Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
AboutDon’t Hug Me I’m Scared is a short musical film directed by Becky Sloan & Joseph Pelling. The film begins with an anthropomorphic character of a notepad singing a seemingly innocent tune about...
View ArticleQuickmeme
AboutQuickmeme is an image captioning website that hosts galleries of advice animals and other user-submitted image macros. In June of 2013, the site was banned from the social news community Reddit...
View ArticleRichard Dawkins
AboutClinton Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist, ethologist and author who is known for coining the word “meme” in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. Dawkins is an outspoken atheist and is...
View ArticleEmma Watson
WIPAboutEmma Watson is an English actress and model, known for portraying Hermione Ganger in Harry Potter movies.Search Insights
View ArticleDong Squad 420
About“Dong Squad 420” is a catchphrase coined by the League of Legends (LoL) player Michael Santana, better known by his online handle Imaqtipie, that is associated with the champion character...
View ArticleFoodom / Tumblr Restaurant Blogs
AboutFoodom is the nickname given to the online fandom surrounding Tumblr Restaurant Blogs, which includes both official pages and novelty accounts that are supposed to represent various brand names in...
View ArticleDraven's Mustache/League of Draven
AboutLeague of Draven is a photoshop meme involving characters and people having their faces replaced by Draven’s, a peculiar character from video game League of Legends, usually sporting a pretty long...
View ArticleDrake and Josh
(work in progress, any help will be greatly appreciated)aboutDrake and Josh is a kids’ sitcom comedy show, played by Drake Bell and Josh Peck aired in the Nickelodeon channel until 2007.the show was...
View ArticleSmoking Alcohol
AboutSmoking Alcohol refers to the act of vaporizing alcohol and inhaling it. While it was first popularized in 2004 with the introduction of the AWOL (Alcohol Without Liquid) device, the practice saw...
View ArticleRusty the Red Panda
OverviewRusty the Red Panda[1] is a young male red panda that resides in the National Zoo in Washington D.C.BackgroundIn early June 2013, after spending a month in quarantine, Rusty was introduced to...
View ArticleSuperman
AboutSuperman is a DC Comics superhero who has appeared in a variety of fictional works, from radio serials, television shows and films to newspaper comics and video games. As the sole survivor of the...
View ArticleTeam Siren
Note: This entry is being researched and updated in real time, if anyone can fix the url’s OP will be gratefull.“”OverviewTeam Siren is the name of a former. “supposedly” first all-women pro League of...
View ArticleUr a Faget
Note: Work in progess, reseachingAbout“Ur a Faget” is a intentionally misspelled insult that is often used towards another poster’s belief or behavior. The phrase first became popular when it was used...
View ArticleSenator Wendy Davis's Filibuster / Texas Senate Bill SB5
Wendy Davis’s Filibuster was a speech against Texas Senate Bill Five, shortened to SB5, given by Texas Senator Wendy Davis. Said bill would have crippled most abortion clinics in Texas, and Rick Perry...
View ArticleWarlizard Gaming Forum
AboutWarlizard is a very prolific reddit user with the username Warlizard, whose comments are always replied with someone asking variations of “Are you the guy from the warlizard gaming forum?” by...
View Articlelupe mustain
Coleanse To make your body free from all the unwanted toxins you need to make sure that you detoxify your colon everyday. Parasites can hamper your over-all health and thus you can use Coleanse to...
View ArticleDoes This Look Like The Face of Mercy?
About“Does This Look Like The Face of Mercy?” is an expression used to indicate a lack of empathy or compassion, which is often used in image macro captions featuring an unimposing or harmless-looking...
View ArticleJustice Porn
AboutJustice Porn is an Internet slang term that is used to describe true stories and online media depicting events in which criminals, bullies and other aggressors are thwarted, exposed or punished...
View ArticleVertical Video Syndrome
AboutVertical Video Syndrome (VVS) is a fictitious disease which satirically claims that those afflicted can only shoot videos in a portrait orientation, as opposed to the more viewer-friendly...
View ArticleHUGELOL
(W.I.P, feel free to submit editorship)About(researching)Origin(researching)Simplicity and costumization(researching)Guidelines(researching)Search Interest
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