YourMovieSucks (real name Adam Johnston), typically abbreviated as YMS, is a YouTube based movie reviewer and Let’s Player known for his reviews of both “high brow” movies as well as low budget films. He also has a website where he posts all of his reviews, including several which do not appear on his YouTube channel.[1]
On June 20, 2006, The YouTube channel, DarkOceanFilms[2] was created, which Adam was a member of, appearing in the first video which was uploaded the same day (shown below).
Later in 2010, Adam created the YourMovieSucks website, with the YouTube channel YourMovieSucksDOTorg following soon after on June 1, 2010.[3] The first video was uploaded the following day (shown below).
Online Presence
YMS is frequently discussed on 4chan’s /tv/ board,[4][5] with the first thread discussing him being created on April 21, 2012.[6] On Reddit the official subreddit has over 8,000 readers.[7] The official Facebook page has over 10,000 views.[8] On TumblrYMS is tagged under the YourMovieSucks tag.[9] As of May 2015 the most viewed video on the YMS channel is his Amazing Spider-Man 2 review uploaded on May 3, 2014 (shown below). As of May 2015, the video has nearly 1 million views.
On February 28, 2015, YMS uploaded the first part of his review of the anti-bullying film Cool Cat Saves the Kids (shown below left), with the second part being uploaded on March 28, 2015 (shown below right). The popularity of the review influenced director Derek Savage to re-edit his film in order to correct several of the flaws featured in the review. Those who purchased the film after seeing the review noticed these changes and commented on it on the YMS subreddit.[10] Adam later talked to Savage, whom later released both versions for purchase under the titles of “Original Cut” and “Director’s Cut”.[11] As of May 2015, the only site where one has the choice between the two versions, as well as the option to but them together, is on the furry sex-toy site Furry Dakimakura[12]
Search Interest
External References
[2]YouTube – DarkOceanFilms
[3]YouTube – YourMovieSucksDOTorg
[4]Archive.moe – Search – Yourmoviesucks
[5]Archive.moe – Search – YMS
[6]Archive.more – So which internet critics do you actually like, /tv/?
[8]Facebook – YourMovieSucks
[9]Tumblr – Posts Tagged YourMovieSucks
[10]Reddit – Did Derek Savage pull a George Lucas on Cool Cat?
[11]Reddit – Cool Cat DVD update