Linda Glocke is the name of a Disqus commentator who rose to internet fame in 2015 due to a comment made by her in which she proclaims “I will destroy ISIS.” Her Disqus avatar, along with the phrase, have been widely parodied and photoshopped.
The original comment was made by Linda Glocke on January 21st, 2015, on an ABC7.com article about ISIS’s executions of prisoners. The article has since been deleted, but the Disqus comments section with the comment is still accessible.[1] The first known screencap, taken an hour after the comment was made, blurs out Glocke’s name (shown below). Due to the text still being clearly legible, however, her name quickly became associated with the meme.

The first known posting of the screencap was to the /r/me_irl subreddit.[2] The post gained 4,304 points (99% upvoted) before being archived. A repost to the same subreddit was made in June; this gained only 1,281 points on Reddit,[3] but over 5,000 points on Imgur.[4]
The meme gained a resurgence on Imgur in late 2015. On November 18th, Imgur user omglandshark submitted a post consisting of Glocke’s head photoshopped onto the body of a pilot sitting in a fighter jet, with her original tweet superimposed on top of the image.[5] The following day, user RedditCensorsFreeSpeech submitted a compilation inspired by the previous post.[6]

On November 20th, itsokayyoucanlaughandjokearound posted a photoshopped GIF from the 2008 movie Iron Man, featuring Glocke’s face and the phrase “I will destroy ISIS”.[7]
Notable Examples

Search Interest
Currently unavailable.
External References
[1]Disqus – Original Comment
[2]Reddit – /r/me_irl post
[3]Reddit – /r/me_irl repost
[5]Imgur – #WeBelieveLinda
[6]Imgur – #WeBelieveLinda
[7]Imgur – The bad guys won’t even want to come out of their caves.