Purmerend’s Roundabout Cam is a livestreaming webcam aimed at a rotary in the town of Purmerend in The Netherlands by the software company Archie. After an initial cancelled flashmob on the roundabout, the webcam gained new fame when American Reddit users discovered the webcam. Following this, Dutch users subsequently started writing troll phrases and memes on the road.
The webcam aimed at the roundabout is stationed on the roof of the building located in Purmerend by the software company Archie, who initially placed the webcam there to test if their systems worked properly (shown below).[1] On May 28th, 2015, Dutch entertainment website GeenStijl wrote an article after their discovery of the webcam,[2] in which they promoted people to start a flashmob on the roundabout in the style of the Project X events.
Notable Developments
Following the spread of GeenStijl’s article, the roundabout gained notable attention throughout the country. The video reached over 50,000 views by June 1st, and had surpassed 250,000 views by June 4th. GeenStijl was also rewarded with champagne by Archie after the video surpasses 50,000 views during their shooting of a video on the roundabout (shown below). Various Dutch news outlets reported the sudden increase in views on the roundabout, including the NOS[7] and Nieuws.nl.[8]
A Facebook page titled “Flashmop de rotonde Purmerend”[3] (Flashmop the roundabout Purmerend) was launched which tried to organise a flashmob event by having participants do a polonaise around the roundabout. After around 150 people signed up for the event, Purmerend’s city council decided to cancel the event due to traffic safety[9] (shown below) and Archie would shut down the webcam.[10] The flashmob and the reaction was covered by various Dutch news outlets, such as Algemeen Dagblad[4] and RTVNH.[5][6] The Facebook page of the event was deleted shortly after and the webcam later went back online.

“No flashmob on roundabout.
Due to traffic safety a flashmob on the rotary will be disallowed.”
Reddit Rediscovery
On July 14th, 2015, a post on the r/videos sub-Reddit[11] notified the site’s community about the roundabout’s lifestream. Following the post, a Purmerend citizen who goes by the Reddit handle SomeoneOutThere_ replied to the post[12] and was subsequently challenged to appear on the webcam (shown below). Within a day, the video of the SomeoneOutThere_’s appearance on the webcam managed to gather over 45,000 views and his reply became the top voted reply with over 14,000 points.
Following SomeoneOutThere_’s appearance on the webcam, that same day various other Redditors used the opportunity to also appear on the webcam. In the following 24 hours, various messages were written on the roundabout, including “OP = Faggot” and “Reddit = 4 Fags”.[13] Redditor Damindenie also made a reply to the post with hyperlinks to pictures of various events that took place on the roundabout throughout the day.[14] Another Redditor, who goes by the Youtube handle Slechte TV,[15][16] also drew an image of Dick Butt on the roundabout alongside Ellen Pao’s name and a website URL. Redditor Johan-Senpai also appeared dressed in a witch outfit (shown below, left), and other Redditors later appeared to clean off the website url after Redditors complained about the website presumably hijacking the roundabout (shown below, right). Eventually that night police started to patrol around the roundabout, after which activity died down. Archie respectively took down the webcam, although it was already back up again the next day.

At its peaks, the livestream counted over 4,000 viewers during the events. A sub-Reddit dedicated to the roundabout, r/otonde,[17] was also launched on July 14th, which managed to gather over 60 subscribers within 24 hours. Dutch news outlets also covered the events that took place on the roundabout, including Algemeen Dagblad,[18] The Telegraaf,[19] Metro[20] and PowNed.[21]
Search Interest
External References
[1]Youtube – Archie Europe Rotonde Cam
[2]GeenStijl – ProjectXRotonde: live webcam rotonde Purmerend
[3]Facebook – Flashmop de rotonde Purmerend[Now Offline]
[4]Algemeen Dagblad – Webcam beroemde Purmerendse rotonde stopt
[5]RTVNH– In polonaise over de rotonde in Purmerend
[6]RTVNH– Gemeente Purmerend verbiedt polonaise op rotonde
[7]NOS– Kwart miljoen kijkers voor ‘magische rotonde’ in Purmerend
[8]Nieuws.nl – Kwart miljoen kijkers voor ‘magische rotonde’ in Purmerend
[9]Facebook – Gemeente Purmerend
[10]Facebook – Gemeente Purmerend
[11]Reddit – Livestream of a roundabout in The Netherlands
[12]Reddit – SomeoneOutThere_ Comment
[13]Youtube – Reddit = 4 Fags
[14]Reddit – Damindenie
[15]Youtube – Dickbutt drawing on roundabout on Livestream
[16]Youtube – Drawing Dickbutt on the roundabout in Purmerend
[18]Algemeen Dagblad – Amerikanen kijken mee naar Purmerendse rotondestream
[19]Telegraaf – Nederlandse rotonde nu wereldhit