“14/f/Cali” is the acronym of “fourteen-year-old girl from California”, used as generic and troll response to a/s/l used by a much older male in an attempt to deceive people in chatrooms.
The Acronym a/s/l or age, sex and location used as internet slang on instant messaging and in Internet chatrooms. This brings up the question regarding users actual age, sex and location. In the rules of the Internet, the number 29 says “On the internet, all girls are men, and all kids are undercover FBI agents or Perverted Justice Decoys.” 14/f/Cali is the generic response used by users trying to deceive an unsuspecting person into sharing info, pics, etc. Sometimes it’s used as a kind of bait and switch troll where the users eventually reveals himself to be an older male.
The earliest mention of “14/f/Cali” fat man can be found on the online cmmunity Trible, on a picture of a fat man with the catchphrase as caption uploaded by user cDub on November 22nd, 2003.[1] The catchphrase has also spread to other sites including reddit[2] and Memegenerator.[3]
Notable Examples