Sonic For Real Justice is a Tumblr Blog featuring Sonic characters and anti-SJW messages. The blog reached over 2,000 followers within the first day after one of the mods was banned, starting a campaign (both ironic and unironic) to bring him back.
Sonic-For-Real-Justice is a Tumblr blog created on May 30th, 2015 by a group of friend’s on Skype, who are anonymous.[5] They each took persona’s of Sonic characters and used them to spread Anti-Social Justice.[1] The blog started gaining a following after Mod Shadow’s introduction, which got over 6,400 reblogs under a day.[7]

The Blog increased its popularity after one of the Mods, Mod Silver, was removed from the blog for closing the ask box. Mod Amy had pointed out that it was against the rules to close the box, so he was later banned. Many users from the Sonic fandom (original currently unknown) responded to this negatively and sarcastically. Most realized quick that the blog wasn’t parody and started making jokes based of the posts made by the blog. Tumblr user mi0da created a post combing Sonic For Real Justice and Down With Cis, “a bunch of people with “down with mod amy” shirts got out of a bus,.” The post received 2,000 notes within just a few hours.[3]
Tumblr user radicalruster was requested multiple times to create parody voicing’s of Mod Shadow, all of them playing some form of rock in the background. His most popular received 2,500 notes in a few hours.[4]
On May 31, 2015, Mod Tails resigned from the blog after receiving harassment from Mod Amy.
Various Examples

Search Interest
Not available
External Links
[2]Tumblr – Search for sonic for real justice
[4]Radicalruster – requested by classiccocacola
[5]The Fight – Sonic’s the name!
[6]/r/OutOfTheLoop – What’s this sonic for social justice blog on tumblr?
[7]The Fight – I’m mod Shadow.