Sad Weird Al is a photoshop meme and image macro series based on a photograph of performer “Weird Al” Yankovic wearing a solemn-looking expression while standing in an airport security line.
On November 24th, 2015, Redditor TheLetter10 submitted a photograph of Yankovic standing in line at an airport security station to the /r/pics[4] subreddit, where it gathered upwards of 5,400 votes ( 92% upvoted) within 24 hours (shown below, left). In the comments section of the post, Redditor teh_newguy[5] posted an edited version of the Sad Keanu photograph with Yankovic superimposed over Keanu Reeves (shown below, right).

After the post reached the front page of Reddit on November 24th, Redditor Propane13 posted an image macro of the photograph with the caption “No room in overhead compartments / accordian sent to checked luggage” to the /r/weirdal[7] subreddit (shown below, left). Later that day, Yankovic tweeted[6] that he was “honored” to have inspired a new meme (shown below, right).

Meanwhile, Redditor Supperrmann submitted the photo to the /r/photoshopbattles[8] subreddit, where several others submitted photoshopped variations of the image (shown below). In the coming days, the Internet news sites The Daily Dot,[1] The Mary Sue and Memebase[3] published articles about the photoshop meme.

Search Interest
Not available.
External References
[1]The Daily Dot – Weird Al looking bummed at the airport is your new Sad Keanu meme
[2]The Mary Sue – Sad Weird Al
[3]Memebase – Move Over Sad Keanu
[4]Reddit – Weird Al Looking Sad in the Security Line
[5]Reddit – teh_newguy
[6]Twitter – @alyankovic
[7]Reddit – My Sad Weird Al Meme
[8]Reddit – Weird Al Looking Sad