2016 Democratic Presidential Primary
OverviewThe 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary is the preliminary round in the Democratic party’s candidate selection process for the upcoming 2016 general election for the presidency of the United...
View ArticleHiss
You may have seen the “hiss” spam on twitch or around the comment sections of top youtubers. The “hiss” origin came from a youtuber named “LeafIsHere”. He is supposedly apart of “the reptilian...
View ArticleCan't Stump the Trump
About“Can’t Stump the Trump” is a slogan often used by supporters of the 2016 Republican presidential primary candidate Donald Trump, indicating that he is incapable of being flustered or defeated by...
View ArticleIt Is A Mystery
About“It is a mystery” is a video of a ghost with a cheery tune playing in the background. The image is typically posted as a reaction image.Origin“It is a mystery” is based off of a Something Awful...
View ArticleLuca's Dad
You broke you leg? Call Luca’s Dad! Broke your fence? Call Luca’s Dad! and Broke your computer screen? CALL LUCA’S DAD!!!
View ArticleJack Sparrow
AboutJack Sparrow is the main character of the Disney movie series Pirates of the Caribbean, which was released in 2003. The character has gained notoriety online due to his memorable quotes.OriginThe...
View ArticleWinter-chan
AboutWinter-chan is a female anime character created to be an anthropomorphic representation of the winter season. The character is used by members of the web forum 4chan to express the response of...
View ArticleCure-chan
AboutCure-chan is a female anime-style character designed to be the anthropomorphic representation of good health, prosperity and overall medical need. She was designed as a response to the rise of...
View ArticleDr. Jean's Bannana Dance
On April 30th, a video titled “Dr Jean’s Banana Dance” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFmr_TZLpS0) was posted to Youtube by Alex G May. The user presented the video in a gym class. It then became...
View ArticleChad Says Beta Things
AboutChad Says Beta Things is a series of awkward and cringeworthy messages sent by an anonymous Tinder user to several women using a fake profile image of an athletic, attractive looking man, an...
View ArticlePapyrus' Spaghetti
[This entry is still in works. Feel free to request editorship]About“Papyrus’ Spaghetti” refers to a series of jokes associating the character Papyrus from the video game Undertale with spaghetti, in...
View ArticleI;m Thinking About Thos Beans
WIPAbout“I;m thinking about thos beans” is a meme originating in 2015. The meme frequently includes people stating the phrase, or pictures of baked beans.OriginIn July 2015, Bill Foster made a post on...
View ArticleEight Legs, Seven Vaganias
WIP Feel free to ask to edit.AboutEight Legs, Seven Vaganias is a notable phrase from the internet comic, Ariel Needs Legs. The phrase is typically used in parody comics or just said by itself. The...
View ArticleHomer Is Dead
Work in progressAbout“Homer Is Dead” refers to a series of MS Paint comics featuring characters from the comedy cartoon series The Simpsons. The comics, consisted in two panels with the final one...
View ArticleDerpy's Flag
Work in progressAboutDerpy’s Flag is a Photoshop meme of fan-favorite background pony Derpy Hooves from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, waving the Ponyville flag in S4E10 Rainbow Falls. The scene...
View ArticleYou're Gonna Have a Bad Time
Editor’s Note: Work in progress. This entry contains spoilers for the game Undertale. Don’t confuse this entry with Super Cool Ski Instructor.About“You’re Gonna Have a Bad Time” is a memorable quote...
View ArticleMC Dinero
AboutJesús Manrique Gonzalez,[1] mostly known as “MC Dinero”, is a mexican raper who became famous all around the Spanish-speaking internet after his video “Rap fail – rap del dinero” was uploaded to...
View ArticleNude-Free Playboy
OverviewNude-Free Playboy refers to an announcement by the men’s lifestyle magazine Playboy revealing that the publication would no longer include nude centerfolds.BackgroundOn October 12th, 2015, The...
View ArticleCalifornia's 21st Century Drought
OverviewCalifornia’s 21st Century Drought is a climate event occurring primarily from 2011 through 2015, where California and other areas on the West Coast of North America have experienced record...
View ArticleUrinal Etiquette
AboutUrinal Etiquette is an exploitable image series based on a four-pane comic depicting an awkward moment of two strangers using the urinals immediately adjacent to each other out of an entire row in...
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