Age of Empires Logic is a series of advice animals that aims to poke fun at some of the logical flaws in the real time strategy game series Age of Empires(Age of Empires II in particular) due to the graphical limitations the game had when it was first developed. The Advice animal consist of an image of the King from the cover art of Age of Empires II: Age of Kings with a blue color wheel background.
On January 31st, 2011, Awkward Zombie released a webcomic titled “Great Wololo Of China (Part1)”[1] which pokes fun at the villager’s AI in Age of Empires II. A second webcomic titled “Great Wololo Of China (Part2)”[2] was released on Feburary 7th, 2011.

Advice Animal
On February 10th, 2011, the first variation of the advice animal was submitted to Meme Generator.[3] The advice animal has since cumulated over 10.600 derivatives in 4 years. The image of the king used in the advice animal originated from the cover box of Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings.
On December 20th, 2011, FunnyJunk user ifunnyninja submitted an image titled “Age of Empires” which gained over 50.600 views and 1.896 upvotes in 3 years.[6] On November 3rd, 2013, FunnyJunk user submitted an image titled “Age of Empires” which gained over 64.000 views.[7]

On an unregistered date, an anonymous 9gag user submitted an image titled “Age of Empires II” which gained over 47.000 upvotes.[4] On another unregistered date, an anonymous 9gag user submitted image titled “Age of Empires” which gained over 20.500 upvotes.[5]

Official Acknowledgement
One of the collectible steam trading cards for Age of Empires II HD Edition is called “King of Memes” which is a direct reference to the advice animal.[8]
Various Examples


Search Interest
External References
[1]Awkward Zombie – Great Wololo Of China
[2]Awkward Zombie – Great Wololo Of China
[3]Meme Generator – Age Of Empires
[4]9gag – Age of Empires II
[5]9gag – Age of Empires
[6]FunnyJunk – Age of Empires
[7]FunnyJunk – Age of Empires
[8]Steam Trading Cards Wiki – King of Memes