Grandma Drummer / Mary Hvizda
AboutGrandma Drummer is a nickname given to Mary Hvizda, a 63-year-old percussionist who rose to internet fame after a video clip of her performing “Wipe Out” on the drums was uploaded to YouTube in...
View ArticleDoge
[Warning! This entry is still being researched and may be missing a lot at the moment. I’m still working on finding more information, but you can help speed up the process by submitting a suggestion...
View ArticleScooby1961
Scooby1961 was one of the original fitness gurus on YouTube, and frequented 4chan’s /fit/ board. Also known as “the Natty King,” “the King of /fit/,” “gooby,” and the “puzzlemaster” for the puzzles he...
View ArticleReunion Videos
AboutReunion Videos (sometimes known as Homecoming Videos) are amateur footage of people meeting their loved ones after being separated for an extended period time, such as estranged family members,...
View ArticleTommy Edison / Blind Film Critic
AboutTommy Edison is a YouTuber who vlogs about his unique experiences and perspectives as a blind person. Though Edison is most-well known for his personal vlogs, he began his YouTube career by...
View ArticleTay Allyn's "Mass Text"
[work in progress]AboutTay Allyn’s “Mass Text” is a music video by aspiring pop star Tay Allyn.OriginOn July 16th, 2013, Tay Allyn published a music video for her debut single “Mass Text” on YouTube...
View ArticleDeviantART drawing memes
Drawing memes are a popular type of art on DeviantART. There are many kinds of drawing memes. Some people really hate them, though, so they really aren’t the best way to start out as an artist. Some...
View ArticleiPad Gym Bully
OverviewThe iPad Gym Bully is an Australian man who took a photograph of a skinnier man lifting weights at the gym and uploaded it to Facebook in an attempt to publicly shame him for his slender...
View ArticleMetroid
AboutMetroid refers to a series of Sci-Fi Action-Adventure video games created by Nintendo, starting with the game Metroid for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Since the series’ creation, it has...
View Article#AskDixie
#AskDixie was a hashtag event that happened on Twitter, starting on July 22nd, 2013, when Total Nonstop Action Wrestling President Dixie Carter asked the fans of TNA Wrestling that she will be taking...
View ArticleOne-Man Hide and Seek
One-Man Hide and Seek, is a creepypasta made in 2012 by a user named Sachem31. it involves instructions to a ritual that summons Spirits into your house.The RitualNOTE Doing this ritual is HIGHLY...
View ArticleBait / This is Bait
(work in progress)AboutBait is a an internet slang term used to describe comments or opinions which are considered to be made purposefully to troll other posters or to start a flame war. The term is...
View ArticleWe Can't Stop
About“We Can’t Stop” is a 2013 R&B dance song performed by singer-songwriter Miley Cyrus. Upon its release in June 2013, the song and music video inspired a series of remixes, covers and parodies,...
View ArticlePronunciation Book
AboutPronunciation Book is a YouTube channel that offers instructional videos illustrating the correct pronunciation of American English words. In July 2013, the channel derailed from its regular...
View ArticleUnicorning
AboutUnicorning is a photo fad that entails getting one’s picture taken while wearing a rubber unicorn mask in a public place, similar to the use of horse head masks.OriginThe phenomenon was started by...
View ArticleSmack Cam
AboutSmack Cam is a Vine video fad featuring short clips of people hitting unsuspecting victims in the head with an open palm or various objects.OriginOn June 27th, 2013, Vine user Max Jerry tweeted a...
View ArticlePrinting out the Internet
AboutOn May 22, 2013, Kenneth Goldsmith, a conceptualist writer, University of Pennsylvania professor, the Poet Laureate of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and the curator of the literary resource...
View ArticleFez II Cancellation
OverviewFez II Cancellation refers to the abandonment of the game Fez II by game developer Phil Fish following a public argument on the microblogging and social networking site Twitter in July of...
View ArticleBuzzFeed
AboutBuzzFeed[1] is a viral content site founded in 2006 by Jonah Peretti. As of July 2013, the site has nearly 20 verticals dedicated to content from a range of topics including politics, business,...
View ArticleAsian Girlz
Overview“Asian Girlz” is a 2013 alternative rock song by Los Angeles-based band Day Above Ground. Upon its release in July 2013, both the song and its music video became widely criticized for promoting...
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