On October 2014, 4chan users had a raid on a t-shirt mockup website and created awesome and offensive designs for t-shirts which led to the creation of the website shirtwascash
Right after the raid, A reddit user named /u/doesitmakesound created a poll on reddit /r/4chan to decide which design was the best, and more than 1000 redditors answered it, which motivated this same user into building a real website, called ShirtWasCash, in reference to the meme Shit Was So Cash , to produce and sell those t-shirts.
Pretty quick, the joke wasn’t a joke anymore, as /u/doesitmakesound made a colossal amount of money from this prank (He made $40k in sales selling the t-shirts before the end of the 30 days free trial of the e-commerce platform he was using).
This will be remembered as the day 4chan users decided to do something from their creativity, and as the day a smart kid took the opportunity from it.