Feminist Mad Max is a single topic blog which posts image macros of screen captures of Max, the male protagonist of the 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road, and pairs them with feminist texts in the style of Feminist Ryan Gosling.
Early reviews of the Mad Max film received praise from feminists and others for plot points and female characters that were well-written and well-rounded. This, in turn, raised the ire of Men’s Rights Activists, who called the film feminist propaganda.[6] Feminist Mad Max is possibly a response to this allegation.
Feminist Mad Max created its first post on Tumblr[1] on May 18th, 2015. As of May 27th, the post had over 13,000 notes.
On May 22nd, 2015, four of the images were taken from the blog and uploaded to the subreddit /r/trollxchromosomes by poster Hotnonsense. The post received 1,088 votes (96% upvoted) as of May 27th, 2015. [5]
The Daily Mail wrote about the Feminist Ryan Gosling Tumblr on May 25th, 2015, and thereafter it was featured on the AV Club, UPROXX, and USA Today. [2][3][4] As of May 27th, the blog’s most popular post continues to be its first post.
Notable Examples

Search Interest
External References
[1]Tumblr – Feminist Mad Max
[2]The AV Club – Mad Max’s “Hey girl” is a more feminist version of that Ryan Gosling meme
[3]UPROXX– There’s Already A ‘Feminist Mad Max’ Meme. Oh, What A Lovely Day.
fn4 USAToday – Hey girl, the ‘Feminist Mad Max’ meme is even better than ‘Feminist Ryan Gosling’
[5]/r/trollxchromosomes- The troll world needs more of these Feminist Mad Max macros.