Hurricane Joaquin Phoenix is a photoshop meme featuring pictures of actor Joaquin Phoenix superimposed over images depicting the tropical cyclone Hurricane Joaquin, which was first classified as a major hurricane in late September 2015.
On September 28th, 2015, Joaquin was classified as a tropical depression southwest of Bermuda. The following day, it became a tropical storm and began a period of rapid intensification. That morning, Twitter user @IamMikeCole[3] posted a tweet saying “they should name hurricanes after celebrities. #hurricanejoaquinphoenix” shown below).

On September 30th, 2015, the Joaquin was reclassified as a hurricane. That day, Twitter user @braggmichaelc[9] posted a photoshopped picture of a Hurricane Joaquin weather image with Joaquin Phoenix photoshopped over the eye of the storm (shown below).

On October 1st, 2015, the Twitter feed for the New York Police Department’s 108th precinct posted a photoshopped picture of a Hurricane Joaquin with several cutout images of actor Joaquin Phoenix’s face superimposed over the storm’s forecast (shown below).[1] Within 48 hours, the tweet gained over 1,500 retweets and 930 favorites.

In the coming days, several news sites published articles about the Internet meme, including US Weekly,[4] E! Online,[5] People,[6] The Huffington Post[7] and Mashable.[8]
Various Examples

Search Interest
Not available.
External References
[1]Twitter – @NYPD108Pct
[2]Wikipedia – Hurricane Joaquin
[3]Twitter – @IamMikeCole
[4]US Weekly – Joaquin Phoenix Memes Go Viral
[5]E! Online – Hurricane Joaquin Phoenix Meme Goes Viral
[6]People – The Internet Pokes Fun at Looming Hurricane Joaquin
[7]The Huffington Post – Memes Of Joaquin Phoenix As Hurricane Joaquin Make Us Feel A Little Better
[8]Mashable – NYPD warns Hurricane Joaquin Phoenix may impact area
[9]Twitter – @braggmichaelc