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Arin Hanson’s Chin refers to a series of jokes poking fun at the animator Arin Hanson, alias Egoraptor, for having multiple chins.
Diamond Tiara’s Arin Face
Diamond Tiara’s Arin Face is an exploitable image of the Friendship is Magic character Diamond Tiara scrunching her face in such a way that it appears that she has multiple chins. Its name alludes to animator and Game Grumps member Arin Hanson, who is known for having multiple chins.

The face first appeared in episode 18 of season five, “Crusaders of the Lost Mark,” when the Cutie Mark Crusaders, feeling sorry for Diamond Tiara, invite her to their club house. Once there, they ask her if she really knows what her Cutie Mark means. Diamond Tiara responds by scrunching her face and saying, “That’s a weird question.”
The first image of it was uploaded to Derpibooru on October 12, 2015, receiving 92 upvotes. Since then, over fifty images with the tag “Arin Hanson Face” have been uploaded.