“If I Install Windows 32bit Twice Would That Make It 64bit?” is a catchphrase poised by seemingly technologically impared users asking if installing a Windows 32-bit version twice would yield in the user obtaining a Windows 64-bit operating system. The phrase is often posted on tech help and other forums to troll other posters in a manner similar to Download More RAM or Alt+F4.
The original instance of the question was posted by user fwittt on the Microsoft TechNet forums in May of 2010,[1] and reads:
I have a question,
I recently took delivery of my new Dell, which came with the 32bit version of Windows 7, however the PC is capable of running at 64bit.
If I install Windows 7 32bit twice would that make it 64bit?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Initially users took the question at face value, but over time the question was reposted to other websites where the reply:
Yes, but you will also get Windows 14.
was developed as a common response.
Search Interest
External Links
[1]Microsoft TechNet Forums – Upgrading From Windows 32bit to 64bit