Jerma985, commonly referred to as Jerma (real name Jeremy Harrington) is a YoutubeLet’s Player, professional video gamer and voice actor, particularly known for his video commentaries of Team Fortress 2, the Jerma Rumble and other comedic game play videos, in addition to co-op commentaries with other Youtubers such as STAR_[1], Ma3la[2] and Boo[3].
Online History
Jerma’s first video (shown below, left), “TF2- Spy: Goldrush (First Commentary)” was uploaded on June 11, 2011, where he introduced himself whilst commentating on a recorded play-through of the Spy class on the map Goldrush on Team Fortress 2. On the same day, he would later upload a video of him playing the Medic class on the map Dustbowl (shown below, right).
As Jerma began posting more and more videos over the years, the range of his videos expanded beyond just Team Fortress commentaries. He began covering other games, such as Grand Theft Auto and the Pac-Man series, as well as generally unusual and hilarious game play, like playing TF2 using a voice-recognition software to control his character (below, right).
As of present, Jerma’s most popular video is “Fat Guy Engie”, where he reacts to the at-the-time newly added “Level Three Chin”[4], posted on June 19, 2014, and has over 1.1 million views.
STAR_, also known as Niichts, is another Let’s Play Youtuber and close friend of Jerma’s. The two of them often posts videos featuring one-another, commonly playing either co-operatively or against one another.
Voice Acting
On top of commentating and playing video games, Jerma is also a professional voice actor. He has worked on many different games, as well as having a Newgrounds account[5], and vocing his own characters in his videos for added comedy value.
Related Memes
Being a voice actor, Jerma frequently throws in additional fictional characters (voiced by himself) into his videos as a means of adding more humor to them. Amongst noticeable examples are: Grandpa (left), a fictional character who is supposed to be Jerma’s grandfather who occasionally reviews and plays games on Jerma’s behalf and gets into all kinds of mischief; the Byeahs (middle), a race of obese hobos from Grand Theft Auto; and the Shpee (right), a term coined by Jerma referring to the Spy class from Team Fortress 2.
Jerma Rumble
The Jerma Rumble is a series of videos where Jerma pits various video game characters, such as Gordon Freeman, Gabe Newell and Pac-Man, fellow Youtubers and several of his own creations, like The Egg, Grandpa, Batboy and hundreds of Byeahs to boot, in a wrestling arena from the game WWE 2014.
Personal Life
Jerma was born on September 22, 1985, and is aged 29 and lives in Boston, Massachusetts. While not much is known about his personal life or family, in one video it is revealed that he has an older sister and is an uncle to her son.
Notable Examples

Search Interest
External References
[4]Team Fortress Wiki – Level Three Chin