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Watchmen is a graphic novel series written by Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons and John Higgins published by DC Comics in 1986 and 1987, and collected in 1987. The comic, that follows the moral struggles of a group of freelance costumed vigilantes, has received positive reviews from fans and critics and it was in Time magazine’s top 100 novels and is considered an essential read for those interested in comics it also received a movie adaptation in 2009, which had a more mixed reception, and the writer of the novel, Alan Moore has openly criticized the film and claims to ‘despise it’.
Watchmen is setted on an alternative reality during the 80’s, where the main difference is the existence of superheroes, who grew unpopular and were banned on 1977. After the murder of Edward Blake “The Comedian”, the vigilante Rorschach believes he discovered a plot to terminate masked adventurers and warns his old comrades: Dan Dreiberg “Nite Owl”, Doctor Manhattan, a superpowered and god-like being, and his lover Laurie Juspeczyk “Silk Spectre”, and Adrian Veidt “Ozymandias”.
Related Memes
RRAAAARRL / Rorschach Jumping Out The Window
Rorschach Jumping Out The Window refers to a memorable scene from the comics where the character Rorschach jumps from a window while shouting “RRAAAARRL”. Rorschach’s pose has been used as image edit exploitable.

Rorschach Diaries
In the book the character Rorshach has a distinct way of writing and speaking. He often writes analytically about the situations he’s in. He uses brief sentences and makes note of his thoughts at the time. He describes other characters in this way and tends to convey his more politically right wing beliefs using phrases like ‘Pampered and decadent, betraying even his own shallow, liberal affectations’ and ‘Possibly homosexual.’
His most well known diary entries are his monologue, his most known one being "This city is afraid of me…I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll look down and whisper “No.” Which has spawned many different parodies of the monologue.

‘Hurm’ is a quote that is often used by Rorshach throughout the book. It usually used when he is pondering about something.

Dr. Manhattan’s Penis
Dr. Manhattan’s Penis refers to the controversy and jokes around Dr. Manhattan’s visible genitalia in the book as the character often walks around naked.

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External References
[1]Reddit – /r/Watchmen
[2] – Search results for watchmen
[3]Tumblr – Search results for watchmen
[4]DeviantART – Search results for watchmen