“Freedom Ain’t Free…” is a captioned image depicting a manlier looking likeness of the American Bear giving a speech, parodying American nationalism and right-wing values.
The place where the original image (below) was first posted is currently unknown. The earliest archived example of the original image can be found 4chan’s /tv/ board in April 13th, 2013[1].
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Freedom Ain’t free. The tree of liberty and freedom gotta be litterd with the blood of Patriots. Barack HUSSEIN obama aka “B. O” is not my presidnet. he is Islamic gommunist and probbaly kenyan as well :DD. ADAM and eve not adam and STEVE ok. praise jesus.
On 4chan, the image became popular enough so that various derivatives were made. Most of them have the theme of depicting caricatures representing political and religious views, both modern and historical.
Various Examples
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Image may be NSFW.
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Search Interest
External References
[1]archive.moe – Example 04/13/13