Is It Porn? is a web application designed to analyze the visual and textual content within any user-submitted image and determine whether it is pornography, more specifically, the degree of its likelihood in percentage. In early September 2015, the app gained a lot of traction on 4chan for its poor accuracy in performance, in similar vein to the popularity of the website How-Old.net.
The website,[1] which is powered by a content filter made of machine learning algorithms, was launched by the company Indico in July 2015. However, the site mostly went unnoticed until late August, when a Facebook page for the app was created on August 27th, 2015 featuring a picture of a guy in a speedo (shown bellow, left).[6] Two days later, an anonymous user posted a fan art picture of Lilliput on a thread submitted on 4chan’s Pokémon board /vp/, making that other users started posting analysed pictures and mocking on the poor accuracy of the app (shown bellow, middle).[5] The same day, a Touhou thread on /v/ also used the app (shown bellow, right).[7]

In the following days, the site still remained little known and din’t gain traction until September 5th, 2015, when a dedicated thread about the site was created on /v/ (video games) board,[8] with the original post featuring a screencap of the videogame Dead or Alive. Soon, other boards from the site also started threads about the app,[2] including /h/,[9] /vp/,[10]/co/[11] and /mlp/,[12] before spreading to other memetic hubsites like Tumblr,[4]Twitter[3] and reddit.[13] As of September 11th, 2015, the website has received over 40,000 submissions.

Various Examples

External References
[2]archive.moe – Search for itisporn
[3]Twitter – Search for itisporn
[4]Tumblr – Search for itisporn
[5]archive.moe – Grass princess thread
[6]Facebook – Is it porn?
[7]archive.moe – Touhou thread.
[8]archive.moe – Go to https://isitporn.com
[9]archive.moe – Go to https://isitporn.com/
[10]archive.moe – go to isitporn.com
[11]archive.moe – Let’s get this started /co/.
[12]archive.moe – What do you get?
[13]reddit – Search for itisporn