Trivago Guy
AboutTrivago commericals refers to a series of commercials which air in Canada and in the united states, Particually on the sports channel TSN in Canada.OriginJay and Dan Canadian celebrities and...
View ArticleWinter the Lamb
AboutWinter the Lamb is the name of a baby sheep that lives on a small hobby farm with Shannen Hussein in Melbourne, Australia. In late August 2014, the lamb gained internet fame after several video...
View ArticleSwatting
AboutSwatting is a social engineering practice which involves falsely reporting incidents to emergency services in order to deploy various police units to a location. The hoaxes have been criticized...
View ArticleBye Felicia
About“Bye Felicia” is a memorable quote from the 1995 comedy film Friday which is often used online as a dismissive farewell.OriginOn April 26th, 1995, the comedy film Friday was released, starring the...
View ArticleGun barrel parodies
Entry is a work in progress, please apply for editorship if you want to helpThe gun barrel scene in Dr. NoAboutGun barrel parodies is a opening sequence in the James Bond 1962 film Dr. No that it...
View ArticleCryptoLocker
AboutCryptoLocker was a ransomware trojan virus which targeted computers running Microsoft Windows and was first observed by Dell SecureWorks in September 2013[1].OriginCryptolocker builds up on the...
View ArticleThe House of the Dead
THIS IS STILL A W.I.P, NEEDHELPGUYSAbout The House of The Dead (or House of the Dead) is a light gun arcade game series by designer Atsushi Seimiya. the series has overall 4 main games and over 8...
View ArticleThe Fappening / Celebgate
[Work in progress. Editors needed]AboutThe Fappening, also known as Celebgate, refers to a series of nude photographs featuring various high profile celebrities, including Jennifer Lawrence, Mary...
View ArticleKähler Anniversary Vase / #VaseGate
“”Overview.The Kähler Anniversary Vase (Danish: Kähler Jubilæumsvase) is a limited edition danish designer vase celebrating the 175th anniversary of danish design company Kähler Design[1]. The vase...
View ArticleYee / Dingo Pictures Dinosaurs
About“Yee” is a phrase that refers to an edited clip of an animated dinosaur singing a small jingle, only to be interrupted at the end by another dinosaur shouting “Yee” in an awkward manner. It has...
View ArticleNaked Banana
AboutNaked Banana is an image that gained notoriety on imageboards, mostly being used as an out of context image on various boards on 4chan.OriginThis meme appeared on 4chan in mid 2014. The image, a...
View ArticleDaniel Pierce Coming Out Video
OverviewDaniel Pierce Coming Out Video refers to a video Daniel Pierce, a nineteen-year-old from Georgia, which was uploaded to YouTube and shows his father and stepmother abusing him after he told...
View ArticlePenny Arcade Expo
AboutPenny Arcade Expo (or PAX) is the video game conference held annually in Washington state. The name was taken from a web comic Penny Arcade created in 1998 by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins....
View ArticleProteus
AboutProteus is an open-world procedurally generated exploration game developed by Ed Key and David Kanaga for Linux, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita. It is a game in...
View ArticleAt Dawn We Ride
About“At Dawn We Ride”, sometimes written “We Ride at Dawn”, is a battle cry used to caption image macros featuring photos of people and animals wearing armor or riding various mounts.OriginAccording...
View ArticleBoogie2988
AboutBoogie2988 is a YouTuber known for his portrayal of the character Francis, an immature adult who is prone to delivering rage-induced rants.HistoryOn April 5th, 2006, the Boogie2988 YouTube channel...
View ArticleGamerGate
OverviewGamerGate refers to the online backlash toward gaming journalism that occurred as a result of the Quinnspiracy online controversy surrounding indie game developer Zoe Quinn’s alleged affairs...
View ArticleTransfer Deadline Day
[Note: This page is still a work in progress. This is my first entry, so additional editing by more experienced users is appreciated especially with regards to formatting. Do not deadpool...
View Article#DogBands
About#DogBands is a Twitter hashtag which gained popularity after it was introduced by the Comedy Central show @midnight. Twitter users add the hashtag to the game of a popular band name which they...
View ArticleInternet Slowdown Day
OverviewInternet Slowdown Day refers to an online protest in support of Net Nutrality to be held on September 10th, 2014. Participating websites and blogs can put a spinning loading icon on their...
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