Here in My Garage is an online video ad by American entrepreneur Tai Lopez that shows him standing in his garage in front of a Lamborghini sports car and urging viewers to visit his self improvement website. Throughout the first half of 2015, it was frequently featured as a pre-roll ad on YouTube, leading many users on the site to create remixes and parodies of the video.
In February 2015, YouTube began displaying a pre-roll ad featuring Tai Lopez showing off his Lamborghini and bookshelf while promoting his self improvement video program “67 Steps to Wealth, Health, Love, and Happiness” (shown below).
On February 6th, 2015, the Blogspot blog Some Final Words[3] published an article about Lopez’ career, which accused him of running a “fraudulent internet business.” On February 8th, Redditor go_sens submitted a post titled “Who is this guy that just bought a new Lamborghini that’s fun to drive up in the Hollywood Hills and brags about it on YouTube ads?” to the /r/OutOfTheLoop[1] subreddit. On February 23rd, YouTuber OneLineDerek uploaded a parody of the ad in which he mocks Lopez’ speech (shown below, left). On April 21st, YouTuber Craig has Dysentery uploaded a YouTube Poop of the Lopez ad titled “HereInMyGarage.mwv” (shown below, right). In the first three months, the video gained over 500,000 views and 350 comments.
On June 7th, Redditor andybiotic submitted a post titled “Here in my garage, just bought this new Pegassi here…”, featuring a screen captured image of the character Michael De Santa from the game Grand Theft Auto V standing in front of a sports car (shown below). In the first month, the post gathered upwards of 4,400 votes (90% upvoted) and 1,400 comments on the /r/gaming[4] subreddit.

On June 9th, YouTuber Vehicle Virgins uploaded a parody of the ad, in which he confesses that he can no longer afford to own a garage after purchasing a Lamborghini (shown below, left). On June 29th, Funny Or Die launched the site TaiLopez.website,[2] featuring parodies of various Tai Lopez promotional videos (shown below, right).
Various Examples
Search Interest
External References
[1]Reddit – Who is this guy that just bought a new Lamborghini that’s fun to drive up in the Hollywood Hills and brags about it on YouTube ads?
[2]TaiLopez.website – Tai Lopez
[3]Some Final Words – Are You an Insight Junkie? A History of Tai Lopez
[4]Reddit – Here in my garage just bought this new Pegassi here