Work in progress

Aryanne is the name of an original character created in the style of ponies from the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. as having a snow-white coat, a blonde mane, blue eyes, and a cutie mark consisting of a pink heart with the swastika symbol inside of it, she is generally seen as the ponification of Nazism.
Work in progress
The /mlp/ pony artist Ass Stalker has claimed to be the creator of Aryanne. In a March 2014 interview[3] with Horse News, he described the origin of the character:
When did you/the threads start picking up?
I used to draw on Flockmod before. I was still a noob. I drew Rainbow Dash and Applejack often that time. Because of my poor style, people and I cannot recognize what pony I drew. So it combine both of them and then my friend made a joke and added a “nazi” symbol on it
Work in progress
Searching for “Aryanne” on the MLP image hosting site Derpibooru returns over 1,200 images as of July 2015,[1] while searching on DeviantArt returns over 260 results.[2]
Notable Examples