heavy wip (no need to thank me jacob)

Alone on a Friday Night? God, You’re Pathetic refers to a popular edit of a panel in Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series, where the protagonist Sonic says the quote while laying down with a smug face and his legs crossed. The popularity of the image lead to many variations, most of which replace Sonic with another character or replace the quote with another question, always followed with “God, You’re Pathetic”.
The original panel comes from Issue no. 9 in the episode “What’s The Point?” of the Archie Comic series, in which Sonic deliberately pauses the episode’s story to get some puns about trees “over with” (shown below).[1] The exact origin of the panel’s edit is currently unknown.
One of the most popular reshares of the macro comes from Tumblr user hotelmario, who posted a screenshot of the macro being displayed as a featured post on Tumblr, which he captioned with “wow fuck off, tumblr”. The post has over 40,500 notes as of November 2015.[2]

Notable Examples

External References
[1]Archie Sonic Wiki – Sonic The Hedgehog, Issue #9
[2]Tumblr – Wow Fuck Off Tumblr