Love Nectar is a slang term for sexual fluids, which became associated to the character Anna Nishikinomiya from the anime and manga series Shimoneta after a scene in which she bakes cookies for the character Tanukichi Okuma using her own vaginal fluids. The scene and the term garnered popularity among fans of the series, due to it’s extreme nature, spawning a number of parodies.
The original scene comes from the epsiode five of the anime series, first aired on August 1st, 2015. In it, Anna Nishikinomiya prepares cookies for the characters Ayame Kajou and Tanukichi Okuma. After asking the latter about the cookies, she starts explaining how her “love feelings” for Tanukichi turn into liquid after reaching their peak, and then telling him she used her vaginal fluids (which Anna calls “love nectar” due her lack of knowledge on sexual subjects) to make his cookies. Later, on the same episode, Anna ambushes Tanukichi on their school and tries to force him into drinking a bottle full of her “love nectar”.

Various Examples
Search Interest
External References
[1]Tumblr – Search for love nectar
[2]archive.moe – Search for love nectar