Professor Layton Figures, is a set of Revoltech toys released in Japan, which are based on the Professor Layton series. In a similar style to Hentai Woody , it features Layton placed in different scenarios.
in 2006, Japanese toy company Kaiyodo[1] started to make and release a series of Revoltech line of toys (However, most of them were based mainly of Anime figures). In 2010, Kaiyodo released a new line of toys focusing on iconic characters from Japanese and American film and television series. In March of 2010, around the same time they announced the Toy Story line of toys, Kaiyodo released a series of Professor Layton related toys, which came with Layton related add-ons, such as a tea-set and notebook.
After the release of the Figures, Different parodies of the toy started pop up on sites like Tumblr[2] as well as others. These images, usually placed Layton in either awkward situations, or sitting with another person at the table included in the set. Another of the more popular images was one of Layton holding a machine gun behind a table, which became a type of image macro. The first variation of this image macro was seen after a thread entitled “I’ll just pretend im not expecting macros…”[3] was posted along with a blank photo of the Layton with a machine gun image to 4chan’s /v/ Video Game board on the 3 December 2010. It was followed by an onslaught of Professor Layton figure image macros.
External References
[2] Tumblr – Professor Layton
[3] 4Chan Archive – I’ll Just Pretend I’m Not Expecting Any Image Macros…