I’m At Soup, also titled as Soup Store (other variations of the title exist), is an animated meme in which two characters are shown yelling at each other over a phone call: Character A needs Character B to come to his/her position, but Character B is occupied with shopping for clothes and can’t find anything but soup.
As Character A instigates Character B’s search, he/she discovers that Character B is in a store which sells nothing but soup; the Soup Store.
The skit was first created in an abridged parody of Code Geass – called Code MENT– for its sixteenth episode, uploaded to YouTube on the 2nd of May by PurpleEyesWTF[1].
(Lelouch Lamperouge calls Suzaku Kururugi on a cell phone from an office. Suzaku answers his cell phone in a grocery store.)
Lelouch: Hello?
Suzaku: Hey, what’s up?
Lelouch: I need your help, can you come here?
Suzaku: Uh, I can’t, I’m buying clothes.
Lelouch: Alright, well hurry up and come over here.
Suzaku: I can’t find them.
Lelouch: What do you mean you can’t find them?
Suzaku: I can’t find them, there’s only soup.
Lelouch: What do you mean there’s only soup?
Suzaku: It means there’s only soup!
Lelouch: Well then get out of the soup isle!
Suzaku: Alright you don’t have to shout at me!
(Suzaku walks down an isle.)
Suzaku: There’s more soup!
Lelouch: What do you mean there’s more soup?
Suzaku: There’s just more soup!
Lelouch: Go into the next isle!
Suzaku: There’s still soup!
Lelouch: Where are you right now?
Suzaku: I’m at soup!
Lelouch: What do you mean you’re “at soup?”
Suzaku: I mean I’m at soup!
Lelouch: What store are you in?
Suzaku: I’m at the soup store!
Lelouch: Why are you buying clothes at the soup store?
Suzaku: Fuck you!
Though it’s not the most popular variation, the first animation to use the skit’s audio was made by YouTube user Kin’s Secret Stash[2], which was uploaded to YouTube on the same day as the original. Six months after its upload, the video has been viewed by 33,000+ people.
On the 18th of June, YouTube user Krunkidile[3] uploaded the most popular I’m At Soup variation (passing one million views in October), true to the date this article was written on.
Notable Examples
Seach Interest
External References
[1]YouTube – PurpleEyesWTF
[2]YouTube – Kin’s Secret Stash
[3]YouTube – Krunkidile