Barack Obama at Exit Glacier is a sign-holdingexploitable featuring an image of United States President Barack Obama leaning on a mile marker-style sign in the forest. The images are usually altered to change the number or text appearing on the sign.
On September 1st, 2015, Barack Obama posted a portrait of himself to the White House Instagram account, featuring him standing next to a mile marker-style sign reading 1961.[1] Obama was hiking the Exit Glacier in Alaska, and learning about how glaciers recede, and is therefore dressed casually and wearing sunglasses; he perhaps chose this marker because it is the year of his birth.

The image received over 38,100 likes in the first month after it was posted. On September 2nd, 2015, the image was posted in the subreddit /r/photoshopbattles, where it received only 4 responses and six upvotes.[2] On September 4th, 2015, the image was posted in two places with the same edit and the same caption: the sign in both read 420, along with the caption “Michelle, quick, stop the car.” This image and caption combination was first posted in the subreddit /r/trees, where it received 4,895 points (93% upvoted),[4] and several hours later it was tweeted the twitter user EYEAMJIGSAW. This tweet received 10,077 retweets and 11,659 favorites.[3] This variation of the image is the most propagated as of September 30, 2015.

Notable Examples

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External References
[1]Instagram – White House’s Post
[2]/r/photoshopbattles – PsBattle: Obama leaning up against marker, while hiking in the Exit Glaciers, Alaska
[3]Twitter – EYEAMJIGSAW’s tweet
[4]/r/trees – Michelle, quick, stop the car….
[5]Google Images – Similar Images: Obama Exit Glacier