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“Ducking” is the English word commonly suggested and autocorrected in replacement of the profanity “fucking” in short message service (SMS) language.


The earliest appearances of “ducking” in the place of “fucking” came in the late ’90s on cell phones using T9 predictive text, which would complete words for you based on what it was likely to be. One of the earliest mentions of predictive text suggesting ducking was featured in the comments section of a post on the blog Ma.tt on February 14th, 2005, titled “T9 Tip.” User Jay Allen commented:

“Also there is a certain curse word that is spelled the same with T9 as “ducking”.

The earliest Urban Dictionary[2] entry for ducking was added on August 30th, 2007, by user Kayne M. Dewhurst who defined it as:

“The suggested word that predictive text on your cell phone writes when you try and say “fucking”


On December 1st, 2007, Youtuber yaragn[1] uploaded a video titled “History of the Predictive Text Swearing,” which featured a clip from the British sketch comedy show The Armstrong and Miller Show. The sketch imagined the people behind predictive text suggestions were purposefully suggesting words like “ducking” to avoid text swears.

On December 5th, 2008, Gizmodo[4] published an article titled “How to Fix the Ducking iPhone Puritanism,” which explained how to fix an iPhone’s autocorrect so it wouldn’t autocorrect swears such as “f**cking.”

“Fortunately, TJ Luoma has had a great idea to fix it: You only need to load your favorite swear words as contacts. Remember to put them all in lowercase, and every time you write duck or ducking or motherduckers, the iPhone will not try to correct them.”

On October 18th, 2011, College Humor[6] uploaded a video titled “Auto-Correct Love Song,” which is a comedic song which features a text conversation between two people interested in going on a date which features the autocorrect ducking.

On August 13th, 2013, the Facebook page[3]“I Ducking Hate Autocorrect” was created. On April 12th, 2014, Twitchy[5] published a post titled “‘Duck off, autocorrect!’ Do you ever feel like your ‘ducking’ iPhone doesn’t know you at all,” which featured a collection of tweets in which Twitter user expressed their frustration with autocorrect changing their swears to ducking.

Notable Examples

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Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen



“Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen” is a memorable quote uttered by the character Regina George in the 2004 teen comedy film Mean Girls to discourage her friend Gretchen from using the slang term “fetch.” The quote inspired the creation of an image macro series using the phrasal template“Stop trying to make X happen / It’s not going to happen.”


In Mean Girls, released on April 30th, 2004, the character Regina George (played by Rachel McAdams) scolds her friend Gretchen Wieners (played by Lacey Chabert) for using the term “fetch” as a synonym for “cool.”

Gretchen: “That is so fetch!”
Regina: “Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It’s not going to happen!”

On March 1st, 2012, Redditor Keilantra submitted an image macro using a screen capture of McAdams in Mean Girls with a caption urging Google to abandon their efforts with the Google+ social networking service to /r/funny.[5] Prior to being archived, the post gained over 1,000 upvotes and 60 comments.


On September 25th, 2012, an image macro mocking Microsoft commercials promoting their Internet Explorer web browser was posted to /r/AdviceAnimals[3] (shown below). Before the post was archived, it accumulated more than 8,500 upvotes and 380 comments.

On January 27th, 2013, Redditor TrueWarrior submitted an image macro mocking Internet Explorer’s frequent attempts to make itself a default web browser to /r/AdviceAnimals[1] (shown below, left). Prior to being archived, the post gained over 5,200 upvotes and 65 comments. On March 17th, Redditor Drum Zildjian71 posted an image macro criticizing Facebook’s “gift” feature to /r/AdviceAnimals,[4] where it received upwards of 12,300 upvotes and 150 comments before it was archived (shown below, right).

On January 21st, 2014, Redditor dubman42 posted an image macro mocking the software company Adobe’s promotion of the McAfee virus scanning program to /r/AdviceAnimals (shown below, left). In the following four months, the post garnered more than 11,000 upvotes and 210 comments. On June 4th, Redditor j2249 submitted a Regina George image macro joking about iPhone keyboards mistakenly replacing the word “fucking” with “ducking” to /r/AdviceAnimals,[2] gaining over 18,400 upvotes and 560 comments in the first 24 hours (shown below, right).

Notable Examples

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The Fault In Our Stars



The Fault in Our Stars is an American drama film based on the 2012 novel of the same name, which follows two teenagers who meet in a cancer support group and fall in love. Due to the popularity of the book and its author vlogger John Green, the movie generated a large amount of pre-release hype.


The novel The Fault in Our Stars was released in January 21st, 2012. On January 29th, 2012 it reached number one on The New York Times Bestseller List[1]. The film rights were optioned[4] later that month by Fox 2000. On October 5, 2013, the film’s release date,[5] June 6th, 2014, was announced.


On January 29th, 2014, 20th Century Fox uploaded the first trailer for the film. In less than five months the video gained over 20 million views. The trailer went on to break the record for most liked YouTube video, with more than 307,000 likes.

Related Memes

It’s a Metaphor

It’s a Metaphor is a memorable quote from a dialogue scene in from a teaser for the upcoming 2014 teen drama film The Fault in Our Stars. Upon the release of the teaser in April 2014, this quote, which is said by the male protagonist Gus to analogize an unlit cigarette in his mouth to a test of will, spawned a parody photo fad and a photoshop meme on Tumblr.


#Johning is a Twitter based photo fad that involves posing for a picture while lying on the floor with one’s legs over the footboard of a bed and a laptop on the stomach. It is a parody of a photograph of young adult author and vlogger John Green published by Hollywood Reporter in May 2014.

Search Interest

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Critters Posting On 4chan



Critters Posting on 4chan is a two-pane image series comprised of a screenshot of a 4chan post written in defense of a particular species in the animal kingdom and an illustration anthropomorphically portraying the aforementioned creature as the original poster.


On May 14th, 2009, a post was submitted in the /v/ (video games) board on 4chan arguing that the majority of spiders are harmless and urging readers to “man the fuck up.” A two-pane image was subsequently created featuring a screenshot of the post accompanied by an illustration of a giant spider angrily typing on a computer keyboard (shown below).


On May 25th, 2009, Felarya Forums[4] member /Fish/ submitted the two-pane comic in a spider photography thread. On July 26th, 2012, a post defending sharks was posted on 4chan, which was combined with an illustration of a shark seated at a keyboard (shown below).

On October 3rd, 2013, a post defending hornets as “total bros” was posted on 4chan along with a call for readers to “man the fuck up.” A screenshot of the post was added to a two-pane image featuring a hornet seated a computer desk (shown below).

On April 24th, 2014, a 4chan user defended scorpions as “docile, loyal” pets on the /v/ board, which inspired the creation of an image matching the post with an illustration of a scorpion typing on a computer keyboard (shown below, left). On May 29th, an image was posted in a thread on the /v/[5] board combining an angry assertion that the 18th century classical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was “not alive” with a painting of the deceased musician (shown below, right).

Notable Examples

External References

[1]Foolz – Example #1

[2]Foolz – Example #2

[3]Foolz – Example #3

[4]Felarya – Eww Spiders are Gross

[5]Deniable Plausibility – Is this actually true

Cheektowaga Mom's Racist Rant



Cheektowaga Mom’s Racist Rant refers to a YouTube video of an enraged woman yelling racial slurs at a man in the parking lot outside of a dollar store after he allegedly scared her children by starting his car.


On June 3rd, 2014, Narvell Benning, a 36-year-old resident of Cheektowaga, New York who goes by the handle IAMOYAB[1] on YouTube, uploaded a video clip of a woman screaming racial slurs and other obscenities at him for scaring her children in the parking lot outside of a local dollar store.

In the video, the woman tells the man that her husband is on his way to confront him, and upon realizing that the conversation is being recorded on camera, she taunts that the video wouldn’t get her in any legal trouble, quoted as saying:

“He knows the cops? How many cops have I stripped for?”

The same day the video was uploaded, Redditor crunchy_noodles submitted the video to the /r/videos[2] subreddit, where comments were disabled shortly after Redditors began posting the woman’s personally identifiable information, but not before they identified her as Janelle Ambrosia and uncovered her Facebook account. In less than 48 hours, the video gained over 4.2 million views.

Notable Developments

In the following days, the video was highlighted by several news sites including The Daily Mail,[7] The Daily Dot[8] and The Huffington Post.[9] On June 4th, a Facebook page[13] titled “Janelle Ambrosia is racist” was created, gaining over 14,000 likes in less than 48 hours.

Radio Interview with the Woman

On June 4th, Buffalo, New York radio station WBLK[3] uploaded a video to their YouTube channel[4] featuring a phone interview they had conducted with the women from the video, who identified herself as Janelle Ambrosia. The interview was arranged after she contacted the station with a desire to share “her side of the story.” During the interview Ambrosia alleges the man videotaping the incident had almost hit her son with his car and had called her a “Crackheaded cracker.” She went on to say that her ex was trying to use the video as means to gain custody of their children, and insisted several times that she is not a racist.

In less than 48 hours the video gained over 500,000 views, and was been featured on several websites including Gawker[5] and Mediate.[6]

Radio Interview with the Driver

On the next day, the station uploaded a video of an on air interview with the man behind the camera, Narvell Benning, which had aired the previous night during a show called Brian’s World. During the interview Benning refutes Ambrosia’s claims he had called her names, and claimed he had only scared her children by starting his car, but did not nearly hit them. He also expressed disappointment that her children had witnessed her tirade.

Fake Twitter Account

On June 4th, 2014, several websites reported Amborsia was continuing her racist tirade through her Twitter account[10], including Jezebel[11] and Heavy.[12] However the same day at 6:47 PM EST the account sent out a tweet confirming it was a parody account not run by Ambrosia.

External References

Slime Man



“Slime Man” is an automated signature used in a series of text messages posted on Tumblr in February 2014 which subsequently became an in-joke on the microblogging site.


On February 24th, 2014, Tumblr user batreaux[1] submitted a post quoting a text message conversation between himself and a girl in which he denies having an automated signature after being confronted for ending each message with “……………….slime man” (shown below). In the first four months, the post gained over 60,600 notes.


On May 23rd, Tumblr user wolfcola[2] posted a screenshot of a series of text messages in which he denies using “……………….slime man” as a signature on his phone (shown below). Within two weeks, the post garnered more than 3,300 notes.

On June 4th, the meme saw a resurgence on Tumblr after user groudonconfirmed[4] submitted a post with the “…………… slime man” signature, garnering upwards of 13,600 notes in 24 hours. On the following day, DeviantArtist[3] cloudyday posted a screenshot of a DeviantArt comment page in which he repeats “………slime man” (shown below).

Search Interest

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#GetWoodyHome is a hashtag campaign launched by British motorist Bev McNeill in search of the owner of a Woody (a character from the Pixar film Toy Story)
doll she had found on the roadside of the M4 Motorway in early June 2014.


According to Metro UK, McNeill first noticed the dirt-covered Woddy doll lying on the side of the motorway during her commute in May 2014, but she didn’t retrieve the doll until many weeks later in early June, when she noticed it for the second time while stuck in traffic. On June 3rd, Twitter user @HarrietScottie[1] tweeted a picture of the Woody that McNeil had picked up from the roadside, along with a mention that the doll has the name “Liam” written on its foot, and introduced the hashtag #GetWoodyHome in an attempt to arrange a reunion between the doll and the child. In less than 48 hours, the tweet gained over 5,000 retweets, including one from Toy Story writer Andrew Stanton.[6]

Notable Developments

In less than 48 hours, the hashtag[2] was tweeted out over 6,000 times and became a trending topic on Twitter UK.

News Media Coverage

On June 4th, Metro UK[3] reported on the hashtag campaign in an article titled “Real life Toy Story: Help reunite lost Woody doll with owner ‘Liam’ #GetWoodyHome,” followed by additional coverage from several U.S. and U.K.-based news outlets, including the Daily Mail, NBC Today, ITV, ABC News and Digital Spy.

Claim of Ownership

The same day the hashtag was introduced, Twitter user LiamHasPie[7] came forward claiming the toy, explaining he knew it was his because of a bite mark his sister had caused.[8] McNeill contacted him through Twitter, promising to contact him about the toy on June 5th.

External References

Turn Down for What



“Turn Down for What” is a trap song by artists DJ Snake and Lil Jon which celebrates being “turnt up,” an excited state of being typically used in the context of partying.


On October 14th, 2013, Urban Dictionary[1] user Blair Waldourf submitted an entry for “turn down for what,” defining it as a “rhetorical question” used to indicate a desire to continue partying. On December 18th, 2013, the track “Turn Down for What” was released as a single by DJ Snake and Lil Jon. By the last week of that month, the song made the top 10 on Billboard’s Dance/Electronic chart.

Music Video

On March 13th, 2014, the DJSnakeVEVO YouTube channel uploaded the music video for the track, in which several residents in an apartment building burst through the floors below them while performing violently sexual dance moves. Within three months, the video gained over 55.5 million views and 45,800 comments.


On April 23rd, 2014, YouTuber TDFWFail uploaded a video of several people falling down in a speedboat accompanied by “Turn Down for What?” playing in the background (shown below, left). Within six weeks, the video gathered upwards of 2.1 million views and 650 comments. On April 25th, YouTuber Laina Morris (a.k.a. Overly Attached Girlfriend) uploaded a vlog in which she confesses to several minor transgressions followed by clips of Lil Jon yelling “Turn Down for What” (shown below, right).

On March 22nd, Redditor Wonderbotz submitted the “Turn Down for What” music video to the /r/videos[3] subreddit, where it garnered over 16,200 upvotes and 900 comments in two months. On May 4th, TheFineBros YouTube channel uploaded a video in their Teens React web series featuring several teenagers responding to the “Turn Down for What” music video (shown below, left). In the next month, the video accumulated more than 4.2 million views and 17,500 comments. On May 29th, YouTuber Katz uploaded a video of two kittens bobbing their heads in sync to the beat of “Turn Down for What” (shown below, right). On June 5th, Redditor Bpods submitted the video to the /r/videos[4] subreddit, where it gained over 3,500 upvotes and 110 comments in the first five hours.

Notable Examples

TD4W Button

The single serving site TD4WButton features a clickable blue button that plays the chorus from “Turn Down for What” (shown below).

Search Interest

External References

My Daguerreotype Boyfriend



My Daguerreotype Boyfriend is a single topic blog featuring late 1800s black-and-white and daguerreotype photographs of handsome men.


Daguerreotype[1] is a photographic process introduced in 1839 in which an image is formed on a polished silver surface on top of a metal substrate like copper or brass.

On May 29th, 2011, editor Michelle Legro launched the Tumblr blog “My Daguerreotype Boyfriend”,[5] with the first post reblogging an early photograph of Russian physician and author Anton Chekhov (shown below).


On October 21st, 2010, the Blogspot blog Bangable Dudes in History[2] was created, featuring photographs and portraits of historical figures accompanied by pie graphs illustrating notable character traits and accomplishments (shown below).

On September 11th, 2010, the first episode in a “My Dead Historical Boyfriend” web series was uploaded to YouTube, in which a woman dates the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (shown below).


On June 16th, 2011, several black-and-white photographs from the Tumblr blog were highlighted on BuzzFeed.[3]
On July 21st, the Tumblr blog My Historical Portrait Boyfriend was launched, featuring notable paintings and portraits of attractive figures throughout history.

In November, 2012, the 2013 My Daguerreotype Boyfriend Calendar[4] was released on the My Daguerreotype Boyfriend blog, featuring photographs of attractive Union and Confederate and soldiers from the American Civil War (shown below). On August 24th, 2013, the blog was featured on the Internet news site Boing Boing.[6]

Notable Examples

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Caging is a type of practical joke that involves taping photographic prints of the American actor Nicolas Cage to someone else’s room or belongings without knowledge or consent. The prank may be seen as a real life extension of the Nic Cage as Everyone project.


The earliest known documented case of Nicolas Cage photos used in a prank was uploaded by YouTuber youjustgotcaged on February 11th, 2011, featuring footage of a friend’s room covered in printouts of Nicolas Cage’s face (shown below).


On December 9th, 2011, DeviantArtist[1] Pau-Norontaus uploaded a montage of photographs featuring his sister’s room covered in Nicolas Cage pictures (shown below, left). On July 6th, 2012, the You’ve Been Caged[8] Tumblr blog was launched, with its first post highlighting photographs of the back of an airplane seat with a picture of Nicolas Cage taped to it (shown below, right).

On November 20th, Urban Dictionary[3] user The Cage Queen submitted an entry for the term “Caged,” defining it as a practical joke in which someone’s Facebook profile pictures and interests are changed to Nicolas Cage. The same day, Redditor the_riles posted a series of photographs of his coworker’s Caged office desk to /r/funny,[4] where it gathered upwards of 12,600 upvotes and 250 comments before it was archived (shown below, left). On December 27th, Redditor falconfalcone posted an album of photos featuring 200 nicolas cage photographs placed around a house to the /r/onetruegod[2] subreddit (shown below, right). Prior to being archived, the post garnered more than 2,800 upvotes and 55 comments.

On February 5th, 2013, a screenshot of a greentext story about pranking a girlfriend with a picture of Nicolas Cage taped to a mannequin was submitted to /r/4chan,[7] where it received over 6,500 upvotes and 45 comments before it was archived (shown below).

On April 10th, 2014, Redditor njmc2 submitted a photo of a cut-out of Nicolas Cage’s face taped to the bottom of his mouse to /r/funny,[5] where it garnered upwards of 7,500 upvotes and 130 comments in the next month. On June 5th, Redditor Sacred_Donut posted an image album containing photographs of an elaborate Caging prank in which 3,200 cut outs of the actor’s face were pasted on various objects throughout his brother’s house to /r/funny[9] (shown below, middle, right). In the first 24 hours, the post gained over 16,500 upvotes and 500 comments. On the following day, Mashable[10] published an article about the practical joke, which including a statement from the prankster claiming his brother was still finding photos around his house over a week later.

Notable Examples

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Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions / Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!


[w.i.p. Don’t complain until it’s done. I promise I’ll finish this one, hopefully that is]


Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions is a Japanese Light Novel series first written by Torako, and later animated by Kyoto Animation. Ever since it’s original conception, the series has garnered a notable online fandom, spawning a number of fan works and deviations.


The story of Chunibyo follows Yūta Togashi, a boy who suffered from what is known as ‘Chunbyo’ (中二病?, lit. “second year middle schooler syndrome”, or “delusions of grandeur”), leading him to believe he had supernatural powers. Despite overcoming this before joining high school, he finds this aspect to be embarrasing, and attempts to move on. However, he eventually meets a girl named Rikka Takanashi in his class, who still suffers from these delusions, and is soon roped in to becoming friends with her.


Online Relevance


Related Memes

Rikka’s Finger Spin

Chunibyo Opening Parodies

Search Interest

External References

Matty B



Matty B and MattyBRaps are the stage names of tween rapper Matthew David Morris, who gained much notoriety online with the launch of his YouTube channel in May 2010.


According to the Celebriki,[1] Morris became interested in hip hop music as a five year old and began making rap songs with his cousin Charles Manning (a.k.a. Mars). On May 31st, 2010, the MattyBRaps YouTube channel was launched. In the first four years, the channel gained over 922 million video views and 2.37 million subscribers. The first video uploaded to the channel featured Matty B’s cover of the 2010 dance pop song “Eenie Meenie” by Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston (shown below).

On May 9th, 2012, Matty B uploaded a cover of the song “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen to YouTube, which received upwards of 93.6 million views and 85,000 comments in the next two years.


Personal Life

Search Interest

External References

[1]Celebriki – MattyBRaps

[2]MattyBRaps Wiki – MarsRapes


Guilty Gear


(Work in Progress. I can only do a little at a time. Tman2bard)


Guilty Gear is a series of competitive fighting games by Arc System Works and designed by artist Daisuke Ishiwatari. The first game in the series was published in 1998, and spawned several sequels. It was also adapted to other media such manga and drama CD. Guilty Gear has generally received praise from video game reviewers for its graphics, soundtrack, and mainly for its characters.


In 2010, mankind discovered an unlimited energy source of incredible power, which was labeled magic. Despite providing a solution for world energy crisis, wars continued. The power of magic was combined with humans and other creatures creating living weapons known as “Gears”. Eventually, the Gears turned on the human race, beginning a century-long global war known as the Crusades where the Sacred Order of Holy Knights , defeated Justice, leader of the Gears. With Justice having been locked away in a dimensional prison, all other Gears seemingly ceased to function, bringing end to an age of conflict. Five years after the war’s end, a Gear called Testament planned to free Justice. In response, the United Nations heralded a tournament of fighters capable of defeating the resurgent enemies, Testament and Justice. Ultimately, a bounty hunter named Sol Badguy defeated Justice, giving way to another uneasy peace




Ratchet is a slang term[1] describing something or someone repulsive. Usually referring to a badly dressed person or a bad hair style. Ratchet is a massively overused typo of the word ‘wretched’.[2] Often regarded as a great ‘tool’ for sugar coding the phrase “rat sh*t” so people who don’t get it wont hear the words “rat” or “sh*t”.[3]The antonym of ratchet is swag.


At some point people started misusing the word ratchet in place of the word wretched and then it blew out of control when it became popularized by the song “Do Tha Ratchet” where it made radio play in Louisiana.


The term ratchet took the internet by storm when Emmanuel and Phillip Hudson uploaded the music video “Ratchet Girl Anthem.” This triggered the greatest exposure to date for the slang term ratchet and the phrase “she ratchet” repeated throughout the song. There are 2 different versions that tally up over 50 millions views.

Ratchet Music Videos

Rawcus – Ain’t Ratchet Enough (Official Music Video)

Lorde Royals Parody “Ratchet”

Lil Debbie – RATCHETS– Official Video

The Rangers – No Ratchets (Unofficial Music Video)

Zeds Dead – Ratchet

Rich Kidz™ – Ratchet ft. Future & Chief Keef [CC] Lyrics

Other Popular Ratchet Videos

Hood Fairy Tales: Ratchet Rapunzel

You Know You Ratchet When…


Ratchet People At Clubs

What Ratchet Girls Think Before A Fight!

Ratchet Images

Search Interest

Since the slang term ratchet is spelled the same as a regular ratchet, search trends can’t identify the difference between the two without including terms that would only correlate with the slang term ratchet. The 5 notable terms ratchetness, ratchet hoe, ratchet hoes, she ratchet, and that’s so ratchet are able to gather search results for slang term ratchet while excluding searches for actual socket wrenches in the data.

External References

United States of Japan-pan



The United States of Japan-pan (Japanese: 合衆国ニッポンポン, Gasshukoku Nippon-pon) refers to a series of MAD videos for a Japanese TV anime Code Geass. It was the most famous visual resource for parodies for this anime which was one of the pioneers breathing life into the MAD video phenomena on the Japanese video sharing service Nico Nico Douga (NND).


The 1st season of this anime, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, was aired from October 2006 to March 2007, and the source footage for this MAD series is taken from a scene in the 23rd episode in the season, where Zero, the alter ego of protagonist Lelouch Lamperouge, declares the foundation of the United States of Japan.

I shall announce here that, from now no, we will ragain our independence from Britania!
However, that doesn’t mean a revival of the previous Japan
I won’t make the foolish mistake of repeating history!
What we are going to create is a brand new Japan
she must have a wide embrace, ready to accept anyone regardless of race, past, and ideals.
A place where the strong wont’t oppress the weak!
A country with dignity!
Her name is… the United States of Japan!


Since NND was launched during the airing period, Code Geass had been one of the well-used visual resources for MAD videos in the quite early days of that video sharing serivice. The most famous instance of Code Geass MADs in those days is a KishimenMAD made by a Japanese professional movie creator/director Atsushi Wakamura. Meanwhile, this scene entered in the limelight by several MAD videos created by NND user yuroshi which utilizes Zero’s “pon” utterance like a percussion. Those videos were uploaded from April to June in 2008. By many derivative creations by followers, The United States of Japan-pan succeeded to earn much popularity on NND.

Left: “Electric de Chocobo” Final FantasyVII[1] | Right: Kirby Skh High[2]

Oppressive Actions by Copyright Holders

At the end of June 2008, many Japanese anime productions, TV broadcasting stations and music industries finally began removing copyright infringement videos on NND. And the copyright holders for this anime franchise, BANDAIVISUAL and SUNRISE, were not the exception. They removed almost all of Japan-pan MADs and still continues removing all videos sampling visuals of their contents even if those are pure fan works.

As a countermeasure to the small-minded companies, NND users reproduced Code GeassMAD videos by hand-drawn animations to avoid deletion in a similar way of Futae no Kiwami. Because of this, Japan-pan MADs became to have a unique originality compared to usual MADs videos, though its amount is a few.[3] Additionally, many reprints of the original MAD videos are still alive on YouTube.[4]

Notable Examples

Niconico 【手描き】「スーパーニッポンデラックス!\(●)/」に絵をつけてみた
Left: “Slide Show Part II” from Final Fantasy VIII[5] | Right: Hand-drawn Animated Version for Kirby Sky High
Niconico 【合作】最終鬼畜仮面ゼロ 全力でニッポンポン!に皆で絵を付けてみた
Left: UN Oven was Her? from Touhou Project[6] | Right: Hand-drawn Animated version
Niconico 【手描きMAD】手書きでニッポンッポン!【完成】
Left: “Dancing Panda” from Gokujō Parodius![7] | Right: Hand-drawn Animated version

Search Interest

External References

Editor’s Note: Registration is needed to browse the original videos listed in this section.

[1]niconico Douga – 【MAD】「ギアスdeチョコボ\(●)/」 / Posted on 04-26-2008 (defunct)

[2]niconico Douga – 【MAD】コードギアス 「スーパーニッポンデラックス!\(●)/」 / Posted on 06-21-2008 (defunct)

[3]niconico Douga – Search results for the tag 合衆国ニッポンポン

[4]YouTube – Search results for 合衆国ニッポンポン

[5]niconico Douga – 【MAD】コードギアス 「FF8でニッポンポン!\(●)/」 / Posted on 05-04-2008 (defunct)

[6]niconico Douga – 【動画版】最終鬼畜仮面ゼロ 全力でニッポンポン!【完成版】 / Posted on 10-18-2008 (defunct)

[7]niconico Douga – 【MAD】コードギアス 「極上ニッポンギアディウス\(●)/」 / Posted on 08-02-2008 (defunct)

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties


Editor’s Note: This entry is currently being worked on, feel free to request editorship


Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties is a romantic comedy graphic adventure game released for the 3DO in 1994 [1]. Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties was mainly panned by critics and often considered one of the worst games ever on both the internet and real life, it has gained cult status over time[2].




The game was mostly panned by several critics, often from the voice acting, controls, and the fact the game was a slide show instead of full motion

Angry Video Game Nerd

In July 2009, The Angry Video Game Nerd made a review of the game, uploading it onto YouTube in 2011, he gave the game a negative review, criticizing many aspects of the game, as well as calling it just a slide show

Related Memes


TAKEYOURDAMNCLOTHESOFF!!! is a memorable quote uttered by the character Thresher, asking the character Jane to take off her clothes, it has in more recent years, became a popular quote from the game

Search Interest

External References

RustyXIV the Movie


The RustyXIV Movie series started because some Scottish NEET got bored and was like “bruh that movie maker on wwe B)O” then he made the moveiw th a bunch of inside jokes eat myf uckn ass

Kotoura-san's Head Shake



Kotoura-san’s Head Shake, also depicted as a Shift-JIS art “(>ワ<≡>ワ<)KoshiKoshiKoshi” (Japanese: (>ワ<≡>ワ<)コシコシコシ), refers to a series of hand-drawn animated GIFs/videos and illustrations which are tributes to an adorable head shake by Haruka Kotoura, the protagonist in a Japanese manga/TV anime Kotoura-san.[1] In a similar vein to Rikka’s Finger Spin and Poka Poka, it was a poular subject for fan creations on the Japanese video sharing service Nico Nico Douga (NND) and illustrators community pixiv in 2013.


The original Kotoura-san’s head shake is a less than 1-second scene where she is rubbing her head against her boyfriend. It appears on the opening movie for the TV anime series aired from January to March in 2013. Additionally, the opening theme song expresses her cute action with an unique onomatopoeia “Koshi Koshi” (コシコシ or こしこし). This song “Sonna Koto Ura no Mata Urabanashi Desho?” (そんなこと裏のまた裏話でしょ?; lit. “You Want To Hear the Story Behind the Backstory, Right?”) is sung by a Japanese singer/voice actor Megumi Nakajima.[2]

The head shake begins from 0:48

Sonna ni koshi koshi shicha dame yo (Koshi koshi koshi!)
Don’t rub so much on me! (Rub! Rub! Rub!)


In spite of a quite short appearance, her adorable head shake caught a much attention among viewers. And the further spread was brought by an addicting version for the opening movie uploaded to NND.[3] Anime Otakus soon became to dub it as “Koshi Koshi” and gave a one-line Shift-JIS art reproducing her pleasant smile “(>ワ<≡>ワ<)KoshiKoshiKoshi” ((>ワ<≡>ワ<)コシコシコシ). Then, tagged under this Shift-JIS art, onver one hundred of parody videos and animated GIFs or illustrations reproducing “Koshi Koshi” with their favorite characters had been posted to each online creators communities, NND[4], Nico Nico Seiga[5] and pixiv[6], during the anime’s airing period.

Notable Examples

Niconico (>ワ<≡>ワ<)コシコシコイシNiconico コシコシ春香さん
Left: Koishi Komeiji from Touhou Project | Right: Haruka Amami from THE iDOLM@STER
Niconico そんなこと裏のまた裏話でしょ?  ランカver.Niconico てってってー(>ワ<≡>ワ<)コシコシコシ
Left: Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier | Right: Te-Te-Te-


Search Interest

A phrase without the Shift-JIS art, “Koshi-Koshi-Koshi” (コシコシコシ), has a spike during the anime’s airing period.

External References

Editor’s Note: Registration is needed to browse the original videos/illustrations listed in this section.

[1]Wikipedia – Kotoura-san

[2]Wikipedia – Megumi Nakajima

[3]niconico Douga – 【HD】琴浦さんOP中毒になる動画 / Posted on 01-12-2013 (Defunct)

[4]niconico Douga – Search results for the tag (>ワ<≡>ワ<)コシコシコシ

[5]pixiv – Search results for the tag (>ワ<≡>ワ<)コシコシコシ

[6]Nico Nico Seiga – Search results for the tag (>ワ<≡>ワ<)コシコシコシ




IGN is a website containing video game-related news, cheats, reviews and media.


In September 1996, the Imagine Games Network was founded by Jonathan Simpson-Bint for the gaming websites PSXPower, Next-Generation, Saturnworld, Ultra Game Players Online and N64.com. In 1998, many of the sites consolidated to become channels at IGN.com.[2]

Acquisition & Sales

In 1999, IGN purchased the role-playing video game website Vault Network.[1] In 2005, Australian businessman Rupert Murdoch’s multimedia business empire News Corporation acquired IGN for $650 million. In 2011, News Corporation’s IGN Entertainment acquired its rival network UGO Entertainment, the parent company of 1UP.com, from Hearst Corporation, for an undisclosed amount in cash and stock with a plan to re-launch the website into a standalone, spin-off video game review site. On May 25th, 2011, IGN’s online game store Direct2Drive was sold to the video game rental service GameFly. In February 2013, News Corporation sold IGN to the publishing company Ziff Davis.


In 2006, IGN began launching regional variations of the website and licensed publishers in other countries under the IGN brand. If a user visits the IGN website from supported area, the website automatically redirects to that the custom regional version of the site. As of June 2014, there are 17 total supported regions on IGN World[7] (shown below).

April Fools Pranks

IGN has participated in several notable April Fool’s Day pranks over the years. In 2008, they released a fake trailer featuring a live-action film for The Legend of Zelda franchise (shown below, left). In 2010, IGN posted a fake trailer for a Halo-themed Bollywood musical film (shown below, right).

In 2011, the IGN YouTube channel released a fake trailer for a Harry Potter-themed television show titled “The Aurors” (shown below, left). In 2012, the site posted a mock trailer for a Mass Effect-themed Saturday morning cartoon series (shown below, right).

In 2013, IGN released a parody advertisement for a fake Apple video game console called the “iPlay,” which is only capable of playing the game Angry Birds (shown below, left). In 2014, the site featured a mock trailer promoting a Transformers-themed DLC package for the battle game Titanfall (shown below, right).


IGN contains video game news, information, podcasts and videos for a variety of platforms, including PlayStaion, Xbox, PC and Nintendo. In addition, the site contains sections for movies and television entertainment. The IGN Forums provide community boards for video games and other entertainment media discussions.

Scoring System

The original IGN scoring system gave games a score between .1 and 10.0 based on its performance in a variety of categories, including graphics, sound and gameplay. In August 2010, the scoring system was revised to increments of .5. In September 2012, IGN reverted back to a 100-point scale from .1 to 10.0 in .1 decimal increments. In 2014, a new policy was introducing allowing review scores to be revised in light of game updates and fixes.

Perfect Score Reviews

  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64, 1998)
  • Pokémon Red and Blue (Game Boy, 1999)
  • Checkered Flag (Atari Lynx, 1999)
  • Joust (Atari Lynx, 1999)
  • Shanghai (Atari Lynx, 1999)
  • Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (Game Boy Color, 1999)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (Game Boy Color, 1999)
  • Soulcalibur (Dreamcast, 1999)
  • Mario Golf (Game Boy Color, 1999)
  • Pokémon Yellow (Game Boy, 1999)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure (NeoGeo Pocket Color, 1999)
  • SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium (Neo Geo Pocket Color, 2000)
  • Magical Tetris Challenge (Game Boy Color, 2000)
  • Metal Gear Solid (Game Boy Color, 2000)
  • Pokémon Gold and Silver (Game Boy Color, 2000)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages (Game Boy Color, 2001)
  • Dragon Warrior III (Game Boy Color, 2001)
  • Tornado Mania! (Mobile phone, 2006)
  • Grand Theft Auto IV (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, 2008)
  • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PlayStation 3, 2008)
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii, 2010)
  • Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, 2010)
  • Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, 2010)
  • Chrono Trigger (Wii Virtual Console, 2011)
  • Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (PlayStation 3, 2011)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii, 2011)
  • Infinity Blade II (iOS, 2011)
  • The Last of Us (PlayStation 3, 2013)
  • Grand Theft Auto V (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, 2013)


Operation Rainfall

Operation Rainfall was an online campaign orchestrated by gamers on the IGN Forums urging Nintendo to release North American versions of the games Xenoblade, The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower.

Didn’t Read LOL

"Didn’t Read, LOL” is an expression commonly used to taunt others online by announcing their comments and posts have been ignored. The first known GIF featuring the phrase surfaced on the IGN Forums in July 2008.


Video Game Scoring

IGN video game review scores, which rank games on a scale from 1-10, are often mocked online for being overly generous in light of the actual review commentary. On February 6th, 2012, the gaming blog Twenty Sided[5] published an article criticizing IGN, which accused the site of “review-score prostitution.” On December 25th, an anonymous 4chan user replied to an illustration of a phallus with the comment “8/10 it’s okay – IGN,” mocking the lackluster reviews accompanied by above-average scores on the site. On October 16th, 2013, IGN reviews editor Dan Stapleton participated in an “ask me anything” (AMA) post on the /r/Games[4] subreddit. In the comments section Redditor recklessfred pointed out that many people perceived IGN reviews being on a 7-10 scale rather than the stated 0-10 scale. On November 17th, a post was submitted to the /r/OutOfTheLoop[3] subreddit about IGN scoring jokes. On December 5th, Redditor cyanghost109- submitted an infographic accusing IGN of giving unfair favorable reviews to games in the Call of Duty franchise, gaining over 2,300 upvotes and 300 comments prior to being archived (shown below).


In June 2005, IGN reported that the website was receiving 24 million unique visitors per month, with 4.8 million registered users participating across different sections of the site. As of June 2014, IGN has a global rank of 312 and United States rank of 167 on the traffic analytics site Alexa.[6]

Search Interest

External References

[1]Vault Network – Vault Network


[3]Reddit – 1010 its OK IGN

[4]Reddit – I am IGN Reviews Editor AMA

[5]Shamus Young – IGN

[6]Alexa – IGN

[7]IGNIGN World

You Did Not Eat That



You Did Not Eat That is an Instagram photo blog which highlights various photos and selfies of people in svelte physique posing with sugary or high-calorie foods.


On April 6th, 2014, the “You Did Not Eat That” Instagram feed was launched, which initially featured food porn-style photographs of desserts and dishes before it switched to highlighting pictures of fashion and fitness models posing with high-calorie or junk foods. On April 21st, the first instance of this kind was uploaded to the feed, which shows fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni posed with a full glass of milkshake, speculating that she did not actually consume the dessert drink (shown below).

“that milkshake is way too perfect looking to convince us it was consumed #youdidnoteatthat”

As the title of the blog suggests, the photographs are curated under the humorous assumption that the models only posed with the food, but did not actually consume them, in order to maintain their physical fitness.


On May 20th, 2014, the NYMag[1] fashion blog The Cut interviewed the anonymous curator behind the Instagram feed, who revealed that she was inspired to create the blog after witnessing people in fashion industry who would pose for a photograph with delicious-looking food without actually having a taste of it. The same day, the Instagram[6]feed reblogged a photo of Ferragni posed with a Magnum ice cream bar, with a caption joking that the fashion blogger was being paid by the company to post a picture of herself with their ice cream product (shown below). Within three weeks, the photo gained over 1,230 likes and 450 comments.

Over the next week, the women’s interest blog The Gloss[2] published an article about the Instagram feed and several notable examples were highlighted on The Huffington Post.[4] On June 7th, the social activist news blog Ryot[5] published an article criticizing You Did Not Eat that for potentially encouraging eating disorders. The same day, You Did Not Eat That[7] highlighted a photograph of a shirtless man eating food from the McDonald’s fast food chain, which garnered upwards of 1,800 likes and 150 comments winth 48 hours (shown below).

Notable Examples

Search Interest

External References

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