity of the song has led to several parodies on the internet in the forms of both images and videos. The song also featured a resurgence in popularity in 2014 when Youtuber The MysteriousMrEnter used the Person Man verse as bumper music for his “Top 10 Squidward Torture Porns” video, which was part of his famous “Animated Atrocities” series.

Notable Examples

Search Interest

External References

Robin Williams



Robin Williams was an American actor and comedian who starred in dozens of notable films and TV shows over the course of more than four decades, during which he rose to international fame for portraying a wide range of memorable characters, from his memorable comedic roles in Mrs. Doubtfire and Good Morning, Vietnam to the more serious roles in Good Will Hunting and The Dead Poets Society. In August 2014, Williams was found dead at his home in California at age of 63 in an apparent case of suicide.

Acting Career

Williams began his acting career in 1977 guest starring on TV shows such as The Richard Pryor Show and Eight Is Enough. His break-out role was the alien Mork on the TV show Mork & Mindy which ran from 1998 to 1982, which he won a Golden Globe for Best TV Actor (Musical/Comedy) in 1979. His first big screen role was the starring role in Popeye in 1980. He starred in a several comedic dramas in the 1980s including The World According to Garp (1982) and Good Morning, Vietnam (1987). He starred in several family and children’s comedies in the 1990s including Aladdin (1992), Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) and Flubber (1997). In the early 2000s he starred in several dark films including One Hour Photo (2002), Death to Smoochy (2002) and World’s Greatest Dad (2009).


Williams received his first Academy Award nomination in 1988 for his performance in Good Morning, Vietnam. He received three more nominations, winning one for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in 1998 for Good Will Hunting. He received 11 Golden Globe nominations, winning five. He also received the Cecil B. DeMille Award in 2005.


Williams was most well known for his exceptional fluency in ad libitum, improvisational acting and impersonation skills, both on-screen as an actor and on-stage as a stand-up comedian, as well as his distinct style of delivering jokes in rapid-fire succession.

Online History

Social Media Presence

As of August 2014, Williams’ Twitter account[2] has gained over 1.3 million followers and his Facebook account[3] has gained over 6.5 million likes. His Instagram account[4] has gained over 320,000 followers

Kim Kardashian Tweet

On May 7th, 2013, Williams tweeted out a side by side picture of Kim Kardashian in the dress she wore at the Met Gala next to a picture of Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire in a similar dress. Within a year the tweet gained over 320,000 retweets and over 220,000 favorites. Several websites covered the tweet the next day including The Huffington Post[13] and The Daily Mail.[14]

Related Memes

What Year Is It?

What Year Is It is the caption of an image macro featuring a photo of Robin Williams’ disheveled-looking character from the 1995 film Jumanji. In rage comics, it is often used in similar fashion to the my face when reaction faces to convey the disoriented sense of time experienced when waking up.

Personal Life

Williams was born on July 21st, 1951, in Chicago, Illinois. He briefly attended Claremont McKenna College and Juilliard School.


Robin Williams died[6] on August 11th, 2014, with police suspecting his death to be caused by suicide through asphyxiation. That day several websites posted retrospectives of his work, including The Huffington Post[7] and Buzzfeed.[8] The same day Mashable posted a video retrospective for Williams, within 24 hours it gained over 340,000 views.

The following day several websites published a collection of celebrities reacting to his death on Twitter, including ABC News[11] and Mashable.[12]

Search Interest

External References

Shark Week



Shark Week is a block of programming dedicated to the fish and the fear they induce which airs on the Discovery Channel each year in late August. Because of the popularity of sharks online, and its unique singular focus, the programming block has gained a large fanbase, both ironic and unironic, online.


Shark Week premiered on the Discovery Channel[1] on July 17th, 1988. The idea for shark week came to programmers at the Discovery Channel while gathered at a bar after work. The programming block gained its first celebrity host, Peter Benchley best known for writing shark film Jaws, in 1997. Programming features nonfiction shows and specials which offer close up footage of sharks which have evolved as the technology behind video and underwater cameras have evolved.

Notable Developments

Live Every Week Like It’s Shark Week

On an episode of 30 Rock titled “Jack the Writer” which first aired on November 1st, 2006, Tracy tells Kenneth:

“Live every week like its shark week.”

The clip was first uploaded by YouTuber Bender1138[5] on January 31st, 2013. As of August 2014, the video has gained over 29,000 views. The quote has inspired typography fan art.

Colbert Bump

On August 5th, 2009, The Colbert Report featured a segment on Shark Week during which he described it as a “powerful cultural event.” As of August 2014, the segment uploaded on the show’s website has been viewed over 24,000 times.

Social Media Presence

Shark Week’s Twitter account[2] was created in May of 2009, as of August 2014, the account has gained over 33,000 followers. Its Facebook page[3] has gained over 1.4 million likes.


On July 17th, 2010, the Tumblr blog fuckyeahsharkweek[4] was created. As of August 2014, Deviant Art[6] has over 9,000 pieces of fan art tagged Shark Week. The subreddit r/sharkweek[7] was created on August 5th, 2010, by Redditor junkmale. As of August 2014, the subreddit has gained over 300 subscribers.


Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives

On August 4th, 2013, Discovery Channel aired a movie titled Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives which it claimed was a documentary. However, websites like The Mary Sue[8] pointed out the Megalodon was a type of prehistoric shark long extinct and thus not alive to be filmed. Discover Magazine[10] published a criticism of the film, saying its disclaimer “did the exact opposite” of calling the film fiction. On August 5th, Wil Wheaton published a post on his blog[11] titled “Discovery Channel Owes It’s Viewers An Apology.” In the post Wheaton explains:

" Sharks are fascinating, and megalodon was an absolutely incredible creature! Discovery had a chance to get its audience thinking about what the oceans were like when megalodon roamed and hunted in them. It had a chance to even show what could possibly happen if there were something that large and predatory in the ocean today … but Discovery Channel did not do that. In a cynical ploy for ratings, the network deliberately lied to its audience and presented fiction as fact. Discovery Channel betrayed its audience."

Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine

On August 10th, 2014, Discovery Channel aired a movie titled Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine which it claimed was a documentary. However, websites like Oregon Live[9] pointed out the South American shark attack the film covered never happened, and its witnesses were all actors. Many twitter users tweeted their unhappiness about the film, including Wil Wheaton.

Several other sites included coverage of the deception and resulting online outrage including Hollywood Life[12] and Gawker.[13]

Search Interest

External References

Makeup Transformations



Makeup Transformations refer to significant alterations to someone’s appearance using advanced makeup artistry techniques. Online, before-and-after photographs featuring notable transformations are often shared on various web forums and community sites.


The origin of makeup transformation photographs online is currently unknown. On October 22nd, 2004, the hoax debunking website Museum of Hoaxes[1] posted several examples of transformation photos from the Yossi Bitton Makeup School website, claiming the images had been photoshopped.


On October 6th, 2006, YouTuber Tim Piper uploaded a Dove Real Beauty video in which a woman is given a makeover and photoshopped for a billboard ad, gathering upwards of 17 million views and 6,400 comments in the next eight years.[5] On May 19th, 2007, YouTuber DrawLove uploaded a timelapse video in which he applies makeup to himself to transform into the drag persona Amnesia Sparkles (shown below).

On July 9th, 2010, the /r/MakeupAddiction[4] subreddit was launched for discussions about makeup artistry, including examples of notable makeup transformations. On June 3rd, 2011, the Internet humor site AcidCow[10] posted a gallery of makeup transformation photographs featuring Asian women (shown below).


On March 9th, 2013, a gallery of photographs featuring adult film stars with and without makeup taken from makeup artist Melissa Murphy’s Instagram[9] feed was submitted to the /r/NoFap[7] subreddit (shown below). Two days later, BuzzFeed[8] highlighted several pictures from the gallery.

On October 3rd, Redditor water_anus submitted before-and-after photos of a woman’s makeup transformation to the /r/pics[6] subreddit, where it gained over 2,100 votes (90% upvoted) prior to being archived (shown below).

On October 27th, makeup artist Elsy Anthonijsz posted a grid of makeup transformation photos demonstrating a contouring technique to her Instagram[11] feed, garnering more than 2,200 likes in 10 months (shown below). On November 6th, Redditor jwwhoa submitted the photos in a post titled “Contouring is the new Photoshop” to the /r/WTF[12] subreddit, where it received upwards of 2,600 votes (83% upvoted) and 700 comments prior to being archived.

On February 13th, 2014, Anthonijsz uploaded a makeup tutorial video to YouTube featuring the same model from the Instagram post, which gathered more than 7.5 million views and 7,200 comments within six months (shown below). On June 27th, YouTuber Trisha Paytas uploaded a video titled “Makeup Transformation,” gaining over 340,000 views and 1,300 comments in the first two months. On July 30th, BuzzFeed[1] highlighted several before-and-after photographs featuring other makeup transformations by artist Melissa Murphy.

#MakeUpTransformation Parodies

On August 12th, 2014, BuzzFeed[3] highlighted several examples of parody makeup transformation photos posted to Instagram and Twitter with the tag #makeuptransformation, which feature men applying makeup in three panels followed by a fourth panel of a celebrity (shown below).

Search Interest

External References

If They Gunned Me Down



#IfIWasGunnedDown is a Twitter hashtag campaign started in light of the death of Mike Brown, an unarmed African American teenager fatally shot by police. After a news station used a picture of Brown which could be perceived as negative African American Twitter users tweeted out two pictures of themselves, one with positive connotations and one with negative using the hashtag to suggest the negative photo would be used in news reports if they were killed.


On August 10th, 2014, Twitter user CJ_musick_lawya[2] introduced the hashtag #IfTheyGunnedMeDown,[3] which African American twitter users can use to post to pictures of themselves, one featuring a very positive, accomplished image and one that could be perceived as negative based on negative racial stereotypes. The hashtag implies if they were killed, news coverage would use the negative image to report on their death.

The hashtag was meant to criticize a picture of Mike Brown, the African American teenager who was shot and killed by police on August 9th, in Ferguson, Missouri, NBC News tweeted[4] earlier on August 10th, which seems to portray Brown negatively based on racial stereotypes.

CJ_musick_lawya’s original tweet gained over 1,000 retweets within 24 hours, and the hashtag[1] was retweeted out over 110,000 times.

Notable Developments

Within three days the hashtag[6] was tweeted out over 180,000 times. On August 11th, the Tumblr blog iftheygunnedmedown[5] was created.

Media Coverage

On August 11th, the LA Times[8] published an article titled “#IfTheyGunnedMeDown ponders portrayal of minorities killed by police” which featured a roundup of tweets using the hashtag. The hashtag was covered by several other sites the same day including The Huffington Post[9] and TIME Magazine.[10] On August 12th, the New York Times[11] published an article titled “Shooting Spurs Hashtag Effort on Stereotypes” which cites one Twitter user attributing the popularity of the hashtag to black twitter.

Notable Examples

External Links




Lonk, an intentional misspelling of “Link,” is a Nintendo Mii avatar based on the protagonist character from the video game series The Legend of Zelda. Lonk can be seen as a fan-made alter ego of the officially licensed character, in a similar fashion to other corrupted versions of iconic video game and cartoon characters like Sanic (Sonic the Hedgehog_), Mayro (Super Mario_) and Dolan (Disney).


On November 30th, 2013, FunnyJunk[5] user taintedangel posted a screenshot of a Nintendo Mii character dressed in a green outfit resembling Link from The Legend of Zelda, with a speech bubble identifying himself as “Lonk from Pennsylvania” (shown below).


On December 2nd, 2013, a Facebook[3] page titled “Lonk from Pennsylvania” was launched. On December 29th, DeviantArtist piffposh reposted the screenshot of Lonk. On June 10th, 2014, Tumblr[2] user alternlsdlm reblogged the Lonk from Pennsylvania screenshot, which garnered more than 90,300 notes in the next two months. On July 20th, Tumblr user iguanamouth[4] posted the Lonk image, a screenshot of a Mii character based off Princess Peach from the Super Mario franchise identified as “Petch from Texas” and an illustration of the two characters (shown below). In the first month, the post received over 260,000 notes.

On July 23rd, the Hello Ask Lonk Tumblr[7] blog was launched, featuring posts written from the perspective of the Lonk character. On July 25th, Redditor ianelinon submitted the Petch and Lonk screenshots to the /r/gaming[1] subreddit, where it gathered upwards of 3,500 votes (89% upvoted) in three weeks. On July 29th, iguanamouth posted an illustration of a Nintendo Mii avatar named Dankey Kang, a misspelling of the gorilla video game character Donkey Kong (shown below).[4] The following day, Redditor MBArceus submitted the illustration to the /r/gaming[8] subreddit, where it gained over 3,400 votes (90% upvoted) in two weeks.

Notable Examples

On Tumblr, many users have uploaded various fan illustrations of the character under the tag “#lonk.”[9]

Search Interest

External References

House, MD



House M.D. is an American medical drama about a gifted and anti-social diagnostician Dr. House (played by Hugh Laurie) who diagnosis complicated illnesses while battling chronic pain and pill addiction. The show’s protagonist is loosely based on the Arthur Conan Doyle character Sherlock Holmes.



Dr. Gregory House is a highly skilled diagnostician who loves to solve difficult cases. Always anti-social and cynical, he has become even more ornery since an operation on his leg left him relying on a cane and in constant pain, he deals with the pain with an addiction to prescription pain medication. His best and only friend, Dr. Willson (Robert Sean Leonard) is a oncologist at the hospital, and there is often romantic tension between House and Dr. Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein), his boss. To assist him in treating his difficult cases he has a rotating team of doctors including Dr. Foreman (Omar Epps), Dr. Chase (Jesse Spencer), Dr. Cameron (Jennifer Morrison), Dr. Taub (Peter Jacobson) and Dr. “Thirteen” (Olivia Wilde).


The show was a critical success, earning a score of 8.9 on IMDB[1] and a rating of on Metacritic.[2] The show won was nominated for nine Golden Globes, winning two in 2006 and 2007 for Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series – Drama (Hugh Laurie). The show was nominated for 24 Primetime Emmys, winning five.

Online Presence

As of August 2014, House’s official Twitter account[3] has gained 270,000 followers and its Facebook page[4] has gained over 44 million likes. All seasons are available to Netflix subscribers. Fans cans also access episode guides and character sketches at the House, MD Wikia.[5]


There are numerous fan-run Tumblr blogs dedicated to the House, MD fandom including itstimeforhousemd[6], fuckyeahhousemdquotes[7] and thankyouhousemd.[8] Fans also gather to discuss the show on the subreddit /r/HouseMD[9], which has over 4,000 subscribers as of August 2014. As of August 2014, there are over 17,000 fan art submissions for the show on Deviant Art.[10]

Notable Examples

Search Interest

External References

[1]IMDBHouse M.D.

[2]Metacritic – House M.D.

[3]Twitter – HOUSEonFOX

[4]Facebook – House

[5]Wikia – House

[6]Tumblr – itstimeforhousemd

[7]Tumblr – fuckyeahhousemdquotes

[8]Tumblr – thankyouhousemd

[9]Reddit – HouseMD

[10]DeviantArt – HouseMD




#IfIWereABoy is a hashtagsign holding in which women reveal things they would do if they were of the male gender. Introduced by the pop culture blog Elite Daily in August 2014, what began as a discussion of gender roles was subsequently derailed into a campaign against male circumcision.


On August 5th, 2014, Elite Daily[1] published an article titled “#IfIWereABoy: 12 Women Share What They’d Do Differently If They Were Treated The Same As Men,” which highlighted photographs of twelve staff members holding signs containing messages describing what they would do if they were men (shown below).


On August 6th, 2014, the news site News.com.au[11] published an article about the hashtag, which highlighted the Elite Daily photographs. On August 8th, the women’s interest blog Hello Giggles[3] published an article about the hashtag campaign. As of August 14th, there are over 24,400 photos submitted to Instagram under the tag “#ifiwereaboy.”

Anti-Circumcision Campaign

On August 7th, 2014, the Forced Circumcision is a Human Rights Violation Facebook[6] page posted a photoshopped version of an #IfIWereABoy photo with superimposed photos of male babies being circumcised (shown below).

The post subsequently inspired anti-circumcision activist Cynthia Maloney to create a Facebook[7] event page titled “If I were a BOY (intactivist event),” which invited people to share photos of themselves holding signs speaking out against forced circumcision. Facebook users began posting photos to the page of themselves holding #IfIWereABoy signs condemning circumcision as a form of genital mutilation (shown below).

On August 9th, a Facebook[8] page titled “If I Were a Boy – Inactivist Community” was created for users to submit addition photos to the anti-circumcision campaign. On August 13th, an article about the hijacked hashtag was submitted to the /r/mensrights[10] subreddit, where it gained over 780 votes (93% upvoted) in the first 24 hours.


On August 11th, the Super Ruchacz Facebook[4] page uploaded a gallery of photographs featuring men holding signs describing what they would do if they “were a girl” (shown below). The same day, The Huffington Post[9] highlighted several of the photos in an article titled “IfIWereABoy Feminist Campaign Gets Ambushed by Stupidity.”

Search Interest

Not available.

External References

Tumblr Fandom Text Posts



Tumblr Fandom Text Posts refers to Tumblr text posts photoshopped onto screenshots of TV shows and movies the text posts seem to apply to.


On July 31st, 2014, Tumblr user aleksvitaly[1] posted a multi-pane image macro strip featuring photographs of Jordan “Kootra” Mathewson from the video game commentary group The Creatures and various screenshots of complementary comments about him posted by Tumblr users. In less than a month, aleksvitaly’s post gained over 2,000 notes.


On August 3rd, 2014, Tumblr user remusloopin[2] published a text post featuring Harry Potter stills. In less than two weeks, the post gained over 5,000 notes (shown below, left). On August 5th, Tumblr user kaiba-cave[3] published a text post featuring Game of Thrones stills. stills. In less than two weeks, the post gained over 21,000 notes (shown below, right).

On August 7th, Tumblr user queerhawkeye[4] published a text post (below, left) featuring Glee stills. Within a week the post gained over 3,000 notes. On August 13th, Tumblr user intoasylum[5] published a text post (below, right) featuring Pretty Little Liars stills. Within 24 hours the post gained over 2,000 notes.

Notable Examples

Hannah Hart& Grace Helbig | Armin (Attack on Titan) | Sirius (Harry Potter)

Santana Lopez (Glee) | Tom Hiddleston | Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)

Search Interest

External References

[1]Tumblr – aleksvitaly

[2]Tumblr – remusloopin

[3]Tumblr – kaiba-cave

[4]Tumblr – queerhawkeye

[5]Tumblr – intoasylum

John Green



John Green is an American young adult author and YouTube vlogger best known for his bestselling novel The Fault in Our Stars and the popular YouTube channel he hosts with his brother Hank, Vlogbrothers

Online History


On January 1st, 2007, John Green, along with his brother Hank Green, created the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel.[8] The channel began as a project titled “Brotherhood 2.0” which stated the Green brothers would go an entire year without textual communication, communicating only through alternating vlog posts on the channel.

After the year long project the Green brothers continued to upload videos on the channel, with John often featuring themed videos in addition to those in the traditional talking head format, including “Question Tuesdays” (below, left) where he would answer questions fans submitted before hand through Twitter, and “Thoughts From Places” (below, right) which features the camera trained on a location while Green narrates how he relates to that place.

As of August 2014, the channel has gained over 2.2 million subscribers.

Project for Awesome

On December 17th, 2007, the Vlogbrothers launched Project For Awesome[15], a project encouraging YouTubers to create videos in support of their favorite charities to raise money for them. The first video (shown below, left) offered a thumbnail image for uploaders to use on their videos in hopes that people’s streams would be flooded with the image. The next year, an official YouTube account[16] for the project was created. The project has continued annually, with 2012 marking the launch of a joint Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign[17] (shown below, right) to raise money for the charities featured in the top five community-chosen videos. Between the campaign and other donations, the 2012 project raised a total of $483,296 and generated more than 724,000 comments on the submitted videos.

The Fault in Our Stars

Green first announced the plan for his fifth novel The Fault in Our Stars in a Vlogbrothers episode on June 29th, 2011, followed by its publication on January 21st, 2012. The book was inspired in part by Green’s work earlier in his life as a chaplain at a children’s hospital, and in part by Esther Earl, a teenage cancer patient whom Green had befriended before she succumbed to the illness in 2010. A book of Earl’s writing titled This Star Won’t Go Out[20] was published on January 28th, 2014, and featured an introduction written by Green. The title of the book, The Fault in Our Stars, is inspired by a quote from Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar:

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

In the video Green also announced he would sign all pre-ordered copies of the book.

The film rights were optioned[4] in late January by Fox 2000. On October 5, 2013, the film’s release date,[5] June 6th, 2014, was announced. On January 29th, 2014, 20th Century Fox uploaded the first trailer for the film. In less than five months the video gained over 20 million views. The trailer went on to break the record for most liked YouTube video, with more than 307,000 likes.

Coverage of and excitement about the film adaption launched several memes including It’s a Metaphor is a memorable quote from a dialogue scene in from a teaser for the film.

Social Media Presence

As of August 2014, Green’s Twitter account[2] has gained over 2.9 million followers and his Facebook account[4] has gained over 2.5 million likes. His Instagram account[5] has gained over 1.3 million followers



As early as September 2007, the term “Nerdfighters” became associated with fans of the Vlogbrothers series, according to Urban Dictionary.[27] The only requirement is that Nerdfighters are made “entirely of awesome” (shown below) instead of bones and skin. They also work together to “reduce world suck” and make life a better place. By February 2009, Nerdfighters began to collaborate outside of YouTube beginning with a Facebook page[28] that has accrued more than 7,400 likes as of August 2013. That September, the single topic Tumblr Eff Yeah Nerdfighters! launched and in April 2010, the /r/nerdfighters[30] subreddit was created. Fans also gather on Ning[34] and Tumblr.[35]

Nerdfighters were chronicled by the Daily Dot[31] in August 2012, who noted the large amount of Nerdfighters attending that year’s Harry Potter convention, LeakyCon. Later that year, a documentary about the community titled A Film To Decrease Worldsuck[36] (shown below) was released, with six showings in the US and Ireland as of August 2013. In March 2013, the New Yorker[32] examined the positivity within the fandom and that July, NPR[33] interviewed five people about their participation within the group.

Yout Fav Is Problematic

On April 17th, 2013, Tumble blog YourFavIsPromblematic, which creates post listing potentially offensive things celebrities of done or said, published a post on Green. Accusations of his potentially offensive behavior include:

“Commented on how nerd women are an “under-utilized romantic resource” instead of, you know, human beings. The comment also manages to be exceedingly heteronormative and slut-shaming, and enforces the hierarchy of high maintenance/low maintenance, self-confident/beautiful but doesn’t know it. (“It was a joke. it was a bad joke, and I’m sorry I made it, but, in context, it is pretty clearly a joke.”)

In the same video he shamed thin women / women with eating disorders and condemned those who’ve chosen to undergo cosmetic surgery “and then there’s the weird culturally constructed definition of hot which means that an individual is malnourished and has probably had plastic bags inserted into her breasts.”

Made fun of and appropriated the important cultural holiday Cinco de Mayo by creating “Hanko de Mayo”. (Has stopped using the term)

He then refused to apologize when called out for this (1 | 2 | 3 | 4)"

As of August 2014, the post has gained over 5,000 notes. On April 18th, Green posted a on his Tumblr[1] response answering an anymous question which asked, “Thoughts on the ‘yourfaveisproblematic’ tumblr?” explaining:

“1. In general, I think it’s good not to worship those you admire. It’s important to understand that all people are flawed and make mistakes and say stupid/cruel/hateful/inappropriate things. And it’s good to hold those people accountable. But it’s also possible to like someone who is flawed. In fact, it is more or less necessary.

2. While I’ve certainly said a lot of things I’ve regretted on the Internet over the years, I’ve tried very hard to be an ally to the GLBTQ community, and not just on tumblr, but also in places where it is less convenient (by, for instance, not granting interviews to transphobic or homophobic news outlets.)

3. I have apologized (repeatedly) for the fat-shaming cited in that tumblr. I’ve apologized a lot for a lot of things, and I hope to apologize for many more things in the future, because that will mean I am still growing and changing and learning.

4. I’ve never sexually assaulted a fan. That’s a very serious accusation, and it is completely, unambiguously untrue.

5. It’s unfair to attribute things said by my characters to me. It’s especially unfair to attribute something written by Shakespeare to me, unless you are going to attribute everything Shakespeare ever wrote to me, in which case I’m cool with it.

p.s. Paper Towns is devoted, in its entirety, to destroying the sexist lie of the manic pixie dream girl. I’m not sure how I could’ve made it any clearer.

p.p.s. Obviously, I do not think women are a natural resource. It was a joke. It was a bad joke, and I’m sorry I made it, but in context, it is pretty clearly a joke."

Green’s post gained over 2,000 posts as of August 2014.

YA Prophet

On April 23rd, 2014, TIME Magazine included Green as part of their Top 100 Most Influencial people, published a profile written by Shailene Woodley who starred in the film adaptation of The Fault in Our Stars. The profile identified Green as an “author and teen whisperer” and Woodley described Green as:

“I would go so far as to call him a prophet. No, not a prophet in a biblical sense. Don’t freak out. More a prophet in a universal, all-things-connected sort of context.”

Online, some people expressed their frustration at this sentiment and suggested the amount of coverage Green was getting after the success of The Fault in Our Stars came at the expense of the YA authors, especially female authors, who came before him. On June 10th, The Atlantic[6] published an article titled “No, The Fault in Our Stars Is Not Young-Adult Fiction’s Savior” which explained:

“John Green’s book deserves acclaim, regardless of his race or gender. But by choosing him to be the crown prince of YA, the entertainment industry has continued its cycle of promoting the work of white men as “real” work, and the work of women as “simple” or, in Graham’s words, ‘uniformly satisfying.’”

Related Memes

Don’t Forget To Be Awesome / DFTBA

Don’t Forget To Be Awesome (often abbreviated to DFTBA) is the catchphrase of the Vlogbrothers, which they began to use at the end of their vlogs in 2007. The phrase eventually began to spread within the Nerdfighter fandom, spawning a variety of different parodies and image macros. Both the phrase and its abbreviation can be found as hashtags on Tumblr[23] and Twitter.[24]


#Johning is a Twitter based photo fad that involves posing for a picture while lying on the floor with one’s legs over the footboard of a bed and a laptop on the stomach. It is a parody of a photograph of young adult author and vlogger John Green published by Hollywood Reporter in May 2014.

Search Interest

External References

Google Ultron


Google Ultron is a meme spawned by an anonymous 4chan user in 2014 who claims to be an IT consultant, despite having no credentials. In one of anons’ passages, he is asked for his opinion on the best web browser. Anon forgets the name of the Chrome browser, and trying to save face replies that he uses Google Ultron. He further elaborates the lie by saying it’s used by NASA, but looks exactly like chrome. Harkening back to previous posts by the same anon author where he proves his ‘skills’ by (sometimes) downloading Adobe Reader, this software is also frequently referenced in the meme.

Google has since seemed to jump on the bandwagon by making a website where they promote ‘Google Ultron’ in a humorously fallacious manner, which if clicked lead to the installation of Google Chrome.





Listicles are short-form articles and blog posts featuring lists surrounding a specific theme with brief descriptions for each numbered item. The term is a blend of the words “list” and “article.”


The exact origin of the term “listicle” is unknown. One of the earliest definitions of the word was submitted to the site for the public radio program Way With Words[2] on October 8th, 2004.

listicle n. a (newspaper, magazine, web site, etc.) article consisting primarily of a list. Editorial Note: This term is often used in a deprecating way, to describe an article or news story which required very little effort to produce.


On July 9th, 2008, the word was featured in a glossary published by Gawker[1] on July 9th, 2008. On January 15th, 2009, the Listicles Tumblr[6] blog was launched, which posts links to notable list articles on the web.

Listicle: An article broken down into a list. Many writers hate writing them because they make them feel dirty and cheap. However, readers ostensibly “love” lists, and our publisher Denton loves them because they are traffic bait.

On March 9th, 2011, Urban Dictionary[7] user PRwiz101 submitted an entry for “listicle.” On August 12th, 2013, The Guardian[5] published an article titled “5 ways the listicle is changing journalism,” which noted that listicles existed in print journalism prior to their use on websites like BuzzFeed. In January 2014, The University of Chicago Magazine[4] published an article describing why the listicle is popular as a literary form. On August 14th, Oxford Dictionaries[3] officially acknowledged listicle in an update to its online dictionary.

Search Interest

External References

[1]Gawker – Look We Made You a Gawker Glossary

[2]Way Word Radio – listicle

[3]Oxford Dictionaries – listicle

[4]University of Chicago Magazine – The listicle as a literary form

[5]The Guardian – 5 Ways Listicles are Changing Journalism

[6]Tumblr – Listicles

[7]Urban Dictionary – listicle

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