Mark Dice’s “Nuke Russia” Petition is a prank video published on YouTube in early June 2015 by author and conspiracy theorist Mark Dice,[1] who was filmed asking random California pedestrians to sign a bogus petition supporting United States President Barack Obama in ordering a nuclear strike against Russia.
On June 8th, 2015, Dice uploaded a new installment in his “crazy petitions”[8] video series titled “Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Nuke Russia so American will Stay World’s Super Power” to YouTube, in which he asks random beach-goers in San Diego, California to sign a petition supporting President Obama in launching a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia to maintain “American superiority” (shown below).
Notable Developments
Russian News Media Coverage
On June 10th, the Russian federal television channel Ren.tv[2] published an article titled “In the U.S., they’ve started collecting signatures for a nuclear attack on Russia" and the state-run publication RIA Novosti[4] released an article titled “They silently signed. In the U.S. a blogger collected signatures for a nuclear attack on Russia," which included a Russian political cartoon alluding to the ramifications of an American nuclear strike on the country (shown below).

“Save the wrapper when you’re done, you’ll need it later.” – translation by KYM user the the nyx
Additionally, the government-owned publication RT published similar articles on both their Russian[3] and English-language[7] websites. Both articles have since been edited to note that the video was a prank.
Dice encouraged people to sign the petition, saying that by signing it they are going to “support a nuclear strike against Russia.”“This is the one way we can maintain our superiority,” Dice says.
“You know how Russia has been threatening United States lately,” he tells an apparent anti-Russian American patriot, who replies: “Yeah!”
Russian Social Media
Following initial media reports, users on Russia’s leading social network VK began circulating the video and criticizing those who signed the petition.[9]

“I’m in shock, did these people stop for a minute to think about the consequences? Do they think about anything except the status of their country? I’d like to believe that Russia wouldn’t have a petition like this…”
Petition to Nuke USA
On June 10th, 2015, Russian YouTuber Комсомольская Правда[5] uploaded a video in which he asks Russian pedestrians to sign a petition supporting a nuclear strike against the United States (shown below). The majority of people asked refused to sign the petition.
Search Interest
External References
[2]Ren.tv – В США начался сбор подписей за нанесение ядерного удара по России
[3]RT – Американец собрал подписи в поддержку ядерного удара по России
[4]RIA– Молча подписывали. В США блогер собрал подписи за ядерный удар по РФ
[5]YouTube – Комсомольская Правда
[6]LiveLeak – The response as petition in Russia to nuke US has failed
[7]RT – ‘Obama zombies’: Americans sign prankster’s petition to nuke Russia
[8]YouTube – crazy petitions
[9]Liberty News – Journalist Mark Dice Ignites Fear in Russia Over Prank Petition to Nuke Russia