“Ahorita No, Joven” (translated as Not now, young man or Not now, boy) is an image macro series that features dogs in comical poses, including gestures, or making human activities, in similar vein to Lucho’s macros. It’s commonly used as response to publications, in order to express indifference, or to despise it, in a similar way to GTFO or Stop Posting.
Ahorita no, joven is a common expression in the Spanish language, therefore at the beginning it was not strictly linked to an image of a dog. It was until later when they merged and started spreading. The origin of the meme is considered to be a video posted on YouTube on April 24th, 2014 by the user yu k, in its original language Japanese. In the video a man goes to a cigar shop and is attended at first by a shiba inu dog, later know to be called Shiba-Chan, which opens the shop window as soon as the man arrives.On August 11th, 2014 YouTube user kanadajin3 posted a video about the same dog in English.
After that video, some images of Shiba-Chan at the store window with the caption “Ahorita no joven” were posted on Spanish speaking sites and started spreading. It is still unknown the exact date of the first meme, but according to Google Trends, the first searches of the phrase started on October, 2014.
Soon internet users started using other images of dogs accompanied with the phrase, among the examples Yes, This is Dog, Cool Dog, Lawyer Dog, Doge.
However an older video posted on YouTube posted on March 16th, 2011, already used the expression “Ahorita no, joven” and showed a dog dancing, but up to 2015 it only received less than 700 views and only 2 positive votes. It never gained enough relevance.
The meme have been widely used on social networks, especially in Latin America. A big number of related pages were created on Facebook with the most famous having more than 11.000 likes, and a second one with more than 10.000 likes, both of them created around the beginning of 2015; as well as accounts on twitter. The hashtag #AhoritanoJoven reached a total of 315 tweets since May 24th, 2015. The image is often seen as comment responses and has had an increasing search frequency on Google, having so far it’s highest peak on May 24th, 2015. Forum pages as well includes several posts, and blog pages telling about the origin and meaning of the meme.
Ahorita no joven… faltan 8 minutos para el final.
— FOX Deportes (@FOXDeportes) junio 1, 2015
A trend in reddit shows a dog standing on its back legs at the door of a small metallic hut, with a comment saying “No joven, ahorita no”. This is image is used as well for the meme.
Among the oldest related posts that could be found, there is one on an ask.fm profile, posted on October 27th, 2014. A generator has an image about *Ahorita no, Joven" but with TV presenter Laura Bozzo, posted on October 16th, 2014. Another example comes from a pets blog shows an small article posted on October 9th, 2014 about the meme.
Various Examples