30 Year Old Virgin Wizard
AboutThe 30 Year Old Virgin Wizard is an internet myth which dictates that when an individual (usually male) never engages in any sexual intercourse by the milestone age of 30, they would receive...
View ArticleFriendship is Witchcraft
work in progressAboutFriendship is Witchcraft is a fan-made abridged video series based off the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It is one of the most popular abridged series...
View ArticleUK Independence Party
AboutThe UK Independence Party, often abbreviated to UKIP, is a eurosceptic political party based in Great Britain. The party has become criticised for its Anti-immigration staunch and has been accused...
View ArticleMike Inel / Manyakis
AboutMike Inel (also known as his hentai alias Manyakis) is a Filipino digital artist, 2D and 3D animator who does fanart and original artworks on YouTube, DeviantArt and Tumblr. He is known for his...
View ArticleSlide Into Your DMs
AboutSlide Into Your DMs (permutations are common and may include: Slide Into Her DMs, Slide Into Yo DMs, Slide Into the DMs, often with the word “like” after the phrase) is a catchphrase which refers...
View ArticleThreatKing
AboutThreatKing, also known as Vikingdom, is a black hat hacker who gained much notoriety for taking down the New York Magazine website with a massive distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) in...
View ArticleYandere Simulator
AboutYandere Simulator is a stealth video game developed by YandereDev. In the game, the player controls a Japanese highschool student who falls in love with one of her classmates, and can do a wide...
View ArticleBoing Boing
AboutBoing Boing is an off-beat news blog featuring stories covering a variety of topics, including science, technology, culture, art and politics.HistoryIn 1988, journalist Mark Frauenfelder, along...
View ArticleBootleg Bart
AboutBootleg Bart refers to original unauthorized merchandise and/or original or contemporary fan art created with the image of Bart Simpson, often mutated or badly drawn, or sometimes with the...
View ArticleKu Klux Klan
AboutThe Ku Klux Klan is a former social movement and secret organization that consists of loosely affiliated independent chapters across the United States. Though historically associated with remnants...
View ArticleAwaken My Masters
About“Awaken My Masters!” is a quote from a Japanese manga JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure uttered by a character named Wamuu during his and his masters’ bombastic awakening.OriginThe original scene...
View ArticleDrake and Meek Mill Feud
work in progressBackgroundOn July 21st, 2015, Meek Mill, who has more than 4.92 million followers on Twitter, tweeted that hip hop contemporary Drake did not write his own raps. While ghostwriters and...
View ArticleBuying GF
About“Buying GF” is an ironic expression indicating an interest in purchasing a girlfriend within the MMORPGRunescape for in-game currency.OriginIn many online games, players advertise their...
View ArticleDave Grohl
AboutDave Grohl is an American musician best known as the former drummer of the grunge band Nirvana and the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the rock band Foo Fighters.HistoryScreamAt the age of 17...
View ArticleEarl the Grumpy Puppy
AboutGrumpy Puppy is a nickname given to Earl, a puggle (pug-and-beagle hybrid) from Davenport, Iowa who became the subject of online fame for its adorably irritated-looking facial expressions, in a...
View ArticleTonkey Bear
AboutTonkey Bear is the name of a four-months old bear coat Shar Pei breed from Edmonton, Canada who rose to viral fame online after several photographs of the fluffy, bear-like puppy went viral on...
View ArticleCross-Stitch
AboutCross-Stitch is a type of simple embroidery where an image or pattern is created by sewing a series of X-shaped stitches in rasterized or pixel-type pattern. Cross-stitching can be done on fabric...
View ArticleDrawfag
AboutDrawfag is a slang term used to describe users in online communities that post their own art creations, usually in the form of drawings.OriginThe term is believed to have originated from the image...
View ArticleMeme Documentation
AboutMeme Documentation is a Tumblr blog which explains the meaning behind various memes on the microblogging site and reblogs notable examples for archival purposes. The site focuses on memes that...
View ArticleVocal Fry
AboutVocal Fry is a manner of speaking where the voice is sunk into its lowest possible register, producing a creaky or vibrato tone. This voice pattern has come under fire, especially when used by...
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